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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. I have for sure slowed down with all the other Christmas prep things going on. I have started installing and rigging the cannon hatch doors.
  2. You are probably right Ian. I did not get a bounce back email so I guess I will wait to see if I hear from them.
  3. Thanks Kevin. Seems odd they have an online catalog of many great items and models but no easy way, or way at all I can figure, to order them. Head scratcher. 🤔
  4. Hello Veszett. Thanks for the photo. How goes he modeling world in Budapest? I have been many places in Europe but not Budapest yet. My understanding is your city is beautiful.
  5. This is just slightly off the specific topic of this thread, but only a little. Do any of you know how to order something off the Heller web site? https://www.heller.fr/en/ There are a number of items on the site that I find interesting. I try clicking on every spot I can find but nothing takes me any where to order. They show the price but that is all I can get. No shopping cart. No place or way to order that I can find. I emailed Heller the same question with no response yet.
  6. Great picture Kevin! Nice to put a face to our many conversations.
  7. Ian I just noticed in my last post I said “Very obvious Ian”. I have absolutely no idea what I meant to say there 😀. Must have been the influence of my Kentucky bourbon. The great experience part of that comment is accurate.
  8. Very obvious Ian! What a great experience that must have been.
  9. Great picture Marc. Good to be able to have a face in mind when we read a comment.
  10. Great pictures Ian. That sounds like a great adventure.
  11. I was thinking earlier today that there are several of us that communicate and comment frequently on this build blog. As an old school kind of guy I like to put a face with a name. Fun to see how the face compares to what I imagine. I saw Daniel’s picture on his blog. I am attaching mine. If any of you other guys would want to post a photo it would be great.
  12. I believe you are right Ian. That is going to save me a big step! Thanks. I thought I read somewhere back in these blogs that you experienced builders recommended it. Looking at the size of the eye bolts in the photo I think my home made ones are proportionally bigger. Much smaller and I would have struggled to get the thread size I put in place several months ago for rigging the hatch doors through the eye!
  13. Got about half done with CA glue so I guess I will live with them 😊 Still need to add the evergreen to the back.
  14. Thanks Ian. To make my eye bolts I take thin wire (30g in this case) and wrap it around a small diameter nail and then twist the ends into a tight spiral. Trim off the excess and glue with a dot if CA. I am leaving all the metal parts I add to the ship I blackened.
  15. So I almost messed up! I am working on the cannon hatch doors. Making them thicker with Evergreen and making a zillion eye tiny eye bolts for the bottoms that the ropes will tie to. I was getting ready to paint them with the idea that the outside of each cover is painted the color of the corresponding stripe on the hull where that door is. Thinking that when the cover was closed there would be an uninterrupted stripe of ochre yellow, or part black part yellow. Looking at a number of blog pictures and online pictures of the actual ship it appears I am wrong in my thinking and that all exteriors are black regardless where they are located on the hull. Is that correct? They are all black on the outside and red on the inside?
  16. No Ian don’t give it up. You are to good at it! Slow pace is not a bad thing. As a retired guy with kids married and out of the house I have the luxury of working on my ship whenever I want, as long as the wife does not need me to do something else. 😊
  17. Oh not at all Ian! I appreciate you pointing that out to me. Kind of a dah moment on my part that I did not notice or question that. Obviously could not fire the cannonade with the netting there. Is this better?
  18. See if I can uncross my eyes now! 😵‍💫 Got all the hammock cranes installed, then the netting, and finally the plastic rolled hammocks that Heller supplied. Also used a few of the extra stanchions to make a rope banister for the stairs going up to the poop deck.
  19. Well friends today is my official 5 month anniversary building my Heller HMS Victory. Have come a long way since June 15 when I opened the box. Thanks so much to everyone one who has shared advice, instructions, and very nice compliments. Special thanks to Daniel of course for your beautiful etched parts, and to Kevin, Marc and Ian. You four have provided me incredible help. I am spending time these last few days installing Daniel’s hammock cranes and running the threads that will eventually support the fabric that goes inside and then the painted hammocks. After that is completed I plan to do the cannon hatch doors. Following the hatch doors will be the masts and bowsprit.
  20. Daniel it is great to finally put a face with the communication!
  21. Oh yeah Ian. I know I just have not done that yet. It is still on all of them. Waiting till I am ready to put the hammocks in. Not sure why. Thought it might protect them a bit more.
  22. Installed the hammock cranes down the port side and the two interior places. As you may remember I have decided to leave all Daniel’s etched brass pieces shiny brass and not blacken them. Also followed Daniel’s lead and added a piece of Evergreen under the forecastle hammock cranes. Also dry fitted the foremast and attached a thread to the channel and around the top of the mast to simulate the future shrouds. Wanted to make sure I widened the fore channel enough that the shrouds will not interfere with the forecastle hammock cranes. All is well and with the addition of the deadeye height I think the shrouds will be just fine.
  23. Kevin just the fact that you are brilliant enough to even figure these calculations is impressive! Seriously doubt you will experience any issue putting dowels in your masts! 😀 I am going to show my complete lack of 3D printing knowledge with this question. Would it be possible to print a solid mast? Maybe two solid halves that you would glue together? Just curious.
  24. Thanks OC for your nice compliment. Yes it is definitely my plan to strengthen the spars as well.
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