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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Kevin these are the 3 dowel sizes. The larger one that I used for the mainmast and foremast is 1/4”.
  2. Kevin I had to shape them a bit as I got closer to the top. I took the three masts to my local hobby shop and selected dowels that most closely fit. Then I cut them to length and sanded a little where necessary to get them to fit snugly. Then ran a bead of CA glue and clamped them up. Not difficult at all.
  3. Daniel, or any of you guys that have used Daniel’s hammock cranes, I have a question. Today I have been working with the different etched hammock cranes. Making sure I knew which cranes went each place. I noticed in the photo from plate #4 instructions for the forecastle cranes that there appears to be an added piece of plastic under he cranes. This is not something I find in the Heller parts. Is this maybe a piece made from Evergreen and attached along the edge?
  4. Wanted to enhance the strength of the bowsprit by putting a wood dial rod inside before gluing it together. I decided since I was working on it I would go ahead and do the same with the bottom section of the 3 masts. That worked out well so after dry fitting them on the ship off to my makeshift spray box they went for a coat of primer.
  5. Ok my friends a sequence question. The Heller instructions have me moving into building the masts soon after I complete the bow and the bowsprit (with a little rigging). Looking ahead in the instructions I do not get to the cannon hatch doors to a good bit further along. I am thinking about going ahead and doing that before starting the masts. Would kind of like to pretty much finish the basic ship structure before moving vertical with the mast. Going to thicken them with some Evergreen, paint them red on the inside and in keeping with the hull colors on the outside. Also going to add eyebolts for the lines I already have in place to tie to. This will be a slow time consuming effort. Wonder if any of you have experienced a reason to postpone installing the hatch covers at this point other than the obvious risk of knocking them loose during future rigging?
  6. Daniel I replicated your marine walk holes. Also got your resin figurehead painted and installed.
  7. Thanks Daniel. That is fantastic help! I was just now studying Longridge’s book for help with that. So the one on the left (black) is the correct hole placement? Getting some nice work done on the bow. Will be adding your resin figure head later.
  8. Fantastic research Daniel. I really like the Most Honorable Order of the Garter.
  9. Good morning Daniel. If I am understanding you correctly, you say there is a picture on your build log that shows the mariners walk and where the rigging holes should be? Also, what is the Most Honorable Order of the Garter? Have not heard of this beforehand?
  10. Thanks Ian. Looking at the part I can see what you are meaning.
  11. Ian in your previous comment you speak of the slots in the marine's walk. I am not familiar with the term. Are you referring to part #340 in the picture of the instructions? Heller calls it the bowsprit grating. Want to make sure I am following your advice.
  12. Well this is a disappointing and unfortunate first for me. Apparently I must have discarded the piece of sprue 8 (both) that had this part😟. Never done that before. I always make it a habit to examine each piece of scrap sprue prior to discarding it. Kevin in your photo it appears part 98 is in the general area of the ladders. I have passed that area and installed all the ladders so I can only conclude it went with the scrap pieces of sprue. Lessons learned! Keep all scrap pieces of sprue until model is completely finished. Fortunately it is not a critical piece, more decorative. I will just attempt to hand paint the crown on the end. On a happy note, I have completed the stern and quarter galleries except for the lanterns which I plan to hold off on until closer to finish.
  13. Thanks Kevin. I will look again. If it is on yours it has to have been on mine. Hope I have not accidentally discarded it when I cut off other pieces.
  14. Thanks Ian. All the help is certainly appreciated. Yes I did get Daniel’s knight head. Will study all your suggestions.
  15. Kevin when you get a chance could you check your kit to see if it has a part? I am searching for part #98 (see photo). It is called the Half Crown and is supposed to be on pack #8. I have scanned it and all the other packs and don’t find it. Curious if I am just not seeing it, I lost it somehow, or Heller no longer uses it. I am assuming this is what it is. Thanks
  16. Kevin when you get a chance could you check your kit to see if it has a part? I am searching for part #98 (see photo). It is called the Half Crown and is supposed to be on pack #8. I have scanned it and all the other packs and don’t find it. Curious if I am just not seeing it, I lost it somehow, or Heller no longer uses it. Thanks
  17. Well heck Ian. Now you tell me.😀 Well they are in and done now. Still look better than the plastic cubes supplied with the kit. I think I read somewhere that Admiral Nelson tried the idea of hinged wooden chests to protect the flags from weather before switching to the cubby hole idea. 😉 I think my ship is the version during that week are two he used the chests. 😀 Think that sounded convincing? Now on to this mess!
  18. Ok I was hollering before I was really hurt! 😊 once I looked closely at Daniel’s picture I saw he put the little brass wires inside the buckets. I was trying to attach the little wires to the outside of the buckets. That just was not working. Once I saw Daniel put them on the inside of the bucket wall I simply put a touch of CA in the bucket and fed to the two little wires in and used my tweezers to press them apart inside. That worked great. Got that done now and Daniel’s skylight. Also dressed up the storage boxes at the back with some brass hinges.
  19. OK guys I am pulling my hair out today. I did all the steps in Daniel’s instructions for Plate 4 and painted all my little water buckets. I began the process of attaching the buckets to the tiny brass wires that make the bucket handles. Began might not be the appropriate term here! I am sure I am to do this using CA glue but I can not establish an effective way to do it. For any of you who have used Daniel’s Plate 4, how did you attach the little tiny water buckets.
  20. Woo Hoo! Some secret family member has already checked Heller Soleli Royal off my Christmas wish list. That means the kit will be under my tree Christmas morning! Of course it will go in my stash until I finish my HMS Victory someday. Hope you guys are still around for advice.
  21. Yes Marc, I have definitely booked your build blog for future reference per chance anyone in the family picks up on my Christmas gift hints
  22. Marc I know I still have quite a ways to go on my Heller HMS Victory. And by the way thanks always for your helpful comments on my build blog. But I need your opinion about this model you are building. Would recommend or discourage me from putting the Heller 1:100 Soleli Royal on my Christmas wish list? Now that I have gotten so engrossed in building a model the size and detail of the Heller Victory I don’t think I want to go back to smaller, less detail models. I think the work you have done on your build is incredible. I have read a number of times that the Victory and Soleli Royal models are in a class by themselves. Your thoughts? Or would you recommend something else? Maybe something you saw at the show?
  23. Fantastic job Kevin. You are truly becoming a master of the 3D printer. Very impressive!
  24. Thanks Ian. I have been anxious to get those parts installed. Had to remove the stern piece and redo it. After it set last night and the glue tried I noticed this morning that it was just slightly off center making the quarter galleries fit differently. I was able to carefully remove it and reattach it with no visible damage. Fine tune it over the next few build periods and move to the bow end. Again thanks for your help throughout this build along with Kevin and Daniel.
  25. Stern and quarter galleries installed over last couple days. Have to admit that was a bit of a challenge. Put copper on the roofs of the quarter galleries. A little putty here and there to fine tune a couple seams and then a little sanding followed by some paint touch up and I believe she is going to look pretty good!
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