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Jack H

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Everything posted by Jack H

  1. hello AnobiumPunctatum,the scene was made in Unreal Engine 4-an excellent 3D game or virtual display development software, and it is free to everyone, but if you sell anything developed by UE4, you must pay 5% of the proceeds to epic. The UE4 development scene can achieve amazing results, but I'm simply making it without grainy map for the model.Most importantly, the scene created by UE4 simulates the actual ship model - just like in a museum, and all you see is dynamic and live.If you add more programs, it will become an " intelligent" scene, such as using animation to demonstrate the structure of components, to retrieve drawings or presentations, and to match music or sound...Non-professional-people like me can make this kind of scene.
  2. Nice work! the Danish battleship gave me a new focus and interest.
  3. Hi Gaetan! First of all, I'd like to point out my own point of view. I think it is most important for everyone to enjoy in the process of making ship model- according to their own preferences or wishes.So, whether it's manual or with some power tools, it's great to complete making a ship model.And I never think learning software is an end, because the ultimate goal of using 2d/3d is to make an actual models-In a sense, 3D software is another "electric tool". Making that demo is one of my experiments.I have decided to develop HMS XXX 1765 with a respected member, and it is very helpful for my partner to check out the components of my development in real-time, as he wishes-- because I can't express what i want to say clearly in English. As you say,it takes years to develop a good 3D drawing or 3D modeli,maybe 3-5 years.So now I'm not doing a complete project, just using 3D software to calculate the keel, frames drawings. And you ask "how long it could be for an experienced man like you to draw a complete set of a 3D ship plan?",that is a tough question.If there are authoritative detailed 2D drawings, maybe I can finish it in 1-2 months if I don't have to do other work every day. If it just make 2D parts into 3D, maybe a few days. But that is not the case, in fact a lot of 2D drawings I didn't really understand-even the anchor drawings such as 74 gun. some ship model drawings were simplified, such as stitching method of frame, France and Britain are not the same, the British in each period is not the same, and the arrangement method is not the same, encounter this kind of problem, the project will be suspended. So many ship model books are not written by one person ,the drawing and modeling may be done by someone else-because there is no such a comprehensive person. As far as I'm concerned, my modeling should be ok, I can make a model by 3D (including sculpture), and I am confident that I can make any parts with NC, but my lack of knowledge of the ship model, because in China, buy ship model books is very difficult, I bought the book at Amazon, orders will be cancelled after 3-6 months...So I can't say I can make a good set of drawings. Actually, your schedule of 74 gun is very fast. My 64 gun has stopped for nearly 3 months.Because I have to work every day, and my wife has ordered that if I make the ship model in the office again, she will...I mainly focus on the development drawings, and if i have a workshop and more spare time, I think I will continue to make the ship model. With regard to the future and application of 3D technology, you can decide by yourself use it or not according to your actual situation. HJX
  4. Hi Gaetan You've mentioned the concept of 3D drawings before,I made a attempt to make a simple experiment based on my understanding of the 3D drawings-A simple UE4 scene.Of course, the demo now is not the full functionality I imagined,this is just a simple demonstrationt. This demo allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to override controls, look at components from different angles, and improve spatial understanding of the structure.I made an operation video, but I couldn't upload it to Youtube-If necessary, I can send it to you via the Forum,Here are some video screenshots.
  5. Thanks Hubac'sHistorian As a matter of fact, personally, I prefer to the ship model made by " pure hand", which is unique and more artistic. Maybe it's a more commercial approach to make ship model by cnc,It's like development kit-I try my best to reduce the manual and for a quicker process. That figurehead wasn't very successful because it's the first time made a human body by ZB, and first time make 3d sculpture by cnc.My current project will modeling figurehead in another way ,but by zb also.Why I make figurehead by CNC? Maybe you can not distinguish what it looks like-if i make it by hand. To do what you like is best,enjoy it and good luck! HJX
  6. Hi Hubac'sHist I took a cursory glance at your build log,I was immediately impressed by the magnificent 17th Century ships ,Exquisite relief, entirely of classical art.It is easy to match the perspective picture to your side view by photoshop-image morphing tool...I have just saw your build log,and i have 2 projects in-the-making...It's very easy for ZBrush to make this kind of relief--In the future,when I complete the two projects and would like to try this kind of "full sculpture" ship model - or just make the stern. Your project is very good, very historical and artistic,and you have great stamina, great work!
  7. Yes druxey A project I'm going to finish and a project I'm about to start, and a project I want to do in the future, are all starting with NMM's original drawings. HMS CUMBERLAND 1774 I made the figurehead of L'ARTÉSIEN by ZBrush, which is the practice for HMS CUMBERLAND in the future.The first time I saw HMS CUMBERLAND was the background map of the forum, and I ’m very interested in it , but I have to prepare information and ship model knowledge. I personally think it's a little expensive- NMM Original drawings, about 60 pounds per one. I don't need so large size and I want to buy some more, It's better to have an electronic version(tiff or jpeg). The price is 20 pounds per one or more cheaper.
  8. Another way is that you learn to use 3d/2d software. You can learn CAD + RHINO/ SOILDWORKS/UG,But I guess you have to study photoshop,I don't know how I can learn 3DMAX, CAD, rhino, silo, ZBrush, Vray, Mudbox, rhinocam, Photoshop, UE4,unity,DAZ...about more than a dozen,But these are self taught for 20 years,It seems unlikely that you will learn so much.I suggest you learn PS and CAD,Other 3D software models can be imported into CAD. As for the time you asked,It maybe takes more than half a year to make a 3D ship model.
  9. If you make a 3D ship model with UE4, you'll operate it like a 3D game.You can even make virtual ship models in 3D virtual scenes. To build this 3D drawing, we first build the 3D model, and make the high polygon model and the low polygon model,Make UV,maps, normal maps...,Generally use 3DMAX and texture mapping software,then import model into UE4.Then programming, UE4 should be using C language and unity4, unity5 using C language .With the program, the scene is just as operational as the 3D game.
  10. I also learned C++, because I like AI programming very much(Including CNC machining programming)the programme of figurehead processing, I have done it myself.UE4 is not so difficult(make shipmodel). I can do it at all - I'm not a professional programmer,but it takes a lot of energy.I estimate the demand for 3D drawings is minimal, so I have not see anyone doing it.
  11. Hi Gaetan I have to use Google translator to communicate with you, so I will reply more slowly. I answer some of your questions all if I know. Your idea is feasible and can be implemented by games such as UE4 or UNIYT5.It seems that the two 3D game engines (or one of them) are free, but it's function is very powerful, looking at the result of them-it's the version 2 years ago. unity4 ,The result of unity5 will be stronger, the result of UE4 earlier version ,this is not the final rendered picture, this is a live picture! I once wanted to imitate Roger's collection and make a virtual ship model Museum,and made some 3D ship models.I have made some UE4 scenes, and tested the effect of wood material,shown as following: The ship model build in UE4 is close to the museum's effect,but I didn't go on with my idea, and I'd like to make a actual model-Because I want to learn the CNC milling machine operation, NC programming.
  12. Compared to Gaetan's dream workshop, my "workshop“ is only 2 square meters, and now the temperature is estimated to be 40 Centigrade . But my wife allows me to use computers here So I haven't stopped completely in the heat of summer.
  13. Hi Mike Y Are these your private collections?Very beautiful, very historical! If possible, you are welcome to travel to China
  14. Thanks Gaetan Bordeleau I quite agree with you. As you said, developing a set of drawings is a huge project,so I never started the project yet. I have been thinking about how to reduce development time, improve the professional level of drawings, and quickly make model to validate the design.So I have been purchasing some specialized shipmodel books and drawings for the past two years,study other's build-log and look for opportunities to communicate with others-although my poor English restricts me.Then I thought of using numerical control(CN) to make shipmodel and improve efficiency and accuracy - though it was not" traditional" or "unorthodox",And I use french 64gun and flute zeehaen to do numerical control practice,CNC machining can be used to produce complex frames, keel, sculpture(figurehead) quickly , and the size is very accurate. Another way is to find partners, 2-3 peoples perform their duties,discuss the structure together, 1-2 person responsible for textual research and design, the other one responsible for making the model and verifying the design,it can reduce the development cycle. Ship model commercial development will also become very convenient,because my circle of friends including casting factory, wood processing plants, furniture factory, CNC machining,Desktop-CNC engraving machine factory, printing factory, foreign trade company...It's even easy to find some professional Carvers to make figurehead by hand.But the lack of copyright-copyright of ship model drawings.So, original development is necessary. Maybe business discussions here might be wrong.But even if only for hobby, to develop this set of drawings,I'm also looking forward to do it, because this is my hobby.
  15. I bought this book last year. It's a good reference. Looking forward to make drawings of HMS PRINCESS ROYAL and shipmodel in the near future.But it require a lot of knowledge of ship model-Beyond my ability, so I am looking forward to developing this project together with somebody who have common desire and knowledge of ship model.
  16. Great model, look at your 74 gun, I want to start my 64gun again
  17. Hi matiz nice work!The French or the British 74 gun is also the model I want to make,Your build log will be a good reference resources for me,thank you!
  18. Current build

