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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. I’m turning an old commercial model of an A-7 into the plane that a friend of mine actually flew back in the 1980’s. The model is old, plastic and had been through a flood. It was in pretty bad shape. The weapons racks are broken and many of the bombs are missing. One of the sidewinders is missing along with its hard point. It didn’t have a stand either. When it is done, this plane will go to my friend’s former employer and be placed in one of their display cases for permanent display. I started working on the model a couple days ago. I cleaned it up and made a flight base for it. I removed the weapons racks. This model has a deadline so making new racks and replacing those missing pieces is contingent on how long the rest takes. I have already made new sidewinder racks that are much more accurate than the old ones. I added a FLIR pod and am currently debating on how to make a tail hook and the pitot tubes. I’ll make all of the antennas out of card. This one will have the gray camouflage scheme with Strategic Air Command markings.
  2. Okay, my apologies. I keep looking at the Amati version of the plans on Ages of Sails. It would make for a fun build.
  3. Kevin, They have them at Cornwall Model Boats too: https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/San-Felipe-Construction-Plans-Set-976.html#SID=137
  4. Working ratlines: The lower foremast ratlines are done and the lower starboard main mast ratlines are done.
  5. I would YouTube miniature painting tutorials. I personally use regular craft paint on my models, utilizing conventional wargaming or DnD miniature painting techniques. All of mine are brush painted.
  6. Javlin, Thank you very much! This model has been a good learning model! All shrouds are done and I have started on ratlines!
  7. Within reason. The Constitution is a much larger vessel, but both are ship rigged, and American, from the same time period. There will just be a lot more rigging involved with the Constitution than the Syren.
  8. I want to take the Seahorse Zeven Provincien and enlarge it to 1/64 scale to match my other models. That one is on my bucket list.
  9. All lower shrouds and stays are tensioned and tied off: I have the upper shrouds prepped for installation: I kept breaking the little dead eyes so I need to make more, but I will wait until I run out so I know how many to make. I have five left and I need eight, but I am sure that I will break more, lol. These are 1/8” (3mm) in diameter.
  10. Welcome! I started building paper ships a few years back after I found Ab Hoving’s tutorial on this forum. I found it while on a business trip and read it several times and realized that it was doable. When I got home I started the Prince de Neufchatel. I’ve completed several since then.
  11. A copier and a cardboard box is your friend for a quick mockup.
  12. Nicely done! I usually use 60-120 grit sandpaper for fairing. If I were going to buy a scroll-saw, I would recommend getting the best one you can afford so that it will last longer and cut more accurately. I have a Delta scroll saw that I’ve never taken out of the box. I keep meaning to use it but I haven’t needed it yet. Personally, I like my coping saw for cutting out parts because it’s easier to control, for me.
  13. Lower shrouds, stays and backstays are all on. Everything is tensioned. I’ll tie everything off tomorrow and start the upper shrouds.
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