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Everything posted by cog

  1. She starts to have parts which look like a ship (besides the hull) ... when you've completed her, she'll weigh a ton with those brass plates fitted ... your display reinforced for it? I am thoroughly enjoying your build, eventhough it moves by the whims of the postal service ...
  2. Thanks for your explanations, very enlightning. Didn't know the bit about the halyard
  3. Thanks for all the likes and comments gents. We're still a long way from home, although sometimes I'm blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel, it seems I'm thrown back a few hundred paces ... each time there is something to improve upon. Still have a few vent poles to make. My brass collection has been extended yet again with 0.2, 0.3 solid, and the 0.5 o.d./0.3 i.d. brass, the latter I used for the chimney - just a few more rods before I can setup my internet shop I'm still waiting for a few items, in the mean time I'll have some minor additions to do, like the blankets round the bridge's railing, a few flag lockers, remove the centre forcastle bollards, and replace them by a single slightly larger one further back on the forcastle (lucky I ordered both middle and large size 1/700 brass bollards). Some rather ineffective AA-guns to be made ... couldn't find something worth replacing them with, so I'll stick to the ugly kit parts. Since RGL bought all the paravane winches from BNA I just shall have to wait until they become available - he might beat me to it again I wager ... - so I can get them to replace the odd parts in the kit. I saw on a drawing paravanes were mounted against the rear sides of the rear gun platform, which gives more space on the poop. On Greg's drawing ther are two steam winches I'll endeavour to make. The cable of which should be attached to a paravane and would pass right through one of the paravanes stored there ... illogical place to stow a paravane, hence the change of mind. Couldn't find the storage of the depth charges though ... So how is our third partner in crime moving along. Getting tired of flattening out those sprue attachment pointss yet? Or have you glued a part of another of your builds on top of the hull I still am amazed how you can keep them separate, or saparated for that matter ...
  4. Tweakin' Pie ... so far your tweaking has resulted in some great improvements ... I wonder if you will be able to improve on yerself yet again .... a very interesting build it has become ...
  5. Bollards came in this week - from downunder, faster than from Poland(!). Made some plastic parts in brass (for those with the building sheets nr C19) some pole with a blob on top (probably a vent of some sort), and made a brass copy of the galey chimney (5mm o.d., 3mm i.d.)
  6. What's there to criticise ... extraordinairilly good ... lovely detail ...
  7. Weer heel wat werk verzet aan de logger. De goot voor afvoer van buiswater is helemaal klaar en hierna ben ik alle staanders gaan inmeten en maken voor tegen de verschansing. Deze blijven nog losneembaar zodat ik ze straks los van de romp kan spuiten . Hierna ben ik begonnen aan de lastige klus van het potdeksel, maar dat ging gelukkig wel heel goed. Translation: Quite a lot of work done. The scuppers are finished, and after that I started measuring the braces for the bulwarks. These will remain removable for the time being, so I can spray them seperately from, the hull. After that I started on the "potdeksel" (don't know what it means in Dutch, let alone in English ... it is some kind of lid ...) which went well. Ook een nieuwe lijmmethode gebruikt waar ik erg tevreden mee ben Used a new glue method, which rather satisfied me
  8. Johnny This is the page for drawings, although an English flag is shown, translation is missing, so don't bother to click it, for it will send you to another page. Cheers
  9. It's good she keeps a tight rein on the purse ... but you got contaminated with the virus ... Nicely done OC. I'm not into the real modern ships ... to squarish, and sharp angled. Not much PE on that one ... is there now?
  10. OC, if that's a V&W class, it's the newer type, longer focsle, different guns, mast deviates, quite a few things changed. Thanks anyway, always interesting ... If I wake up it's probably from Sam's crunching, or his clumsiness holding a box ... I definitely won't glue an old maid or a spinster to my ship!!! To much distraction for the crew! Can nee have that ... I like some decorations so I'll go for the one with the outline You are willing to go a day without shaving unheard of mate ... mini parts ... wait till you make the same model in 1/700 ...if you need to give your eyes some rest, you can always pull that bag over your head but take care you can still breathe! Dennis, I'll stick to the pre WWII version, no camouflage.
  11. Pictures, drawings and some text for the needy of this build. All references are from V & W class Destroyers by A. Preston (MacDonald, London 1971 - Out Of Print) Anything else Mr Lester ...? I think the weapons chapter is particularly interesting
  12. For those whom want to help, please, take a look at the ship Sandor Laza refers to in his initial post. It is a.o. impossible to tie the muzzle to the bulwarks like in Nils' example. The only thing I can think of is side ways to the bulwarks, or tied down to the deck ...
  13. Steven, When you look at the bas-relief, you can see you have taken the right approach. Since the full knowledge on perspective was something ungrasped yet at that time, painters, and sculptures(?) tried to show what they thought would be a good representation of reality, which means you need to interprete according to their standard/knowledge. I wonder if it is a separate unit, as it will be a very weak spot, to me it looks more like the painter tried to show the difference between that part of the mast - it's functionallity - and the rest of the mast ...although, it may be, it is a separate blob as you see it
  14. Morning gents. Some idiot with a popcorn box woke me up in the middle of the night ... the shading, Greg, what's the ratio you use when thinning the paint. Tamiya I presume ... needle in your airbrush ... 0.15 ... 0.2 ? Even a Thud can be beaten .... but lets try to keep this amicable, I didn't know this was a contest .... oh sorry US vs the world right .... have a ball boys, lets do some building Denis. Any ideas yet on what you want to do with her? I refrain from shading, and weathering, I need something bigger to try that outIf I do it on this one ... it will be an ugly dirty coloured blob I'm afraid. This type was first equiped for laying mines. Rails for the mines were placed from the focsle to the aft gun platform. After WWI they were converted. Some multiple times, depending on the need ... even escort service - wonder if that paid well ??? Have a nice day girls an' boys
  15. I'll get you the pages on armament tomorrow, blast it that's today, I'm off, have to do a test at nine o'clock, need my beauty sleep Cheers
  16. You got yours - surprise - I've got mine ... the book on the RN V & W class destroyers. Now it's your turn to shine Denis. Show us what you've got (not just the box ) From a quick glance I learned: The Scrap Iron Flotilla was a reference to the group of the V & W class as a whole. Got some clearifying pictures, some making things even more obscure, but hey, what's research for ... if not to get completely mixed up. Pictures, not yet. One thing I can attest to: The oerlicons were situated on a platform, mounted between the two funnels, where in this model two paravanes are meant to be ... so, no oerlicons in the regular spot ... did you find another Greg? Further possibilities: a pedestal neer the aft funnel ... the configuration of this build I haven't seen yet, but I'll be going through the pages ... The Vendetta looks like the Thornycroft V class, whilst those equiped with the higher masts like the Shakespear class, however, this concerns the RN, not the RAN versions ... for those can be refitted in an entirely different configuration ... HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!
  17. You need another way, since the sort of ship is not one conforming to the regular 5th, 4th, or 3rd rates which are mianly build here ... I've lookid into it, but haven't found an answer yet
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