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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Welcome!
  2. Welcome! Preshape everything and use PVA craft glue, those are my 2 cents worth of advice.
  3. Your model is looking good, don’t get discouraged. The great thing about a wood kit is that pieces are easily replaced, if need be, especially if you can take a pattern off the original.
  4. Thank you both! Yes, the gun carriages will be made of card. I’ll use the exact same method I used for the Victory and the Prince de Neufchatel.
  5. The cap rails are on. The only railing remaining is the taffrail.
  6. While waiting for my bulwarks to dry, I started working on the transom (I promise that painting will happen in the near future). I knocked down the transom about 1/16” to make the gap that can be seen in that painting.
  7. I am working on the cap rails: For anyone who is new and would like to learn to make cap rails, and I used to hate making them, the trick is to flip the model over and trace the bulwarks. After you get the profile from the bulwarks, add a little bit on the outside, so it overhangs just a smidge and make the inside line such that it overhangs just a smidge on the inside. It is very quick and very easy this way. For me, my bulwarks are approximately 1/8” thick. I wanted a 1/16” overhang on both sides so I could trim at will. I traced my bulwarks and added 1/16” to the outside and 3/16” to the inside. Then I cut it out and made it double thickness. When I got ready to glue them down, I used the trial and error method to get my exact contours during the dry fit stage. Once they fit perfectly, I glued them down. I don’t bother trying to edge bend wood to get a cap rail, even on wooden models. I trace it from my bulwarks and cut it to shape. It is much easier and avoids the splitting issues and the resultant profanity that edge bending usually causes for me.
  8. Thank you all for the comments and the likes! I have installed the ribbing on the starboard side. They ended up 1/16” wide, but the 3/8” spacing stayed, for the most part. The port side is done on the forward deck: I measured off the framing for the transom/transom rail. The painting is different from the Hahn plans, but I like the look of the stern better, and since Hahn created his plans of the Hannah based on conjecture... I do believe that I will make my stern look like this.
  9. Welcome! A cutter (which is what the Lady Nelson is) is a good starting point. I have never heard anything bad about Victory Models (although I haven’t built one myself). My recommendation is to search build logs of the Lady Nelson and start your own build log. Ask lots of questions.
  10. By inspection, I am going to call these 3/32” wide, spaced 3/8” apart:
  11. The scuppers are now done: Because I used that hought board which fuzzes, I sealed the inside of the scuppers using a dental pick to apply sealant. In the painting from the US Navy’s History and Heritage Command, there are ribs on the insides of the bulwarks, so I am going to incorporate those prior to attaching the cap rails, which will go on prior to the initial painting.
  12. Thank you all for the likes and for stopping by! The gunports have frames: I’m currently working on making scuppers.
  13. The forward deck is done: Which means the entire deck is now planked: I added a couple trim pieces: Next step is to seal the deck and cut out the scuppers. Then I’ll add the gunport frames and paint the hull.
  14. Thank you both! I just finished the other side and sealed it. Everything will look much better once I get some painting done. I finished planking the aft deck. I planked the entire Prince de Neufchatel, painted it and coppered the hull over a four day weekend, so I was trying to figure out what the difference was, because this is my second weekend since I finished the first layer of “planking”. Then I realized that I did the work on the Prince de Neufchatel literally during a blizzard when I was snowed in, and not in the middle of the summer when I have stuff to do, lol. It’s amazing to consider the effects of the seasons.
  15. Thank you all for the comments and the likes! The second planking is done: The next step is sealing that and planking the deck!
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