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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Haha, I have 2. I use the Revell for reference of how the stuff goes together and as a way to try painting. I might build it after the big one is finished, but it could be cool to frame each half and give my sons to hang on the wall. I think the sprue connects where they do to get straight canons that holds during transport. I painted them before gluing them in the wagons /Matti
  2. Hi, it will be nice to follow this build. Fred Hocker at the museum helped Revell make this. I really like it, and except some idealized details, its close to the original. You can paint the carvings very true to the original. /Matti
  3. Thanks for all kimd words, fellas! It sure is nice to be able to visit her. This time they opened the door while I was in line to get in. It felt almost surreal to stand outside and see her. I had my family with me this time, and its fascinating to see the impact she has on kids. /Matti
  4. Hey all, went to the museum yesterday, and took some more pics. Galleries and the small windows plus some details first then some pics for Michael. Sorry for the poor quality on the last one as it is really dark at that area, but Michael you can see where the hole is. /Matti
  5. I went to the museum yesterday. I tried to take pictures, but it is very dark where the holes are (from what I could see the holes are above the thin list that runs where the deck meet the "wall timber", like we guessed. Ill post some of the pics in my thread later on, including the ones I tried to get for you. Need to work with them in photoshop first to get better contrast. I focused more on the galleries and the windows you mentioned, as Im doing them now also. /Matti
  6. Im following your russian thread. Good luck with the repairs! /Matti
  7. Damn, thats a shame! But Im sure you can make it right again. Its a high class build you are doing and I love watching it! /Matti
  8. No, thats terrible!!! I hope the damage wasnt to bad. What did you mean with covering? /Matti
  9. Thank you Mikhail! Your comments means alot. The film is really good, and is named: Vasa, människorna skeppet tiden (Vasa, the people the ship the time). Its about Stockholm and the people building Vasa. I send a PM with more info to you. /Matti
  10. Thanks Lawrence! Yeah been out today. Body still tired after the high fever, so Im a little shaky. Hope you are well as well. I also enjoy watching pictures of these ships and how they look. So much personality. /Matti
  11. Heya fellas, thanks for the comments! Nigel, when I look at ships like these my understanding is that the rough tarred surface is one thing and the painted areas another. The Gothenburg and Batavia both have a rough look on the hull, but the painted areas look more pristine. Ill post some pics of my inspiration for the look. First three are from when the Götheborg was launched into water for the first time. The tar makes her dark and the runnings are there after tarring the chaulked planks of the hull, so it would not need time to look dark. Number four is of Götheborg after a few years and you can see how nice the painted areas still look compaired to the darkened tarred areas. Finally theres a pic taken from the Vasa film, and I just love the look they gave her. I am not sure if the last one is copyrighted, but its from a filmreel by one the animators free on the web, not taken from the actual film. If anyone asks, Ill remove it. Cheers /Matti
  12. Heres where Im at in the painting progression. Id say Im halfway through with the hull. Blended the colors and gave different areas and planks different tones. Also added some tar runnings and algae colors. I also do some light sanding to get the paints to merge and get a used surface. Also added some planks to the bow to make it rigid, and now it feels strong. I wills sand the extra planks thinner where it will meet the lion feet later. /Matti
  13. Oh, glad it didnt get worse! /Matti
  14. Cheers Wolf! Been in bed having the flu for some days but the fever finally went down and I could do a little work this night. When I was sick I found a great video of the build up of the new Gothenburg an it was very interesting to see the way she was tarred and how dark she looked when she was new. This gave me a few ideas for the paintjob. I have also started on the bow to give it some strenght. Ill post a little update on that later on. /Matti
  15. Ill do my best, but the lightning conditions are really dark to preserve the wood. I went through Landströms book and he doesnt draw anything at those locations (view from the deck). They dont follow the same line as the wales though, the builders cut through the wale when positioning one or two of them, I havent decided if Ill imitate this on my model. Strangely it looks like the holes on the outside sits a little low compaired to the deck? Im also getting curious. /Matti
  16. Michael, Im going to the museum when I get better from my flu, so if you can wait with the holes, Ill try to get pictures of them. Shouldnt they be plain holes though, going through slightly below your mark? Just thinking out loud, but thats my guess. /Matti
  17. Very clean work as always Ferit! /Matti
  18. Thank you guys, greatly appreciated! Buck, It was with a mix of joy and horror I did the stain. Painting plastic models are much easyer, as you always have the chance to redo the step. Staining is permanent. Michael, its both. After mixing a stain I liked, I stained the ship. This is the base cote and I then apply pastels and acrylic washes. Some drybrushing also. I airbrush a cote of clear varnish to bond the acrylic dust once in a while. Ive done some more steps since the last pic. As Im new to wood, its a lot of experimenting. It is the hardest paintjob Ive done so far. Slave 1 from Starwars is nothing compared to this. /Matti
  19. Done a few steps of the painting. Its still a work in progress though. Im inspired by the 1600-artist Vroom and tried to get the tone of oak that he has on the ships in many of his paintings. I have also looked at pictures of tarred boats and reference pics of Batavia and The Gotheborg. In the dark picture the camera pics up on some yellow that are not there IRL. The outside picture shows the colors better. /Matti
  20. And done. Out to the workshop to mix some stain. /Matti
  21. A little in progress pic. Im almost done with the wales on the starbord side. After that rework the gunports and then stain. And after that I will decide how to proceed... /Matti
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