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Everything posted by NAZGÛL

  1. Hi! Thats a great looking ship and Im looking forward to see you build her! Judging by your cover, it looks to be a new kit. The only plastic I have in my BB Vasa are the sculptures and the ancar. That seem to be different with older kits that had dead eyes etc in plastic. Ill be following ! /Matti
  2. Wow, thanks guys! Your words means a lot, and makes me very happy! Your skills in modelbuilding, like detail making or scratching is very inspirational and something I only hope to learn some day. Thanks again! /Matti
  3. Thanks for the kind words and andvices Michael, nice pics also! I found it tricky to get them pointing right, they are not perfectly aligned, the small one looks like its pointing more backwards.. I did not get mine right, but hopefully good enough. My work is far from perfect and there are many misstakes, both from me missinterpreting reference and me being new to wood, but I try to relax, learn and enjoy the build. . /Matti
  4. You managed to get the planks really nice. How long is your model? /Matti
  5. Seems like I have another book on my wish list, thanks for the heads up, Mark! What difficulty level does he start on in the book? /Matti
  6. Wow, great job! The tower turned out great also. Im really impressed that you can build it up so nicely with that method. /Matti
  7. Lawrence, thanks! Yeah, I think so too, but I will also learn to make them better, wich is a little frustrating when looking back at the first one. Cheers Michael! I think the small towers in the BB kit are based on the drawings in Landströms book, and they have wrong shape. This may give me problems with fiting the sculptures, as my towers are smaller. I really wanted smaller ones though, and will try to tackle the following problems if they come later on. /Matti
  8. A big thanks, fellas, most apreciated! Thanks Ferit, yeah had to paint it to see if it works, and it gives me energy to make the others. Its pretty repetative stuff. Nigel, thanks! I try to get the wonkyness of the original, but hope I didnt overdo it. Kevin, cheers for the link. Yeah Ive seen it, and Claytons work is excellent! /Matti
  9. And the first tower has its basic shape. Only five more to do. /Matti
  10. Shes looking great! Thanks for the step by step tut also. Looking forward to see more. Oh, and I love the realistic look youre given her. /Matti
  11. Thanks for the explanation! My guess is that we all get our own preferences how to do things. I know I do a lot of painting stuff from what I find works for me, but others do different. There is a norwegian guy Named Lasse Henning (Starwars modeler), and he made a video in high speed. Just had a camera on a stand and had it rolling while he worked then afterwards he put it on high speed. Maybe it wouldnt work for this, as it would be hard to see the small work. Looking forward to see more of your ship! /Matti
  12. Thanks for the kind words and tips everyone! Nigel, thanks, but its nothing compaired to your detailed sculps. id be chanceless doing those. id love to learn though, so reading threads like your are inspirational. Cheers Buck! Yeah the red effect with different shades on each plank did work out the way I hoped. Thanks Ferit! Thats a great advice. I would have guessed it would make it rock hard but still with the risk of cracking. thats something to remember for the future. Thanks For the advices Mark! Yeah I did like you guys said and like you say the wood is quite hard and took the drilling well. started small and made the holes wider little by little and it worked. Even the ones woth tiny areas held up. I grabbed a glass of wiskey and the dremel and faced my nerves. Funny info, some of the old towers are slightly different shaped compaired to the newer ones, the old ones have thinner tops. Maybe they have slightly dofferent shapes because of how they are made. It doesnt matter as Im resculping them anyway. The originals are also wonky and different from eachother. Since I have two sets I decided to not use the biggest towers but use the middle sized ones instead. To me the big ones wouldnt work as well. /Matti
  13. Yeah, Started to drive japanese cars years ago and only buy it now. Looking forward to see updates! /Matti
  14. Wow, thats looking so nice Nigel! I wish someone could do a video tutorial of how to sculp things like that. /Matti
  15. Thanks Lawrence! Cheers for the suggestion Mike, Ill try it out. /Matti
  16. Hey all! Started to work on those towers. Still some shaping to do, but its starting to get there. Im nervous about drilling the center hole for the sculptures that sit on top of them. I hope they will work out. Id hate if it would crack them. /Matti
  17. Wow, what a fantastic build! I love the subject Papegojan. Looking forward to updates. /Matti
  18. It looks great! Very clean. Its nice to see her getting rigged
  19. Ah, I have had a bunch of Saabs. Nice cars. You changed brand after Saab as we know it died? /Matti
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