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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Thanks Rob for nice post. is been no doubt godsend to me the fact i was welcomed here and my passions for clippers by your gratious generosity friendship and help . and others. its remark of 21 century technology might and human brain evolution and genetic advantage to cooperate which gives us advantage apart of other living species. my apology for not following my own topic lately as im out of time atm. hopefully soon ill be free...
  2. George, thanks i follow your fish closely so i try to observe specific caveats of model shipways design as we made it upon their design. i use commertially available cutting service. they usually need only draw in pdf. im not sure what laser they have. but ill ask becasue later down the road ill beed to cut miniarures with very thin cut.
  3. Lovely Richard, her decks are capter itself especially roof overhangs ...bit that will be dream of mine somewhere around next year. i think i will want to have stanchions laser cut and file rounded after. and draw them exact as original prior to that. V.
  4. you are a Craftsman Rob, delicate stanchions at such scale , I watch with pleasure. youre giving us great ideas what to make in advance.
  5. I didnt move on Rob. I scouted for planks to gather for hull.actually im thinking of wideness of planks, observing model shipways flying fish i will widen palnks according to ratio margin. so i elan to set on ( metric here 4 or 5 mm wide and 1.5 mm thick european basswood as it prvoee ne the best material cutwise and bending wise so i can taper down to 2 mm at the bow..... i like it enormously. and its fairly cheap . ( by the way Lime as it is called in my country is national tree of country so it has very long carving tradition as its perfect for sculpting and violin work. ) I will have to get it sawn to my liking. if i count it should be smaller based on original Planks dimensions 6" - 2 mm is pretty much unusable by modeling standards in case i want to taper and bend towards bow and aftwards as well. i dont have window to dive into it properly and focus on her at the moment or anytime soon. i made a promis to myself that i will start with the autmun rains so 4 months till than but when there is a window i will work small bits. sanding bulkheads... and i want to put wooden blocks as suports for bulkheads as those are not so near to withstand sanding...so these are my actual doings...
  6. congratulation Greg. fantastic work and huuge milestone. most important visual aspect of the ship will proudly speak for itself.
  7. Rob , with this speed you will have ship built before bulkheads arrived :D. I was talking to guy if its already cut but he told me he had lots of work last weekend so didnt find have time for it. We have to understand he is doing it in weekend windows next to regular job. please one little bit of patience. I will check after this weekend. V.
  8. Rob, I always admired your own unique way and ability not to compete in any way. And tried to learn from it in a good/my way. I myself dont follow the ( in my opinion somehow broken) philosophy that there is only one way to Rome and paved with same stones.
  9. That is exactly what i meant Richard. You know i myself was lately playing with 3D modeling figures. even antique figures for that reason so we could have precious arm and body pose to it and even toga overall dressed up but i lacked inspiration to continue for the same reason. at one point never in history was individual so close and fast from idea to finished product just as cnc or 3D printing allows, say even miniature face glipms or facial expression taken in miniature form. but it takes life from it bigger way that it seems. as original hand carved there are hands and eyes of sculptor to breathe life to wooden girl, its tradeoff of modern technologies that minds eyes and hand are detached from the object the way that only hand can say. there is danger in eprfection everyone wants to achieve - there is humsn imperfection in perfection that breathes life to it. your hand nameboard resemble that life computer one lacks....at least my thoughts of it... fro that i will proabyo tr to find a way to make my own one as well. but hoepw are not high though
  10. Rob you ate way too harsch on yourself indeed. its phenomenal. ! Carving in that scale is something extremely difficult and requires bloody skill i remember that from carving cutty sark bloody difficult ornamentals. You did put even beautiful face detailing with clear proportions and that is really something. hat off and i mean it. body proportions and hand reaching behind the head i would say it has more value than any 3d print as its handwork! i guess that secret magic lies somewhere in your teeth special instruments you have but its great!
  11. oh my god, oh my god, thats an important photographs first of its kind to show her stern from the angle we can feel the curvature or rail. Thank you folks. V.
  12. Ron, thanks for reply. Those are bought planks. i dont have saw to cut those. 1 mm thick so I can take off of them with calm mind but well. good idea to put aside few planks and try first... as you can spot I already tried to sand off of that center part but its quite firm wood to sand. on the positive side, it doesnt fuzzy at all so it should be beautifully clean ans smooth when done right. i think sanding with 200 grit should do. im a bit hesitant scrape it as some wood is along some across grain. only if very lightly. i am about to get new sanding paper tmw but still have lots to plank. Thanks for stopping by, i tried something disturbing at first going with pear deck but for me it doesnt distract colorwise. will see.
  13. i guess id need an advice / help guys. as you can see from the pics Floor looks horrible untreated. there are spots after sawblade and planks are not uniformly thick. what do you suggest i should do? sand it of some sort i guess. i normally sand it 100 to 200 gritt and thats it. after i apply hardwax oil. thats all. what comes to my mind i did once was scraping surface after sanding with razor blade which worked on walnut quite well maybe i will try that as well...not sure. By the way i think it eas last time i worked with pear wood. its so breakable and tough across the grain ( obviously) but nothing for cutting planks by hand. ill stay with poor lime, baswood whatever despite of fuzziness. but lobe love the tone of oiled pear wood so once im done i need to treat it somehow... Rustys pear planks are gorgeous. do you any proved suggestion please? thank you All.
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