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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Very nicely done!
  2. Pre-Dreadnoughts are some of my favorites as well. I have several in my stash from Orel and AAMM that I am looking forward to building sometime in the future. I look forward to your Baltimore build when you decide to build it!
  3. I’ve been sick all week, so I’ve taken the opportunity to relax, and have been doing some low-key model making. All yards, the boom and the gaff are done. The main pieces for the four anchors are also either made or in the process of being layered up. I still need to make the flukes. Part of card modeling is making lots of pieces to get proper thickness. It’s just the nature of the beast. I used the measurements and based my drawings for the anchors off the drawings and tables in Zu Mondfeld’s “Historic Ship Models”. They are actually sized for a 20 gun brig, which I figured would be of equivalent size and weight to this Cat.
  4. The yards and spars are rough carved: I’ll finish them up with sandpaper and then paint them. The gaff will get jaws. The boom will get a hook to attach it to the mizzen mast, and some “iron” banding.
  5. Welcome! And I wholeheartedly second what @CPDDET said about welcome to the Zen of model ship building!
  6. Welcome!
  7. I bought the Shipyard rigging fittings set for the Mercury!
  8. I haven’t had time at home to work on my model for a couple of months now because life has been crazy busy. I have greatly missed working on my model, so back to work! Here are Esther’s spars: They need shaped and painted. The booms and gaffs need jaws. I am going to try and make parrels for this model.
  9. Looking good! Are you going to pin the rudder in place, or just hang it normally?
  10. Welcome!
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