    frame drawing and 3d model of HMS ANSON 

    L'ARTÉSIEN 1762   1:48 - 64 gun frame model by cnc -suspended for making drawing


  19. Current build

    frame drawing and 3d model of HMS ANSON 

    L'ARTÉSIEN 1762   1:48 - 64 gun frame model by cnc -suspended for making drawing


  20. Hi Gaetan. I can understand your thoughts or needs. Make 3D models for a variety of uses, research structures/game/and drawings... At present, there are some free small software, you can import the 3D model, check to see the model from many angles, it's very useful to understanding the structure of the model.Better software such as UE4-a powerful 3D game development software that can even simulate real naval battles.It seems is free by developer(official).You can search it online and get authorization. But who will develop the 3D model?After all, this demand is very small, and team development is still not possible. As other members says,a good 3D model is no less than a real model.So, you can work with people who have 3D modeling capabilities. Now,I have give up making 3D virtual ship model instead of using 3D technology to make the actual one.Such as cnc
  21. It's a good idea to press the glass over the frame,I'll assemble the frame in your way
  22. Although some busy, I still took the time to make the fifth figurehead, a little bit of regret is that some of the flaws of wood Cn processing out of the sculpture is quite accurate, basically the same as the design,because it was not polished yet, so looks more rough.
  23. Thanks Jeronimo,and thanks everybody. Maybe I will stop the buildlog for a while,I promised the request of a member to development of a private drawing of the frame and make its sculpture, including the figurehead. This is the last update of the production of the figurehead. After the figurehead is fixed, the support is finally removed. Remove the fixed softener... Finally, It's also need to be manually modified/polished and so on...
  24. Hello Gaetan Good start and a excellent ship model. It is difficult to use the milling machine by hand to process this part of keel. I haven't studied the structure of 74 gun's yet,perhaps such a structure would be more reasonable? And whether it is the structure of the stern?
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