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Everything posted by uncarina

  1. Patrick, Your truly impressive build has inspired me and taught me a great deal along the way, and I really appreciate you taking the time and making the effort to share it with us. Well done all around! Cheers, Tom
  2. That is beautiful work! I’ve really enjoyed seeing your progress. I also love the effect you achieved coppering the hull. Cheers, Tom
  3. I’m with you Pete in wondering about this. These images show a rigging anchor point that appears to be missing from both the kit and the HS upgrade:
  4. I’m late to this party but Patrick I have great respect for your build and have been taking notes! Cheers, Tom
  5. I recognize that, but the weathering would be similar. The author mentions the greenish tint to the hull under certain conditions, and your work reminded me of this. Cheers, Tom
  6. I’ve been watching your build closely and taking detailed notes! I really like your approach to the build and weathering. This might be of some use for the latter: https://amp.rokket.biz/docs/u-boat_colours.pdf specifically the weathering section. Cheers, Tom
  7. Or a Japanese restaurant! 😄 Cheers, Tom
  8. Just checking in. Any progress on this? Cheers, Tom
  9. Definitely the road less travelled! I love your progress and commitment to authenticity. Cheers, Tom
  10. This is a really great start! I have this kit and many of the elements that I’ve thought about (eg, doors and windows) you’ve addressed very nicely. I’m also planning to copper the hull so will be taking notes from your work. Thanks for posting your build. Cheers, Tom
  11. I’ve saved every picture for reference. This is great! Cheers, Tom
  12. I’m very impressed with your work so far! Cheers, Tom
  13. Your are very kind! I was also amazed at her depth below the waterline, perhaps a testimony to her armor. Not everyone knows she had torpedo tubes down there, and I historical accounts indicate that she fired torpedoes at the Bismarck. Cheers, Tom
  14. I love these updates, and I’m saving your photos for reference. Considering the IJN Mikasa is in the same rarified category as the HMS Victory or USS Constitution, I am mystified why there isn’t a readily available good comprehensive reference for her. Cheers, Tom
  15. Very cool! Is your Nelson posted online? Writing of unusual ships, I really wish Trumpeter would release the HMS Abercrombie and Roberts in 1/200. Model on! Cheers, Tom
  16. Very impressive introduction! I really am enjoying your work. Will you be adding copper plating to the hull? Cheers, Tom
  17. Just catching up with this wonderful thread, and It is very impressive! I’m working on the 1/200 HMS Rodney, also a very long term build. Your work really makes me want to get back to it! Cheers, Tom
  18. Excellent progress. Knowing when to break up a continuous plank and insert stealers is an art I hope to rediscover! Following your work helps. Cheers, Tom
  19. Eye candy, every single one of these photos! Even though I don’t plan to model this ship I learn so much here. Thank you for sharing your work! Cheers, Tom
  20. Thanks Mike, you are very kind! I have a feeling your Walrus build will be the better of the two! I do love the versatility of using Future (I actually use an equivalent called "Quickshine"), whether for a gloss coat, filling small gaps, as an adhesive, and to simulate glass. There's probably other applications out there! Cheers, Tom
  21. Another update, mostly concentrating on the rear mast: Getting a tripod mast to look aligned and vertical can be tricky, so I'm pleased with the result! Cheers, Tom
  22. I am amazed as well! This is an awesome application of 3d printing. Cheers, Tom
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