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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. And so it begins (Mar 2, 2024 for my reference). OcCre tells me this stack of blocks, pieces of wood, and various parts will ultimately produce the Endeavour. We will see. Please feel free to follow along this journey and add your thoughts and advice.
  2. Had to get my finished HMS Victory out of the case and do a big correction. Doing this before I start my next project the OcCre Endeavour. I have no idea why I did it, but it was pointed out to me during the time I was building the Le Soleil Royal that I incorrectly rigged white ratlines on both ships. Again I have no idea why I thought that was correct when it is obviously not. I made the correction on the Soleil Royal as I continued the build. Now that is is finished I am going back to my Victory and making the same correction by carefully painting each ratline with a small brush and black Panel Line Accent Color. I must admit now that I have it out of the case I am tempted to design a diorama for it since it will be displayed with the Soleil Royal that is in a diorama. 🤔
  3. Jeff at your convenience would you move and retitle this to member build log? No matter what I do I can’t seem to delete content and restart the topic in the correct category. I think I have created a mess. I tried to start a new log a member build but concerned I may have two now. https://modelshipworld.com/topic/36221-endeavour-by-bill97-occre-154/
  4. Thanks Marc. I really appreciate your comments. Putting it in a diorama was a last minute decision but, as you said, does present a beautiful display. Hopefully with my woodworking experience the Endeavour is an enjoyable task. I do understand there will a bit more sawdust my wife will want me to control.
  5. Thanks Veszett. I really like your “silly tale”. In fact that is the one I am going to tell when I explain the diorama 😌. Really enjoyed your following me.
  6. Thanks Rich. I will be looking forward to all advice.
  7. Ok thanks Jeff. I never scrolled down to the S’s to check.
  8. Jeff I just now added this new build I am starting. However when I started the “New Topic” I could not get kit build log to register in the topic line. I could only get “how to use MSW forum” to post. Could you fix that for me? Thanks Bill https://modelshipworld.com/topic/36221-endeavour-occre-154-by-bill97/
  9. Just opened my next project. I am going to attempt to build the OcCre Endeavour. This will be my first completely wooden model after years of building plastic. I see there numerous builds of this ship in the index and will look to each of them for help and advice.
  10. Gentlemen she is FINISHED!! Crew on board and a few diorama liberties taken. It has truly been a complete joy to build this beautiful model. A build I would have been at a loss to tackle without the advice, encouragement, and help of all my MSW friends. A special thanks, but in no way limited to, Marc, Ian, and Henry. You guys have always been there for my numerous questions, regardless of how ridiculous. A very big thanks to you. I have a certain since of pride knowing that I have now successfully completed both of Heller’s beautiful models of the HMS Victory and Le Soleil Royal. During these builds I have learned so much. The OcCre Endeavour is my next quest. Hope you will come along with me.
  11. Gentlemen would you please add my Le Soleil Royal build to the index? I have posted updates to it since October 2022 but it is not in the index. Would like to make it available to find for anyone interested. Thanks https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33097-le-soleil-royal-by-bill97-heller-1100-finished/
  12. Ok my fine modeling friends here is my diorama. There is most likely not a thing nautically correct about a ship taking on supplies while moving, but what the heck this may have been under duress. Crew needed to quickly take on water and food from shore while avoiding combat. Still need to add some crewmen here and there and my Soleil Royal will be ready for a display case!
  13. Thanks again Ian. I will give that some thought. Having the sails set has changed my composition idea for my diorama. My original idea, once I decided to do it, was to have the 2nd boat loaded with barrels to be loaded on the ship since I already have three in the tackle pendant. Maybe also have an officer ready to board since the steps on the hull or right there. In the boat on the stern I was going to have a couple crewmen tending to some necessary functions. However with the sails set, which I obviously did not consider, I understand this idea will not be nautically accurate. This is a learning experience to make decisions about long term plans during the build, not after.
  14. Yeah Ian. That is my story and I am sticking to it! 😊 Maybe I won’t drop the anchor and just have the boats being towed without crewmen in them. Since I already have them set in the diorama. Would that have been a possible scenario?
  15. Beginning the work on my diorama. I really like the artwork on the kit box cover and decided to replicate it in my diorama. My display will be of the ship at anchor with two of the boats in use by crewman. I framed a 2” thick block of styrofoam and hollowed out an area for the SR to set. I then spray painted the surface with an ink blue paint. After it dried I used silicone to hold the SR and the two small boats in place. Then I used Liquitex clear gel to form the ocean surface. Once it dries clear I will add additional colors to resemble an active ocean. I will also use stretched out pieces of white cotton held in place with additional Liquitex to form small wake around the boats and dry brushed white paint on wave peaks. I will follow this up with painting the frame, attaching the name plate, drilling holes and running the anchor ropes into the water surface, and finally putting the crewman to work.
  16. Henry the fact ships like this were built with out power tools and heavy lifting machinery is a testament to how good these carpenters were.
  17. Me either Marc. This is a fascinating video. I assume it is all accurate. No reason to refute any of it.
  18. Just found and watched this YouTube video. It is fascinating! I had no idea of many things explained about these ships. A big unknown to me was the fact that the walls of the officer quarters would be drawn up to the ceiling to provide extra room during battle.
  19. Wow Ian that is rough. I know here in the states more doctors are specializing and moving away from GP. Not sure what all us older people are going to do! Kind of scary my friend.
  20. Ian I was thinking that was the case. Just not sure. On the flip side a number of our politicians from time to time push for some kind of coverage similar to Canada’s. Go figure.
  21. Sounds pretty exciting Ian. Those are some beautiful models in the video. Belated happy birthday my friend. I would say welcome to Medicare but I don’t know if Canada has something similar, or even needs it. Yes you still have plenty of time with the fingers and eyesight. I turn 72 this summer and am still plugging a way. 😊
  22. Thanks guys. I will trim my template so my SR sets in it to around the 1st-2nd plank below the bottom wale. Ian , like Marc said, you know you are itching to start your’s. I am as well to see what ideas you go with in your build. Appreciate you guys. Bill
  23. Marc I would expect moving the trunnions is, for you, a relaxing endeavor! With the intensity you are putting in to each and every part of your build I would think a period of “rinse and repeat” would provide a bit of relief. Beautiful job. I may have taken a short cut in that I only moved the trunnions on the cannons that showed 😉. Don’t tell anyone for I fear I will be banned from MSW 😀.
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