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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. AAMM has a set of plans of La Couronne. https://boutique.aamm.fr/plan-couronne?search=couronne The only flaw is that they are very small scale. I bought a set for myself a couple years ago. They may be a useful resource for you.
  2. Welcome!
  3. Yes, and stealers. I used them on my Revenge and they looked really good. It seems really difficult, but after the first few, it gets easier.
  4. I typically use an overhand knot.
  5. 1/16 inch basswood makes excellent planking material. If you are in the United States, it can be found pretty cheaply in the woodcraft sections of Hobby Lobby or Michael’s, along with most hobby shops. I have seen it at hardware stores such as Menard’s and Lowes too.
  6. I’ll vouch for the Shipyard and Seahorse kits. They are excellent! Also, I recommend checking out Ab Hoving’s most excellent card modeling from scratch tutorial: That tutorial got me started on card ships. I have finished four of them now.
  7. I just got an email flyer from @OcCrediscussing the Great Eastern. Are they making a kit of the Great Eastern? That would be very cool if they did, since the Great Eastern is a popular topic.
  8. And done: I didn’t weigh down the nose because my friend is going to hard mount it to his own base.
  9. I personally use an antique gold (nonmetallic) color for parts that would have been represented as being gold, or gilded.
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