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Everything posted by cog

  1. That's why most use silver solder and a mini torch, Scott. It heats quicker, but is hotter, and it flows nice in between the parts. However, PE will easily burn in front of your eyes, literally, so usually CA thin or thick (even gel form) is used in stead of soldering. You are a brave man to solder, not one of the faint of hearts.
  2. Well, I do not see it as a shortcut, more like a possible alternative. In the end it is you who decides what to use and how. I'll just sit back, relax, and watch you do your thingy
  3. Kees de Mol filled the space between the frames with pur foam it's a lot easier than balsa, just as light, and you can shape it with a knife and sandpaper ... just a thought laddy
  4. "When it all comes together I’ll start a new log" ... you mean when you're back fom walkabout ...
  5. A ghost ship she be ... everything looks so realistic you'd expect someone to come around the corner to pickup work where he left off ... a ship at lunch break Very well done. Cold war ... must be an ice breaker ... looking foward to your next masterpiece
  6. Walnut is a b*tch to bend, even wet. You have to bend it further than the required bend to have it come close to the curvature you want. I had the same problem on the Dolphyn
  7. Lucky you ... ET phone home ... That's some nice PE. You've got Blue Tack or something like it so you won't blow away your parts when you pull the trigger ... ?
  8. magnificent RGL. when I grow up I like to reach your level of competence ... Now I'll just stick to muddling along
  9. Clay will dry out ... you could use Blue Tack (use it to hold small parts when I need to airbrush them) a kind of putty
  10. Piet thanks for the good word. I decided to copy your big master piece's colour settings. Jan, I hope my presentation will meet your expectations
  11. Well, I have decided and ordered ... based on my idea for the Musashi. I will use a perspex tube on a wooden board, the sub mounted on clear perspex rods (2mm circumference). Ordered it Yesterday, hope to get it today ... we'll see how it works out. I have three tries before I need to re-order a tube ...
  12. Scott, I use a hand chissel, a small straight one like this: It gives me far more control than an exacto like knife, and doesn't flex
  13. Bit of a setback ... can't you make the sides of your carriages thinner, (sorry) the front block wider (a new one) then you only have to make that part. If you keep the carriages. Or make new fronts and sand down the thicker sides ...
  14. Jan, I know. This however, is not the O16 which ran on a mine and sank, and later on got desecrated for it's metal ... I have merely built a resin kit, the manufacturer called the O16, he could have used any number of the O-type sub class, even ea non-existing one. If some want to make a joke on how I can display the model, I'm fine with that. I have always called navy submarines cigars, since they look like it, and I'm not going to change that, no offense meant!
  15. A hot dog bun ... considering the size it would sooner be a baguette, but do they sell them transparent ...!!!
  16. Thank you Jason, nice of you to pop in !! Maybe we should have a topic: Quickies ... for the fast builds P.s. Fortunately I'm not really fond of pickles with ketchup, so I'll refrain from a bite ...
  17. They should have checked what they sent off to you. That would have avoided your problem, the set might have been partly taken by a shop visitor ... not very kind, but shoplifting still happens, untill nothing can be obtained but for through the internet
  18. Thanks for the good word John. I wanted something more colourful than the war paint (all grey), so I went for the pre war picasso look
  19. Thanks Robin. A wee bit to small, this particular cigar has H 50cm/2", L 25cm/10" W 1.25cm/ 1/2", but an idea is spinning. I need to buy some materials ...
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