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About AnobiumPunctatum

  • Birthday 10/05/1964

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  • Location
    Duisburg, Germany
  • Interests
    English ship building during the War of American Revolution
    Klinker build ship of the medieval

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  1. Welcome back, Remco. I missed your updates in the last years.
  2. Did you make the drawings by yourself? You made really good progress in the last year. Now the fun part will begin.
  3. No and Yes. In the beginning of her career HMS Triton had white stuff. In the beginning of the 1780th I am quite sure that she got a coppered hull. I will have a look this evening.
  4. I didn’t work with both timbers. In Europe lots of modellers choose pear and cherry. Expensive is relative. You work a really long time on such a model. So the monthly costs are also for box and pear are not to high.
  5. I think it depends on your personal taste. I have looked at all the woods mentioned. Since I paint my models, I finally decided on boxwood and holly. With natural wood models, the combination of pear and boxwood also works very well. It's best to get some samples and then decide what you like best.
  6. You should better use pear, cherry or boxwood for visible parts. Oak has a much to big grain for the small model.
  7. It's looking really good. Let a little bit more meet on the outside of the frames. This makes it easier to fair the hull after installing all frames.
  8. Have a look in the log of Jorge. He describes especially the start of his project really detailed.
  9. I am not sure, but the first deck you need is the lower deck (orlop). More important is the gundeck which is midships fully visible. For the keel you can use the keel drawing. There are some detail drawings which should help to cut out the parts. Have a look to the different build logs in the forum. I think they are really helpful, to find your way in the project.
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