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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Thanks Rich I had a feeling it angles back towards bowsprit, i will check on it tmw as my eyes hurt already. I would say slightly though to the straight line, around nameplate it can be seen. there is no curve for sure. thanks for pointing out, ill correct. V.
  2. You can mention our Gratitute to Michael in return. his legacy keeps glory alive and interest of many myself included.
  3. wow Richard, your erudition is astounding, fantastic. Well, sometimes I try to keep up with vocabulary, rest aside, i will sure rely on your knowledge and advice guys, atm im properly redrawing Michaels original plan from the book. Its clon of it. Most in progress but seems i can have something of value by end of weekend. Feel free to comment on it etc... its all welcomed. its only fdraft of lasercut centerline to be...so it will go lower. bulkheads are pretty much done....center bulkhead shows her dashing full line ...oh there is mistake i have to remove forecastle extension from bulkhead no 4 - its only A plus first three. by the way I added so called A bulkhead in front of 1 that touches angle of flower hood in position and concluded its shape to follow 1 bulkhead observing same addition in flying fish plans...
  4. many thanks Rob, With that info in hand lets take a look at what you've drawn. Your proportions are not far off but it appears your naval hood is a bit elongated and the stem beneath it is not thick enough compared to the thickness of the hood. Take a look at the new very clear image we all got of the figurehead/bowsprit of Glory at her conversion. If you can see...her hood is nearly the same thickness of the stem directly behind the figureheads feet. The stem is actually slightly wider...not narrower as you have depicted. i had it wider but tried to fit it a bit to drawing. ill corect it accordingly and post. looking forward as discussions continue.... V.
  5. Im a bit hard on you today little moving on again...do we know shape of the tip is this rounded please ? is it corroborated with photos or described in books? I assume there wont be photo taken from above there was not such cameras at that time....and there isnt any photom of the foredeck in books 1 &2. I hope more light will shed Rob& Richard regarding this.. from my obervation. but Not only tip....entire sheerline of the bow looks to me pretty un extreme clipperish - comparing to extreme sharp arrows of flying fish and cutty sark for example. maybe this shape is well described in books or Mr. Mjelde or you have pretty clear reason for it to be...Thank you all.. V.
  6. Gentlemen, my thought... actually Mr. Mjelde was pretty on the money in all !!! perspective angles of outer object proportion ...vertical lines and horizontal (sprayline) .... lines, which is astonishing achievement. seems only cheeks to be prolonged....and ....tip or whatever it is called curvature to be little more agressive....well i am learning to draw in these vector programs.....I am astounded how just slight outmove from original line can dramatically change the shape... or distort or whatever.... i played with dock photo we drawn final conclusion compared to Mr. Mjeldes book plan. stem and spray angle is my take , so feel free...probably should be straight not tiny bit curved. If butt of the ship is correct according Mr. Mjelde drawings I can have my own reference, so I can build her for myself. one thing to consider. I would love to have 22 bulkheads not 19 as it seems too little to be sufficient.... your knowledge and utmost effort has one effect of me gentlemen...on one side it is necessary to portray her faithfully, but it can have discouraging impact on oneself, thinking, whatever I do it will be critisized. well, probably there should be one plan with authority of all of you folks, ...but its normal. I am looking atm at my plan of flying fish from model shipways and sighing i wish Glory was such meticulously done for crafters. bear in mind I am novice in american clippers, never built any andthis probably plays understandable part in these lines....im not used to those shapes as Rob is or whoever.... so I am hard thinking of building flying fish first before I jump into glory despite core of her is laid out. at the same time it would take probably 2 or more years to complete it and I know myself i would regret not trying glory......these are just mine inner thoughts to be outspoken I know Rob is machine worker but rest of us would approach it differently. I know it is joined effort of many of you to get her together piece by piece and truly much was achieved. probably my impatience play here....I can try after MrMjelde design with the changes and it can be pretty much spot on...but i am just not that self assured not seeing sheer shape from the top atm...i dont know we are there yet just Michaels top side view...I know it will probably never be the plan i long for and many will always rely on your knowledge and advice...it goes without saying... but I would like to have sheerstrake profile set...etc..well these are just thoughts sorry to spam it with length....my pessimism is rather unjustified it should be otherwise... suppose I am soaked in Richard philosophy a bit...perfectionism... i have to brush it off a bit
  7. Thanks Chuck, well strips I had were little thicker so I thinned them and I think it was important otherwise they would be too thick for windows, but they are a bit rougher on surface. but better than thick. I must say all process is way tougher and complex to fit fine than it seems..
  8. Folks, small update from what I could do without parts 4&5, I decided to work gunports. I made such thing first time, it was very enjoyable. what do you say ?I have to finish another half. I tried to make them with apropriate size but im a bit sad that hinges are little wider and therefore more prominent as they should be, but they match perfectly round openings so they open nice tightly. Im thinking to make another side smaller, wel.. also made checkered board ahead getting inspiration from Matthias Beckmann, i like it without painting- its thin baswood. only black is painted. meanwhile one weekend / made of inlayed woods/strips... tiles are little smaller than scale i will see if i keep them. Vlad
  9. Richard thanks i am over the moon to see this detailed close picture. absolute best regarding view of figurehead and details of bowsprit etc. now this is the view everybody speaks about what it must have been like to see it in person . seems you got some 13 treasured apartement unlocked. clapping hands. @Thanks Rob .
