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Everything posted by DCIronfist

  1. Thanks for the advice I have some filler but waiting till I finish the first layer so I can get the symmetry as best I can. It's actually something to plan a bit when soaking the planks for an hour beforehand lol :)
  2. How's the full hazardous materials safety precautions(protecting all exposed skin) working out for your building ? Just want to know how your doing :)
  3. Ok here it is before I removed the modified clothespins And here after I removed everything So it seems to have worked out and no more nails will be used however, I do seem so have asymmetric lines so will wood filling and sanding get both sides to look similar? I think I like the gradual bend( on the left side of the last picture) better so will try to get the other side to match after finishing the first plank layer.
  4. Thanks again all. And while I was successful (I think ) in getting a few planks on today.........y'all sure made it more difficult on me by not using nails..........but I think I got will let you know tomorrow when I see if it dried right. :)
  5. Looking good and I see no flaws . Hmmmm 45 degree I was thinking of making up a PVC capped piece to soak my wood in guess I could put that at a 45 degree angle......of coarse it's an entirely different ship so would have no scientific value lol
  6. Lol Sjors yeah my wife gave me a hard time the angle I took the picture sure makes the space look smaller
  7. Oh good Augie that's the response I was looking for and I sure will keep you posted lol :)
  8. Wow Aldo you really are taking quite well to this scratch building. You have something to be proud of there :)
  9. That is one sweet looking ship. I really like the color scheme. It is looking top notch :)
  10. Ok so I thought I would show my new work area (even though its pretty similar to the old one lol) And I was thinking one wall hunter green (the one I face) and the others a lighter either sea pearl or perhaps sage) Just keeping everyone updated lol not relevant but that does not matter lol :)
  11. Oh my Adriaan I am so sorry you are having the troubles you are but am glad you are making progress in the right direction. Sending you best wishes my friend:):)
  12. Once again I am amazed and happy at the tips I get from this great group. Thank you everyone. And sjors could I not use one of the glued on clothespins as a stand? Lol :)
  13. Wow that planking sure looks great:) :) keep up the good work
  14. I am truly at a loss of words but want my praises to be among the crowd :) . What a wonderful job and thanks for all the advice along the way.
  15. Ok just got caught up on your build and wow is it looking good........I appreciate you rooting for team as I will be for the Packers :)
  16. I am sorry for your loss. I hope you and you family are doing ok in these tough times.
  17. I took a bit of time and drove the nails deeper and I will fill them so no filing off the heads and they will not poke out.....I know I know .........I was given great advice to remove them all but I drove some too deep for that and was afraid of the collateral damage from trying to dig them all out.... Ok on to the advice and guidance I hope to receive........ Ok so I will not use the nails ( much to my wife's delight since no more banging ) so I made up these clamps from clothespins....... And I think I will use them this way... So my question is if I do this will I not end up glueing my clamps to ship at the same time I glue the strakes?? Sorry for getting right back into it....I will try to socialize more now that were almost settled in ........I hope lol...
  18. Ok I am all moved and have a place for ship building so give me a few more months to catch up on everyone's log..........
  19. Just a note for my followers......the ship is currently going to be dry docked for a little while. I am hoping to move in the near future and will be discombobulated for an unknown amount of time. I will post back on here when a station has been setup and the build continues. Thank you everyone for your patients............. :)
  20. Hmmmm remove the nails for sure huh? Well I will give it a try after it dries in a couple days and hope I do not pull them all off lol
  21. That wave you speak of Sjors is the difference from the master strake and the regular one I have not thought ahead enough to know what I will do about that. I really do appreciate all the input and help :) :)
  22. Ok while waiting for my strakes to soak. I doubled my crew..........
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