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Everything posted by CPDDET

  1. Have a large update ready but having some problems. Every time I attempt to upload the site times out. Trying this short message to see if it works.
  2. Won't be ordering the mill until later this month. I've finished the forward skylight and the companionway and will be starting the smoke stack today. Things are moving a bit more slowly than normal as I continue to refine scale, accuracy and technique. My next post will include all three of the above pieces.
  3. Could cherry or mahogany work? Both are easy to work with and readily available.
  4. I always found different woods and their colors attractive on a model. Use it to your advantage, Pat. Looking sweet so far!
  5. It's your model, build what pleases your eye. If that means historically accurate, fine. If not, that's fine as well.
  6. Simply a wonderful work around, Pat. Great job of thinking outside the box.
  7. I believe Overworked724 built a capstan, but not sure. You can message him. Like most of us, he hated the white metal parts that come with the kits.
  8. That's a great way to look at the coppering. And I know exactly what you mean about the hull planking. Black paint covered my errors and filler.
  9. I'm always torn when it comes to covering natural wood with anything other than clear or tinted poly. So much of my Bluenose is painted and there have been times when I wished I'd left it natural. I know the plans call for the paint and it should be painted to be historically accurate. But at the same time I occasionally think this is my model and I can finish it as I please.
  10. We do get attached to our labor of love, don't we? But at times its a love hate relationship for me. LOL
  11. Beautiful work! You have every right to be proud of your efforts.
  12. Looks great, Pat. The idea of using wipe on poly and lightly sanding really added a whole other dimension.
  13. Thanks for the kind comments, mates! Jim, I'll PM you instead of getting off topic on this build log.
  14. Thanks Pat. Judging by your current build you won't have any problems.
  15. Finished up the forward hatch and the fife rail. The forward hatch was built in the same manner as the aft hatch and I used some of the kit’s laser cut parts for the fife rail. I decided to skip over both the deck pumps and the forward boom buffer as the plan, if all works out, is to make myself a present of a Sherline mill next month. The new mill, along with the lathe, should allow me to build the pumps and buffer with greater detail than the white metal pieces that came with the model. So now it’s on to the forward skylight box, companionway and smoke stack. Things are slowing down as I attempt to increase my scratch building. A very Merry Christmas to all! Dave
  16. Much more than passable, a good job of keeping your calm and making a good recovery.
  17. Just wonder if a clear matt finish coat would help cut the sheen. I use a clear matt acrylic spray over my painted parts. Of course I'm using matt finish paint as well. I find the finished look preferable to just the flat paint. Bought mine at Hobby Lobby.
  18. Thanks to all for very informative information. There are several ideas that I will add to my building process. Dave
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