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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Shipyard Kits are very nice. You’ll enjoy building them!
  2. I didn’t get it done by last Friday, because I ran into some unforeseen challenges. However, Capt. Eddie is now complete! This has been a fun rebuild! Now, it is time to finish Esther’s ratlines!
  3. Welcome!
  4. I use a block of beeswax that I got at a hardware store on my rigging.
  5. Thank you both very much! The camouflage pattern is painted on and looks pretty close to the original aircraft. The shades of gray are a little off, but the paint on the actual aircraft is pretty faded. The grays are a little darker than in the photos too. Next, I need to add a blue and white tail flash and do all the minor detail painting. Somewhere along the way I need to touch up the canopy and gloss coat the glass. I need to gloss coat the base too. I have photos of the actual plane to make markings from. I’ll import trimmed down pictures into Word and resize them. Then, I’ll print the markings in color and clear coat both sides of the paper, much like on a normal card model, and cut them out/glue them on. Hopefully, I’ll have this one done by Friday.
  6. Copper tape works beautifully for copper plating.
  7. The model has been base coated light gray now: I hand painted the canopy. It needs touched up, but that will wait until after the model gets dark gray stripes. First, I need to let the model dry for about an hour.
  8. Aluminum tape is commonly used for ductwork and is available at any hardware store. I think I paid about $5 for my last roll from Lowes. I thought about using it for armor plating on my next ironclad or steel warship, in addition to fixing ductwork in my house.
  9. I learned a LOT about transition era navies and ships while building the Solferino. There was a whole era of naval history that I had no idea even existed. Here is the link to the French Ministry of Defense’s archives: https://web.archive.org/web/20120113075641/http://www.servicehistorique.sga.defense.gouv.fr/02fonds-collections/banquedocuments/planbato/atlas/rec.php It has a very comprehensive listing of the plans for mostly their ships throughout the 19th century. They have many of their transition era ships and ironclads listed there. All drawings are in .tif format and are scans of the originals. They are all free as well. That is where I got the plans for the Magenta (using Solferino’s drawings).
  10. Welcome!
  11. Thank you very much! The model has been primed black: The stand will now get gloss coated and the plane itself will be painted a light grey except for the canopy. The canopy will be gloss coated much like the faceplates of the last round of Terran Marines, from the Starcraft franchise, that I painted. Then I’ll add the darker gray stripes and start on some markings!
  12. Either way, just have fun with it! I never worry about the outcome of a model. The fun for me at least is the crafting and the building. If working on the first one is a lesson in frustration, then build the second one. The Victory in my signature line became a lesson in frustration because my skill level increased exponentially over the build and I am not happy with the start of the model. I have everything ready to go to finish it, I just haven’t done it. I moved on to the other builds in my signature line. Build whichever makes you happy. You can always use the first one for spare parts.
  13. Glen, Looking forward to this build! The transition era ships are some of my favorites. I have AAMM plans and Orel kits of several of them that I haven’t gotten to yet.
  14. I added all the pieces that the old model was missing compared to the actual aircraft. Once the glue cures, I will seal the model and begin painting. I wasn’t going to do a build log for this one, because I’m just taking an old model and essentially bashing it into a different aircraft. But, there are many of you who are far more knowledgeable than I am about these aircraft.
  15. Ken, You are correct about the SAC markings. Upon a second look at my reference photos, that is the unit marking for an ANG tactical fighter wing, not SAC. Good catch!
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