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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. My pleasure Kevin, glad to be of help.... Pale Yellow is a color variation of Zinc Chromate which was the metal preservative used on the interior of aircraft of the period... If it had field maintenance you could easily see some on the interior of aircraft and early in the war you could see entire aircraft interiors painted in it, but not often..... Generally they were zinc chromate green... It became ubiquitous in aircraft, of the period, (especially US aircraft) British aircraft were either Green or Yellow depending on availability.... Eventually, wooden aircraft were being painted in an alkyd oil paint called Interior Green..... There is a difference, Interior Green was a semi gloss, Zinc Chromate green was dead flat.... ZC Green was a shade or two lighter than Interior Green as well..... Portions of the interior being partially Yellow Zinc Chromate is period correct.......
  2. Wiring color? I think you mean conduit colors... There would not be any exposed wiring anywhere... Conduit colors are one of three, but generally they are the same as the bulkhead they are mounted to..... You would do better researching the type of conduits used in the specific application.... They used both solid and flexible, solid in it's native color would be a cadmium silver, flexible would be either steel, aluminium or brass... most generally they were aluminium..... For their look, solid was smooth like copper pipe, flexible would look like old BX building conduit...... Silver, Black or whatever interior color was on the bulkhead...
  3. I'm sure Craigs channel will turn out better than most modeling channels on U-Tube, most of them are unwatchable.... And yes, the green really pops looks good...
  4. Well according to the reviews on the various forums I could find them, they are current British Armor crew, So you have to decide if you want to do today's crew or say the crews of the '80's-90's cause there is a set for those as well..... Generic and they say that they can be used on any british armor so they are not specific to the Challenger..... Then there is this set.... https://www.scalemates.com/kits/valkyrie-miniature-vm35031-british-army-tank-crew-70-s-80-s-era--1160740 Which is British tank crew, but from the 70's to 80's.... Direct link to their website... http://www.valkyrie.co.kr/ Not much out there brother...
  5. Mr Color Leveling Thinner is what the manufacturer recommends....
  6. My pleasure Brother.... I'm an artillery nut, especially for the towed variety.... I have 20 or so various pieces,(mostly US) and finding the appropriate tractor is difficult sometimes..... In the US army is was the 76.2 mm M5 AT gun and M-3 Halftrack which I have in the stash.... It's an unappreciated field of modeling in my opinion.... 40 quid, ($60 US) is not out of line, pretty good in fact.... barring the occasional bargain steal off evilbay..... The Opel, (Ford Germany) Blitz's would be found hauling light ammo trailers, generally they weren't strongly built enough to haul anything above very light anti-aircraft artillery..... But enough off topic chat, I wanna see more of what looks to be an outstanding PZ V.......
  7. Well, I see Partick already answered it.... Getting slow in my old age... {chuckle} Nice replication of field applied spray camo.... Gonna look sharp.....
  8. Patrick would probably know better than me bu generally no... Tanks didn't tow anything usually, not saying they didn't but it would be highly unusual... You need a Hanomag.... Namely an SdKfz 11 Leichter Zugkraftwagen 3t...... This was the standard 3 ton light artillery tractor.... used throughout the war on all fronts..... 1st Panzer Div France.... Afrika Korps... Russia... Ardennes Russian High Desert 1944 An RSO in Italy Kettenkrad in France '44... Captured Kettenkrads & Pak 40's Standard 3 ton artillery tractor.....
  9. They are pretty nice, although the Hipper class heavy cruisers were much much prettier in my opinion.... With the Prinz Eugen being the prettiest of the lot....
  10. They always are on those early birds, not impossible, but sometimes a real pain... but with the gear down we know where they belong.... Nice job...
  11. Landing a plane = Plane meets ground..... This is easy to do provided one can get it up in the first place.... All things that go up must eventually come down..... (Sir Isaac Newton) And no nothing is essential to making that happen..... As with all planes it will eventually happen no matter what anyone does.... The main thing is that a man can influence how that is accomplished..... and I imagine it becomes a serious interest if the man happens to be inside when it comes down....
  12. Just my opinion, he should turn it into one of those modeling magazines and have a spread done on it.... It deserves a full front page/cover picture spread.....
  13. 489th transportation company, US Army October 30th 1944, Tacloban, Leyte.... Red Beach One.... Ducks and Weasels..... Serving up supplies for the 24th Division.... 19th Infantry..... My father was there....
