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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. vice versa . Not meeting you here Id probably never heard of glory of the seas. you know that story from the start :))
  2. Huh Rob you work fast. Id prefer my book as it is old american library item with a stamps on it and has nice smell i got it second hand if you get what i mean. But no worries lets see how quick are those models cuts. Maybe next week , but again with covid airlines i expect 1 month voyage to u.s. so i dont know l. It is ok for me either way. Just let me know you wish 1/96 and Richard as well right? So i can let the guy know...thx
  3. Rob thanks for nice words its everyones bit i would be able to get it together without you and Richard. i like that flat fat bottom of her the most, but probably sleek and very clippery stern as well and now also bow with nice curvature. regarding cuts - i will send it both to your adress Rob, as it sould be say cheaper than sending 2 packages one by one. i think youd and Richard woudl Agree. so you can resend it in states far easier after they arrived. it would be easier with payments dfor me as well or whatever you wish...we can asrrange that in PMs. V.
  4. what a reaction im still perplexed myself sitting in room and staring at skeleton as kids for getting christmass. i dont remember last time i was so thrilled myself ... nothing tocompensate just price for making those and delivery thatsit. im sure you will help me to get book signed by Michael Mjelde if i send you that one too for signing. thats the favour id ask for return maybe
  5. Guys its fascinating you can spot all the perspective deformation bow ans stern are smaller than in reality etc... photographed with mobile phone wide angle from very near. anyway, we can already engloy very subtle rise of stern and graciously rise of her body towards bow Anyway I wish to express a thank to Michael Mjelde for designing the shape and bulkheads in first place, we only changed few parameters but It wont be posssible without him. it is his design in 90 percent of course. waterline?
  6. Now folks. Package got in. Shivers down my spine, ... Here it goes. To sum up. Bulkheafs fits in just about perfectly they are snug to the point they dojt woble but they can be takeout withput extensive force. Look at the bulkhead no3 just after 3 closer bow bulkheads i modified Michaels curve just a little in favour of little less agressivness i need to run soke strip along to see the effect. . Center section is without any flaw. Rear section, there needs to be 1 bulkhead little lifted to follow beauty of sheer byt nothing painful just by eye. Anf forward section centerline is tad a bit higher than bulkheads floor as i didnt coreected that one in computer. Can be easily sanded off its small passage. i run strip of wood as sheer rearwise you can see drop and place for waterway underneath from 13 bulkhead forward...so pretty happy overall.
  7. Rob, it will be a pretty small small package almost letter in 1:96. im sure Guy will be happy to cut one more. I ll inform you ij advence how much it will be total and if ok After it arrived to you you can put me money on paypal. No problem whatsoever. I think its not worth to have it cut manually when it is already laser pre made . ..
  8. would be my pleasure to send you those...just send me your email by private message pls. i will check bulkheads when they arrived before :)) to check so they fit correctly and then i will send you those by email. i dont want to blame myself in advance :)))) is @Druxey interested as well?
  9. i think its amazing what you achieved Rob . looking at my cutty hull at home its not easy thing to modify one. quite exceptional. back that time i didnt know modeling exists V.
  10. yes I did Richard. Im still quite a bit nervous though how will those little tweaked bulkeads play together ....ok lets be confident for now , after all we worked quite hard altogether...
  11. I could get those cut for you Rob, and send it afterwards but im affraid It is probably fool idea as I assume custom and post would cost more that cutting / as cutting would cost approx 20 bucks.
  12. Rob Richard just a quick update I got message that my bulkheads have been cut and already shipped so on the way to me. I am more than happy that i was able to communicate and accomodate with them last important bow adjustment though. now fingers crossed
  13. exactly as you say, they have dramatic efect lets say just stem shape being such profound line where entire planking rise from etc...yes ouer one it is.
  14. Iwoudl say we are there Richard. I leveled photo and saised 90 degrees line along the columns and windows to make sure i have wasterlevel straight or better that workers erected buildings vertically and than I re /placed our bow to the 1907 glory. looks there....there is missing wood on spray rail so we have that angle there to the right..otherwise it matches ....I dont see where are we heading but I am almost scared to get better result that what we got here
  15. This is such important thing to have cler idea of color perspective. it is always danger to step too far and from beautiful model one can end up in "circus". everything speaks of possibility - windows frames shouts - color me...so i stand out...etc....In the color thrill I did paint captain cabin light blue but it became so prominent that now i am thankful half of it woudnt be seen and covered by planks ...from most desirable room that i thought how to leave it open i now think how the most of it to cover so i can hide it....it is important to establish firm color eprpective and strategy and at least try subtly before final decision. its good to have entire plan at least and stick to it or change slowly. i like experimenting and there is the danger... I told myself from the start that I will follow Greenwich protoype Chuck is showing from time to time being toned very warm light honey. that model which is POF half naked. from the outside everything allright. Chucks color perception is high and right here. Beautiful light yellow body and deck provides place to color some details to be highlighted not sticking more and more colors or or 4 th color that would break apart the harmony of the whole. So now to even the mistake i am firmly set on not coloring beams red even on sides at all leaving it same as hull - as on my prototype, and thankfully front side of cabin cabinetry that sill go will be also subtle as hull or deck. so only capitain cabin sill stay different. columns will be white not red as on prototype and that will make nice contract on pear wood deck and black rails. i will leave capstans wither natural or red. but its true less is more. apology to speak of this on Chucks prototype but Chuck will agree coloring is so important part it can ruin all efort of otherwise pretty model. ...or enhance...
