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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. there is an update on sternpost part. here is how it turned out with whitish windows... i guess i little drowned side windows so i could have posture upper molding a bit higher, but it could have been far worse anyway ..so long part 3 for me. as i dont have figures im done I painted black scarf around boat glossy, as greenwich protoype better or worse for you ? first pic is carulean still not quite dry. but its easy on eyes i guess enough. i had to repaint darker one. no matter how long i tried my very best on sternpost. i cant better picked very simple column pattern , sorry for that . didnt i promise in november i m goona catch up with you folks...?. now long break ...but i will enjoy your progress... thank you all.
  2. Hey Mark, how are you doing? all good in new year and safe these times. been scrolling thru past pages lately, if you want you can check my recent udergoing in group project winchelsea , i jumped that wagon for the moment building from rest what left from cutty with ordered stuff from Chuck. all good Cheers, Vlad
  3. Ok, she is half dressed now. I left stern for the last part. little messed up those frezies at the bow though...and some moldings are little wobbly, but anyway...here it goes...thanks for any comment criticism...etc...
  4. Ron you are an angel but I hold my breath as I dont think much of my skill or my winnie there is plenty of mistakes but anyway. we are picky about it. i feel still pain for few mistakes i could avoid but at the end i tell myseldf im proud i planked properly despite of mistakes... ;( but i grow on her as at this moments it would be about thousands upon thousands time i took her in hands ! and we all know it means a lot for us. oh by the way hat happened recently. i tried to polish and polish planking at the stern forgetting its already so thin - guess what happened? yea i sanded off small hole ! into planking hru 2 planks. just near molding covering imperfections.... . you can imagine pain i was going thru :(((( no magic here Ron - . i used standard artesania latina scrapers...i got new one...tthose are little off beams measurments so i just sanded off from them to make scrapers smaller.... i already started working on stern part and formed different columns so you will see hopefully soon. thanks. v.
  5. weee... you are there Matt, lovely work on rails and freezies. i do enjoy. those are b*tches for me those frezies, i go slowly thru them. Soon your lady will be dressed up :)) thise columns are ahead of me now...ow . vlad
  6. Hello winnies masters, how are your Winnies doing?..cant wait to show off the roof rail of my princess, she is being dressed to point she could go dancing soon dont be too harsh on me please hope you enjoy it. what a miniature, i firstly thought Chuck designed it himself as some kind of revenge to torture us v.
  7. lovely work Bruma, I have one revell in the storage shed somewhere , contemplating i could jump on her for the rigging and masting sake. looks great. V.
  8. wow i never seen starboard side view....its far from non erotic postures other greek figures are shown.... One of few most beautiful figureheads in my opinion. (not olny by fact of late figureheads era, but from various aspects. its shockingly erotic for the acceptance of the era, more so in such religion driven or influence absorbed society that america of that time was - ...whatever... v.
  9. Oh my goodness...where to start few days not following and what a read. @Rob, i enjoyed immensely your photos and description of meeting with Mr.Mjelde. by the way, on the table - Fantastic model on its own. ! wow ! @ Dear Arina, please pass to your father a sincere Thank and admiration for his phenomenal talent and effort with writing the books about Glory. The way that it far beyond just ordinary writing. I spent two lovely summers being drown into the books so immensely it was unputdownable. I rejoice those moments with as happy warm feelings still giving me a pleasure with fighting my longterm healthy problems and psychiatric diagnosis. at this point I wish endless speculations about plus minus verticality of bow ends soon and Some plan materialised I can buy of jump into i just want to start assesssing preparations and material so i can start building the glory by autumn this year hopefully if hlealthy....:) looks like i can turn back to my own observations stating bow agressiveness cannot be that radical but from now on I outstep from these discussions. @ Clipperfan , great stuff about figurehead also some great artistic skills. even im in the middle of different boat but you made me unroll my glory plan today to look at :)) I guess we all enjoyed past postings with enormous joy. ! you are doing great effort Rob. Thanks. stay safe V. .....
  10. Good moring folks. I halted any progressing on chapter 3, and focused on curing the blotches on hull....they stepped away plain ugly. I spent a week on it... I possibly made few mistakes after 220 sanding mostly not sanding hull perfectly with few places leaving glue so varnish didnt apply evenly and not having proper brush and working with clothes from the start I happen to blotch specially bow part....Lime or basswood does not particularly like staining - and I am not fan of any commercial available stain product also not the shades or outcomes it produces. I was quite satisfied but bow is a critical part that I was not able to run off of blotches. And I cannot live with that awfulness on hull. Unfortunately I dont know product that would even out blotches if someone has experiences I would be happy if you can share those...the point of multiplying darker and darker coats will result in just darkening blotches and at the end mess will multiply. So i had to sand off....completely. here is the outcome Im defintiely more happy / . It alsways goes like this. Eye forgives a lot. Than take camera and pic and look. if it looks OK just be sure its not OK and try harder and third time you take pics ....it will be OK. There is no blotch I can see by eyes, but camera can see it. I consider coloring wood one of a hardest part of woodcraft, but i always listen to urge to experiment. according to slogan - best learn mistake = own one. I m sure you would agree that was necessary to correct those. These are pics before and after correction. v.
  11. Thanks a lot Ron, appreciated. Im glad you like the color and curious about it. Its asphaltum, https://thefinishingstore.com/blogs/news/asphaltum-a-forgotten-finishing-gem i know many dont like it as its possibly never dries completely, but I use it extensively for detailing work. It covers all warm excellent shades of wood and its transparent. Glazing with it is pretty much used in woodworking still as much as in painting. I use simple artistic color like https://www.royaltalens.com/en/catalog/rembrandt-oil-colour/oil-colour-paint-asphaltum-414-40ml-tube/ You can pretty much mimic Chucks laser black lines in molding to the point you wont recognize which is which if you scrape it to same size scraper. I always wipe off content with cloth so it leaves nonblotching surface. Boxwood is literally painless...I would not use it on blotchy woods like boxwood but its possible. and take my condolences that you had to replank. hope it pays off. ...
  12. I would humbly inexperiencely think coppering would ruin beauty and philosophy behind it for me. and cover palnking . im with Greg. elegant with simplicity. its same logic applied as going with treenails. posibilities are endless. - fully ? partially with framing ? one side? I would for sure not put scuppers on mine. Im eager to see how top deck would look like apart of cannons. Would there be those crossbeams like on greenwich model we see? only Chuck knows im looking forward to explore it as it goes....
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