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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Your planking is coming along absolutely gorgeously. You'll soon be starting chapter 3 and then I can follow your example.
  2. Hi, planking the HRU is still ongoing. The port side is almost done, starboard 3/4 done. I've fitted one bulwark bench so I can make up the side to the cap rail. There is an flotation aid to fix to the hull, roughly at the area where the wales would be on a ship. It may be a while before the next update as I'm back working on Winchelsea as well. Many thanks for the likes, all encouragement is greatly appreciated. Cheers
  3. Hi, I started the stern by dry fitting the transom, the whole thing didn't line up🤔🤨and I decided to throw it away and cut a new one. I did not cut any of the windows into the new version. With the mk2 clamped to the stern, I marked where the windows go and cut 1.5mm inside the line it lines up better a bit of tweaking here and there, plus the roundels and arch windows to cut out. I'm happier🙃 thanks for the likes and all. Cheers
  4. Mine too, that and the Peninsular Campaign battlefields. It must be just down the road from you Patrick 😊
  5. welcome to MSW Chris
  6. The port side wale is fitted and painted, although it will need another coat at least. No bollards as yet, all the sets I've made I did not like enough to fit them, there's more in the pipeline. Blackstrakes next, then the much anticipated, with a fair amount of trepidation, Q galleries,😬 I'm hoping I'm worried about nothing, and with my slow, slow work rate, they will come together! Thanks to all for looking in and the likes. Cheers
  7. You'll need a Regiment of dead a nd wounded French, due to the amount of troops they threw at the farm! No doubt you will make them look excellent. 😉
  8. and welcome to MSW. That's a lovely boat you're sailing😉
  9. I'm on tenterhooks with this engine build, it looks totally amazing in your 3D rendition, can't wait to see it printed Fair sailing with the medical/surgeon thing! Hope everything goes well EG
  10. Having recently received some light pear and AYC sheets from here, I agree it's very good wood. Also to repeat @Blue Ensign , it is good to have a supplier in Europe. I will use Hobbymill EU again.
  11. With the bank holiday giving me a three day weekend, I completed the starboard wales and gave them two thin coats of dull black I still have the port side to fit. I have thinned the planks down towards the stem. The blackstrake will cover the brush slips luckily😏 and a touch of filler at the stern. What is the best filler for colour matching AYC? Any suggestions will be welcome . Thanks for looking in and the likes. Thank you Chuck, for the kind and encouraging comment. Cheers
  12. The grass area looks great, unkempt, slightly muddy, and generally trodden down!! The hedge is just about right, a hint of Beechers Brook jump at Aintree after 30 odd horses have jumped it. Fab scenic work!😉
  13. As EG said, in your own time brother! We'll all be here waiting 😉
  14. Thanks for all your comments, in the long run of things, it worked out for the better, as the wood I'm now using to plank is so much better than the stuff I removed after the accident. I've had to also strengthen the bulkhead parts, it all looks a bit messy but as none of it will be seen when finished, I'm not overly bothered by it. Several hours work and I'm nearly back to where I was before the boat threw itself to the floor 😇. Thanks for looking in and the likes. Cheers PS hopefully I will be able to pop in and see the actual boat when I'm in Norfolk in June. I'll definitely get some photos.
  15. I'm being able to find time to get back working on Winnie, so a small update is due, sanding the hull continues, I keep finding areas that need a better finish. I have started to fit the wales, hopefully she will look better and more shipshape when these are finished and painted. With hindsight I wish I'd ordered some of Vahur's lovely black hornbeam for the wales. Thanks for your continued support everyone. Also for the likes. Cheers
  16. As I have just received my order from Vahur, I'd like to say a big thank you for an old fashioned customer comes first service!!! He has bent over backwards to get this order to me, the quality of the wood is excellent 👌 and he takes the time to keep you updated to the status of your order. As a supplier of most species of wood used in this hobby, he is definitely worth a 5 🌟 rating. In short excellent quality, excellent service and competitive prices. Thankyou!!
  17. That's definitely good news regarding your new venture, I'm glad it's working out well for you, even if it doesn't leave you any time for the shipyard. We'll still be here when working allows you a respite.
  18. The stern post transition is absolutely superb, I totally struggled with that part. As has been mentioned several times, very clean, precise planking! Always a pleasure to read your updates Glenn
  19. Looking forward to see what you do with Endeavour. You've made a good start.
  20. and welcome to MSW.
  21. I've had parts and wood from both the USA and mainland Europe, and the shipping cost was roughly the same when converted to GBP from $ or € approx £24, the only difference was the duty/VAT to be paid on the US package. As I could not get what I wanted here in the UK, I was happy to pay the shipping. Just my tuppence worth (shipped free🙄)
  22. It looks real good OC, I'm now trying to picture the pasture at the side filled with troops!😊
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