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Everything posted by Wahka_est

  1. Hi all, I have following kits waiting for new owner, dont have time to build them in next years. Model Shipways Confederacy - 420 EUR Model Shipways Constitution - 360 EUR Model Shipways Essex - 300 EUR Does not include shipping. Are located in EU. Kits are new. Opened just to check the contents. PM for more info.
  2. As i havent really uploaded any progress then heres some. This i how i made gratings: 1) put pieces together 2) mix white pva with water and apply with brush 3) mark size and cut with saw 4) Proxxon mini vise for 1st sanding 5) sandning on flat surface for sides and on top 6) glue frame
  3. Not sure where to share my visit to Estonian maritime musem so i do it here. we have submarine Lembit thats fully accessable for everyone-yes you can go inside also.
  4. Thank you Keith and all others for your support. i have decided not to redo ot as i not sure about my abilities. Wuality of my builds isnt so hreat that im confident about redoing this for now. 3 build that i have ongoing i concider learning processes. I will push Jotika to give me carronades, they offered 40% discount on them but dosent seem fair to pay 60eur extra for their mistake.
  5. I have contacted Jotika and requested carronades for my kit as i want it to be correct. Have spent many hours on building it so far and will spend many more so I want it to be correct. Lets see how they respond. Until that time i continiue with the build.
  6. Thank you for ideas-really needed it! I will contact CC tomorrow. As i have really bad experience with the kit on terms of quality, depending on their answer it might be the last kit i do from CC(not that i have done any finished yet ). But yes frustriation is big for a newbie. luckily its most done with aliphatic resign, some poimts with ca.
  7. Hi all Domt even know how to express my feelings other than truly dissapointed about major fault from CC. I just noticed after finishing with 2nd plankkng that precut gunports are wrong size than plans. They are much higher-see the picture. As ik newbie it never came to mu mind it should be different. Only fix in my head would be to strip of those planks an install new ones but im sure i cant have good wuality. As i leave in allmost all natural the look would be terrible. I would like to get some good advice please what to do!!! edit: i now came to conclusion that those are HMS Snake bulkwarks they have provided me with. Sry to say but really mad at them-truly unlucky with kit, first replace all wood and now this. Also i know other stuff that coming from Thunders blog. I dont have other Snake parts to build it as Snake also i dont have the drawings. How incorrect would it to leave them as they are?
  8. My 5mm were plastic but 4mm were wood. A lot of block were missing holes also.
  9. Hi, Welcome to the Terror club! I replaced deadeyes with Jotika wooden ones - happy with the outcome. Lifeboat Keith replaced with Master Korabel one. Keith, me and some others also replaced chainplates. Ropes around the masts i replaced with black tread. Theres probably more stuff i cant now remember. Theres a lot of into on Keiths, mine and Obviousnewbie builds. Also mistakes that we made etc. Vahur
  10. Small update. 2nd planking done. Photos show a huhe ca but in reality its not so bad. Also it will be sanded off. General happy with planking but had to use few fillers. Hope to do better job next time. Sanding will be done with delta sander and by hand. Hopefully this weekend as Admiral would prefer it to be done outside. Deck planking done. Probably will leave it natural and cover with Admiralty matt varnish. Im afraid to use Osmo exptic wood oil wax as it might not be perfect outcome. On test piece it brushed pen on planks. Started planking inside of bulkwarks. Gunports will be cut out later. Tested it before with Dremel. Ordered special smallest Dremel i could find for precise work. Plan is to use Proxxon pensander for thight spots-lets see if its worth the investment. Stern needs some corrections as planks there dont fit against hull planks. Will remove 3 and install new ones(keel isnt glued at stern). Ordered some new tools also: - Small Dremel as mentioned - Dremel workbench to do better job with drilling. Handdrilling outcome isnt good at all.
  11. It is a nice kit but very expensive. I would say too expensive...
  12. Hi Has progressed a bit but havent updated the blog. Mostly been working on Hms Cruiser hull. Also moved to new place and that has taken some time. As my son now decided to go to bed 2 hoirs later as usual i dont have many build hours left in a day But yes its slow as jumping between kits and life. How are you?
  13. Nice work. check my blog on this. I used solution that was in Ship modelling simplified i think. maybe thats the way you want to go. Oldtimers suggest to put nail to yard and drill a hole in mast to keep it at right place. I did it with CA without nail.
  14. Really nice! Hope to get mine to that phase also one day.
  15. 2nd planking done and sanded. Plan is to maybe use Osmo oil wax. Special product for exotic woods that would give constant “wet” look. Will make some samples first. Im after the sharpness and contrast that MK kits have due to laser cut pieces
  16. Just wanted to get some heada up about oils. I know and understand and all of that about making samples-more than dozen times said. Simole question was just about so called Danish oil but ok let it be this time. Osmo exotic wood oil poly or whatever test will be done at some point.
  17. I would like to achive that sharpnes look as i have on MK Polotsk kit. There is laser cut deck. So my wuestion again not taking into account how other prefer to do it is: is so called Danish oil or Osmo oil wax suitable to get that look? Osmo says its meant for exotic wood to make it look so called wet. And yes i will make sample offcourse. Just thought i might get some advice before buying it.
  18. Sry as i dont understand what shellac etc all are as my native language isnt english. Also i have allmost zero experience with wood coatings. My daily life if glass facades so no wood. Here is my deck. Did little sample in the middle with Admiralty matt varnish.
  19. Jaager i understand that you are against what i want to achive-thats ok. Is there anyone who can answer my questions etc and how to reach that sharpness?
  20. Is anyone used this: Wood Wax Finish Clear Extra Thin. https://osmo-store.com/product/wood-wax-finish-clear-extra-thin/ It should be designed specially for exotic woods.
  21. Hi Few newbie questions: 1) do you varnish wood after treating with oil? 2) why is danish oil the best? Does it just brightens up the wood? 3) after sanding the deck it lost its sharpness and contrast. How to being it back. After wet wipe it looks amazing but will dry out. 4) In Estonia we dont have specific danish oil, what would be other name for product?
  22. Havent posted anything for a while. Just moved to new apartment so hands have been full. 2nd planking allmost done-some fillers missing. Like the walnut look. Sanding will clear out the errors that are cause by novoce techniques. Hoped this to be super planking but i guess now yet. That is 2nd real planking after Terror. I dont count Polotsk as those was precut. Deck planking done. Used limewood that was given as replacement wood from Dockyard Models by Jotika. Happy with lime when quality is good but to be honest provided Caldercraft replacement lime isnt so good. Sanding still to come. Didnt cut opening in deck, instead i will paint them black. Color scheme will probably be same as Thunders. All natural beaides some parts will be black. As i dont like sanding so much i got muself Proxxon pen sander. Lets see how that works on deck as near the rail its hard to sand.
  23. Hi Few Model Shipways kits still available. Pm for prices. Also accept trade offers for Victory (Amati) and Vanguard (Chris Watton) models. Confederacy Constitution Niagara Essex
  24. Welcome to Terror club. We have some really good builds ongoing here. Let us know if you need any help!
  25. Nice paintwork! Whose paints dod uou use? Did you dilutate those? Asking cause wood texture is coming trough really nice.
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