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Everything posted by jamcdonel

  1. AH! OK, now I understand the issue. I agree then. I think your only option is to trim away. Good luck
  2. Ed, When You plank the deck it will bring the top of the “great beam” flush to the level of the quarterdeck. The top of the beam is the front edge of the quarterdeck, and is a prominent feature of the deck. Then you can sand it all back to level. It all works out in the end I struggled with this too during my build. I aLso suggest a build log. Lots of valuable help here, and many of us have built/are building this kit. Welcome to MSW and the Bluenose Crew! Jim
  3. Herbert, I will be following your build closely, as I am considering this as my next model. I also am a big fan of Lucky Jack Aubrey, and I’ve been wondering about the possibility of “bashing” this kit into “Sophie” with the raised quarterdeck, elm tree pumps, ships wheel and over sized spars discussed in “Master and Commander”. Happy building! Jim
  4. Beautiful! Truly a dream build! An inspiration Congratulations Jim
  5. In other sources (Jensen) I have seen it named a “Lazarette Hatch” to get down in with the rudder mechanism and storage.
  6. A very nice build. Well done. The comment about her looking like she is going fast even when sitting still is so true! As I approach the mast stepping and rigging phase on my Bluenose, I am going to steal your tip about aligning the masts.
  7. I put six “iron” whelps on mine. Not sure why exactly. Looked awfully crowded with eight.
  8. Well done. Impressive work! Great attention to both detail and function. I have been reading through your log and taking notes. Modeling “Lucky Jack’s” Surprise is what got me into this hobby. A build like yours is my “bucket list” build. Someday...someday. Jim
  9. Richard, I’ve been curious about how you were going to do the chain... that must be the smallest roller chain available. I have searched and searched, and I’m still looking for a decent workaround.
  10. Thanks guys, I am really enjoying my evenings, and look forward each day to “boat time”. Does anyone have a suggestion for drilling holes in brass strip? I have a pin vice with numbered drills, and a Dremel with a few bits, but no drill press. Jim
  11. Nicely done! Pearwood makes for beautiful planking, and your work is first rate. I especially like the Bluenose pics, as that is my current project.
  12. A question for the master craftsmen out there. I want to put some sober of frame/rim around the air ports on the cabin. I have little metal working capabilities, and mostly only hand tools, so something ready made or modifiable would work best. Thoughts?
  13. Here are some of the “bits and bobs” I’ve been working on. Cabin, Binnacle, Skylight, Chimney, Wheelhouse, Bitts, and helmsman’s grating. (But not in that order.) My iPad photography leaves much to be desired, and I really need to have a painting party. Currently working on Sheet Buffers, and Pintles and Gudgeons.
  14. Welcome to the Bluenose Fraternity Michael. She is a beautiful “little” ship. I’m sure the others will be along to add their welcome. Happy building!
  15. Greetings! It is good to be back in the Shipyard! A long time ago (2009)in a city far, far away (Buffalo, NY) I started building the Model Shipways Bluenose using the Bob Hunt Practicum. Got the hull all planked, and I was really proud of my work. Had a really good build log going. Then life happened, and MSW crashed. The last couple weeks, thanks to a Coronavirus reduced work schedule, I have picked it back up. I had forgotten how much I really enjoyed this tiny intricate work. I have started on the deck “furniture” beginning aft, and working forward. So far I have completed the cabin (with binacle, skylight, chimney and gangway) the helm, bitts and boom crutch. Currently I am working on the rudder, pintles and gudgeons, and the boom sheet buffer. I have several dories made, but really am not happy with the way they look. What I am REALLY bad at, is remembering to take pictures. Here is one snapped by my daughter last night while I was making ring bolts.
  16. Not at the moment, I just restarted after a long hiatus. I guess I ought to get that going again.
  17. I’m going to try to make something out of glasses repair parts. And a few other “bits and bobs”. I have already raided the repair cabinet here at work.
  18. Wow, Richard! That is great stuff. I am about the same stage on Bluenose. Really enjoying your build and taking lots of inspiration from your work. I am currently struggling with the sheet buffers and the porthole frames. You have given me an idea about the buffers. I work in the optical business, and as I look at yours, I’m thinking glasses hinge parts! I’m going to raid the repair cabinet when I get to the office later this morning. Watching in awe.. Jim
  19. I am struggling with this piece too. I found a photo on the Nova Scotia website, it is barely visible even under the best of conditions, but still. This piece is awful looking. I’m wondering if it can be “dressed up” to at least look somewhat like the thing it represents. Matt’s piece looks better, but I’m not sure I have that kind of talent or experience. I am really impressed by your other work. Keep it up!
  20. Congratulations! A beautiful ship! I have obsessively read your log over the last couple days. Excellent work and fantastic results.
  21. Bob, I am also building the 1:64 Bluenose, and your log has helped me solve a mystery! I was a member back on MSW 1.0, and remember following your build. I couldn’t for the life of me remember my old screen name, but I just read your log here on 2.0 and found a post from myself back in 2013! Evidently I haven’t been gone as long as I thought. I was “McDaddy” back in those days. I am getting ready to start the metalwork, and have always admired yours. What is your set up? What kind of solder do you use? Do you use more than one temperature? How about torch? following ....again. Jim
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