  16. astonishing. just part of fun accidentally i lifted red line properly and neared it ....voila... i was stunned. it pretty much follows it precisely. so we can say its fish line ....i would never say that with so little tweak and closer look...I think this is groundbreaking .a milestone. he may have designed bow off fish
  17. or almost exact following red line from cutwater up to the hood...... but i believe previous change is truer observig that photo. cutwater to hawsehole line is gentler and just slightly curved towards end like at first pic....this seciond is curvy in all profile that is already off....id say still..change is quite dramatic to previous i must agree with Rich very rough uncohesive curve and unpleasant line..
  18. how about now ? blue main line definig it changed quite grossly in respect of red line....awkwardness removed
  19. Richard, it was excellent idea of you to make comparison to this photo ! as I was a bit hesitant to jump on twisting fish curvature adapting it to glory, even measurements might give same ratio...on my draw is does not look doable at all because i would not keep 250 to 265 at all with it...so i conclude two things...either entire proportions and drawing is plain wrong - which it isnt, being based and cemented on given measured - as these fish angling of bow are so severe - it would look either stern would look Weirdly odd sort or long....or stem will be angled to 70 percent which would be simply wrong. ...... I know you lean from beginning towards more and more aggressive bow, but in a good sense i mean it positively, I am suggesting one assumption as we speak from the begginig. what if it is McKays and eye deception that drives us towards that aggressive curvature and McKay even most cleverly composed and adapted Fish curvature to the glory the way that everybody can see that aggressive curvy bow but he made it as overall feel and look will be fish bow and stem itself is definitely quite erect.,.....I am about to demonstrate this by pictures... and lines..... observing McKays bows, ornamental hood leading into figurehead is somewhat different and bigger that he used to make..... I tried to attach FIsh curvature following stem curvature along from the bobstay chain fastening at stem, and look what shockingly (for me ) happened....overall profile of fish bow curvature elegantly continued up to the tip of navalhood ending at the head of figurehead making exactly one thing. ....Imagine glory existed. ........ if you seen it far away or under spells of sunglight you would see bow shape of flying fish even if it wasnt it....same as we see on the BW picture you posted her....This is merely speculation, but what if he so cleverly deceived everyone such master way that he amde it intentional and made it this way -took fish curvature first as the line and from there he followed back or rear-wise from that point back he drew hood and undergoing and finally made line of stem which is entirely different....??? can be pure fantasy but it has sense in it hasnt it ? now the pictures, please follow red line which is FISH bow, i diminished it a little as it was smaller ship but nevertheless curvature above waterlevel stays true... than I tried to fool your eyes same way as photography - or McKay if he made it intentionally.....i hid red line and substituted it by green keeping original line of FIDH with outer body of Glory in the picture / if you didnt know that it is same profile as flying fish you woulddnt know / but for that matter you always seen agressive fish bow in glory I guess because it is there ... but I assume not in stem design which is oppposite - different, but in overall shape including hoods so based on various line comparison I dared making such speculative proposition based on observation of photos , not backed by McKay previous designs etc... what do you think about this thinking guys ? could it be possible ? than I modified shape of curvature of stem from waterlevel up to the first ornamental block...to copy fish curvature ...
  20. Rich, this is that exact line of flying fish bow from #510 compared to glory... looks like this...its s shape is pronounced on both sides ...
  21. Rob, yes that one line of the stern went out broken for me as well. i dont know why it dissapeared though i have difficulty to restore it . but i needed break from computer so i dont intend to return to it for some time. i spent way too many evenings with her neglecting other life things so i have to make it up now. Rob at the end it does not matter how it is cut. it does not make any real difference. i did cut 2 models previously myself 1:24 cutty sark was giant project to saw i did it by hands. enjoyed it. sou will have it probably sooner than I as you add those in one piece planks so Im excited for that as well. yes I intend to follow completely model shipways building design which will be enormous help as I have entire 6 sheets fish plan at home . well only method. V.
  22. Folks, fyi im having bulkheads of actual state of effort cut in 1:72 scale. I still consider it merely as test but if it turn out fine i will probably continue planking so i can see the outcome of effort. I think it can be valuable to have finally 3D version of where are we now finally seen even in bulkhead and sheer plone state for visual perspective imaginary but specially when it is planked to make solid 3D shape. I cant wait having those arrived to see how drawing turns up. and i would post the pics of course. if all goes well i wont start before autumn though as i dont model thru summer. then i Intend seamlessly continue with program drawing deckhouses and deck stuff and so i can have those pieces laser cut as well. i intend to build her with best materials available to my liking and ability, boxwood included dfor molding and deckhousesand decorations...so here goes my preliminary plan. with meticulous approach as aou folks set as standard here it seems to me it will cover more than three years for me to get her rigged. ouch. V.
  23. Few little updates on winnie. My first proper grating. A lot to be desired but learning the craft.i put more glue than should so i had to remove it afterward. Point is to sand stick just so they fit snuggly. I hope next 3 remaining will be better. I was so happy after sanding.one square fell of I have to insert some square. ...i really like those small masts platforms. Few sanding and from simple piece of wood there is nice joinery. And yes great cabin there is....all in her carulean ...well ...sort of. Point is. I prefer Chucks natural color of wood ...reason of painting. ? Simply to mask some bad sanding of transome. So there is nothing to be proud of . But. Even learing to paint is part of craft. and finally... I must say the chaptwr 4 is pretty difficult but so interesting. learning to work with small instruments and not to spit glue over as after cannot be painted.. Planking will wait few months and then chapter 5 and leisurily enjoying Chucks progress for autumn shopping.
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