  14. Update - Kinda, In the two steps forward and one step back chapter, I've been involved in some intense research into what the Gwin carried and how it was laid out... I've found that the Dragon Livermore kit, although an early Gleaves class destroyer had some features that were not present or different on the Gwin.... First.... The five mushroom ventilator stacks, Part A-31, were present on the Livermore, were not present on the Gwin, so I've removed them.... In the image of the Gwin above one of those stacks should be positioned on the main deck P/S directly below the blower vent on the gun deck above, but they weren't there, so they get removed from the model.... This leads to another problem, YOu look at the K-guns The kit has them positioned almost perfectly, but they mount the Reloads to the aft side of the gun when on the gwin they are forward of the gun as in the image above you can clearly see the mandrel stanchions ahead of the tubes..... so the Kit installation is correct for the Livermore but backwards for the Gwin..... So I've removed the offending parts and will be repositioning the ones that need it.... Another problem is on the forward O-1 level bulkheads, there is a square ventilator molded into the bulkhead again it is on the Livermore and not on the Gwin.... So it was shaved off.... (red circle) Which left a little gap that was filled with some Mr Surfacer 500..... There is probably going to come a point where I'll want to get it done, but right now finding the correct configuration and modifying to it is taking a bit of my time.... So please be patient with me as I go thru my accuracy tribulations...... EG
  15. Oh I'll be going through the proof and my reasoning when I get there brother, I just don't want to start another color war here.... (although I'm pretty sure it has petered out by now, especially since the Pearl Harbor Museum and all the model companies have gone with the preponderance of evidence and recommend a Ms. 2 Sea Blue scheme) But first I have the Gwin to finish.... Onward....
  16. 4hours and no responses? There are a couple off Navsource... There is also Steve Wipers book from Classic Warships publishing- Warship Pictorial #43 Alaska Class Cruisers (reviewed on that site) Available on Amazon and Evilbay.... Pretty much a straight forward US naval tower crane.... Hope it helps.... EG
  17. You know as well as I do brother, once you learn to scratchbuild you can build anything in almost any scale with the proper references..... And your a master at it.... AS far as following, I wouldn't miss it for the world my friend.....
  18. Oh yes, and shoulder harnesses as well, some day I believe they are going to install ejection seats, you know, for those days they just have to leave the bus.....
  19. Yes, I'm well aware of such and incorporated a few expert photographers into my research... Also, a lot of that kodachrome film seemed to blue shift over time..... But I have some images that are darned close and one is from the late 50's taken by a Life Magazine photographer that my consultant experts say is very close to unshifted real life.... Not saying your wrong at all, in fact I agree with you, one must be very careful when grading color pics for accuracy.... Especially when they have been converted to digital, that's a whole 'nother layer of issues..... But there are reasons the Official Pearl Harbor Museum's model of the AZ is blue..... Not definitive as in a document saying such directly, but all the anecdotal evidence says so, and the official records of orders leave the door open and lean strongly towards it being true.... The colors of the Pac Fleet in December of '41 is a mishmash of conflicts which I don't think anyone is ever going to sort out. Just do us all a favor and don't use B&W photography to declare a ship a certain color/scheme unless you have other records confirming/establishing it.... I've dealt with way too much of that garbage in my research..... When I do my Arizona, (the day before) I'll go over the color controversy and my reasons for using the scheme I'll be using.....
  20. From Wiki.... The AC-47D gunship should not be confused with a small number of C-47s that were fitted with electronic equipment in the 1950s. Prior to 1962, these aircraft were designated AC-47D. When a new designation system was adopted in 1962, these became EC-47Ds. The original gunships had been designated FC-47D by the USAF, but with protests from fighter pilots, this designation was changed to AC-47D during 1965. Of the 53 aircraft converted to AC-47 configuration, 41 served in Vietnam and 19 were lost to all causes, 12 in combat. Combat reports indicate that no village or hamlet under Spooky protection was ever lost, and a plethora of reports from civilians and military personnel were made about AC-47s coming to the rescue and saving their lives. As the United States began Project Gunship II, (AC-130 Spectre/Spooky/Stinger II/Ghostrider) and Project Gunship III, (AC-119G Shadow, AC-119K Stinger) many of the remaining AC-47Ds were transferred to the Republic of Vietnam Air Force, the Royal Lao Air Force, and Cambodia's Khmer Air Force. North Vietnam captured several AC-47s in 1975, and some of them are very likely to have seen combat in Cambodia. In December 1984 and January 1985, the United States supplied two AC-47D gunships to the El Salvador Air Force (FAS) and trained aircrews to operate the system. The AC-47D's were easy to fly and devastating when on target.... Served for over 30 years in various airforces... Just imagine if they had thought the idea up during WWII or Korea?
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