  10. Im pleased you liked my effort Rob, Im glad to help with my tiny bit if i can, think you will be pleased to escape from renovation to supervise it here , I already had them to get laser engraved so I will show up when testing samples come out. Im thrilled I cant wait for outcome, if there is any likeable we will see. surprise can be positive or rather bland but i am optimistic. I reworked upper watersplash completely, as I had to move curve of that cheek properly, and prolong it...again, we can see what can perspective do on photos.....its is under i would say about 130 degrees angled and curved in half from bow towards bowsprit so it is pretty deformated...but I made sure entire ornament follows original place pattern...so from my point i am pretty satisfied atm....upper cheek is withould moldings ....i thoughtit would be proper to install moldings next to the cheek as per observing. so slimmer......but lower flowered pattern I left space for molding to be glued up to the place so it looks wider because of that.... well regarding nameplate, that one is pretty straightforward and easy to make two leafs at the corners i guess but I spent whole day trying to find similar to freehand vintage carving fonts resembling original, finally set on this one, not sure the name but well, its called Calson Antique ... it is not perfect though. At least G. but some letters are pretty close I guess, but i am open to disagreement, itreminds a bit of handcarving of that time...If someone could be of help I would be greatly thankfull...thanks everyone here for contribution, Druxey etc...oh by the way there are in 1:72 and 1:96 samples....
  11. Thank you Chris! Background plate was gold leafed? Around carvings? I tohught opposite. As usually like cutty sark. Very interesting. It must have been staggering to see. I would almost faint indeed. i bettered the round startibg points but i will nit touch it anymore as i will ruin it i know myself.
  12. I found it Richard. Great stuff indeed. Photo with ropes is excellent for upper flower but distorted in length so its difficult to outline it for me. Your drawings are pretty excellent, i tried today different approach. That grainy photo with complete ornamentations is excellent yet pretty terrible at the same time for outlines picture not only for high contrast and big big grain, but contrast and light unfortunately shows only enlighten shades of carvings which is clrearly seen at upper thin leafy ornament. But for the lower it is better thankfulluy. That carving is pretty complex and 3d sort. At the scsle i want to build her /1:72/ i wish just for laser engraving the way that outline of flower stands out of background, norhing more. So My aim was to try take out or differentiate flower from the board to kick off grain and clar the lines its engraved to....so i printed it out and blackened background with ink pen by hand and tried to restore flower with white pencil and acrylics and same tome.... In hope that after minimalizing picture back and taking photo rougher edges will go away... Than i pictured photo with gausian blur in gimp...i have problem with upper flower its not that good and thought it will be easier. but for the lower From this preliminary approach im quite satisfied though here is it...V.
  13. wow what a close and detailed pic. thanks. you are doing great great guys.. yes. i see also knee she stands on is stepped not straight line. its complex. Id like to aks a question. i see that ornamentation below figurehead comes damaged to non existent on spome photographs.im not sure ive seen it closeup on existed photos s ofar... i hope you guys can restore it it would be a pity - the complete one from launch photo is too far away though. im playing with vector software atm trying to render those decorations as i have frend who can lasercut it for me... so i will post only if i manage to get something of any interest. have fun researching V.
  14. I rolled out my old 1:65 sketch today. So im about to beat the horse last time for my view. Biggest credit to clipperfan pointing distortion of photography plays biggest role. I compared that middle photograph with "white" anchor - with all assumptions were taken before photo appeared. Guess what? Length of the tip was assumed correctly. But i was stunned how short cheeks were even on Mr. mjelde design from distorted angles of photos until that photo apeared. I tried to draw the lines according photo and briefly clmpared with Clipperfan and Rob sketch- its clear match +- i dont play exactness here....so its definite bow for me as well. Enjoy comarisons. There is mess of the various overlayers but its visoble enough to see it..transparent paper is The photo stransfer... .v.
  15. folks, excellent obsevation . be it me i would grab second photograph as definite reference and forget about all rest just my 00.2 V. we discussed it aplenty again and again. first photo clearly heavily distorted perspective of bow as photographed from rear - second probably the best photo so far. . last photo heavily distorted look again as took close to centerline - aroud 30 to 45 digrees to centerline... for hull shape useless. ...i guess. V
  16. thanks for thorough explanation Marco, its great. i will post mine soon. Vlad
  17. Thanks for reply Bruma, I will try enamel than as I have original. well well, I will open window for her , despite it is only 2 weekends project i think. Looking at your yards I am impressed . l see you ditched plastic ones, are those way too fragile? Can I ask how did you make those rings ? presumably soldering. very nice. V.
  18. Hello Bruma, youre doing magic with yards. amazing. Id like to aks you for an advice. I started to assemble my revell kit, but i am terrible with paints. I have email paint for hull plates. but i can paint only by hand. is it better to dillute it and put on more coats please? i dont want to ruin with thick terrible mess. Thanks a milion Vlad. i see they dont have copper in spray unfortunately.
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