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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Morning Will, Firstly from reading your reply to my 'Nisha' build log I see you have had Covid! I hope you are well on the road to recovery with no side effects; my son had had it and still can't smell/taste properly yet. So look after yourself and take it easy. Regarding your rigging, did you make a start before you caught covid? I have not served any rigging on a model before, so that is not something I can advise, like you I am mulling over if I can 'add' anything to the rigging based on March's drawings, but not sure if I will yet.
  2. Hi Will, Thanks, yes I tend to mix my paints from standard enamel paints, the boxes all start out with an undercoat of a 'dark earth' colour, then the next coat is the same 'dark earth' plus a variation of 'rust' reds or 'cream' colours to vary the colours of each box or barrel slightly. When that is dry is I then applied a dark 'walnut wash' that highlighted a few of the inner edges and fine lines within the parts. Finally a 'dry coat' of a cream/tan lightly brushed over to hint at the effect of wear and tear of the boxes been used and 'fresh' wood then visible at edges/corners. There is a bit of mix of finishes on them at the moment; satin etc. (and the crew) so think the whole lot will get a light spray of matt varnish along with most of the rest of the build later.
  3. Welcome to MSW 👋 Grey, you will enjoy the Nisha, a fun little model to build.
  4. Had a break from working on the Nisha, as the Admiral has had me decorating my Daughter's bedroom at the moment, so time for building models has been restricted, but have managed to sneak a few visits to the workbench to do some painting of the crew figures and assorted boxes/barrels I got as accessories from Chris. May yet add some fish in the larger open crate, just thinking on how to make some fish. 🤔 Hope to be back doing the mast and adding updates soon. Thanks for looking in.
  5. For inner bulwark colouring, dull red was fairly universal in that period, but there were always exceptions and the actual shade of "Red" is open to interpretation as I understand it ranging from almost Brown to Signal Red, other options are to leave unpainted, perhaps varnished "paid" I think the contemporary term was, with all sorts of varnish concoctions that could be quite dark in tone. (a not unlikely option given the 'lowly' status of the "Bounty") or perhaps Yellow Ochre. Less likely are white or the much later Greens.
  6. Excellent, a future project perhaps? If you can do "Mars" I'm sure you could convert a Caldercraft "Cruizer" into an "Irene"! 😁 - The "Mars" & "Irene" would make an interesting 'pairing' with their joint Dutch/English histories etc.
  7. Hi, thanks for your comments about my “Orestes” that was my second completed wooden model; though actually the third one started as I abandoned my “Bounty” build for about ten years as it was a bit of a challenge and only came back to it last year when I rejoined MSW. As you mentioned your research and mention E. W. Petrejus, have you come across his book Modelling the Brig-of-War “Irene”? It is a very good book and although detailing the conversion of an English Cruizer class Brig “Grasshopper” for service in the Dutch Navy (shoe on the other foot compared to Mars-Orestes!) Petrejus does cover other contemporary Dutch ships and practice’s. The English version is getting harder to find and more expensive, not sure if that’s the case with the original Dutch edition?
  8. Glad to come across this log as I really enjoyed building this kit, though I largely did it ‘out of the box’ as HMS ‘Orestes’, I wasn’t back with MSW when I built it, so no build log I’m afraid but I have put a few pictures in the ‘completed’ gallery. I will be following along, don’t worry about the delays, my ‘Mars/Orestes’ took about four years. I’m Really impressed with your research into the ship and it is interesting to get the Dutch side of the story for a change and not the English version. I’m currently researching my next build and it is nearly as addictive as the actual building of the model itself.! (almost) 😅
  9. Great model collection, welcome to MSW. 👋
  10. All you (any of us) can do is the best our building skills and research time allows. As regard’s the Bounty it is only famous because of the mutiny; if the voyage had gone as planned, I doubt most of us would know or care about her. It was employed for a mundane and by modern standards an odious mission to transport sapling plants for food for slaves in the Caribbean. I doubt any unnecessary expense was used on her decorations. I have by convention (in the AOTS books etc.) gone with blue for the bulwarks outer colour, but I have not been confident about that since I committed brush to my model. Blue was (and still is) one of the most expensive pigments to use. So why use it for a ship transporting plants? I am no expert, but I am not at all confident the AOTS book is the definitive authority on the Bounty’s appearance and my Bounty might yet appear in black instead of blue bulwarks. Also who is going to say you are wrong? Ultimately it is down to you and what you are trying to produce n your build.
  11. Good to see you back building your “Bounty” I’ve had a bit of a pause on my Bounty also, but that is because I started another project, not because of work like you. Hope you can keep doing a bit more now. 👍
  12. She's really coming together nicely Will, looking forward to see the rigging going on, I can't quite see from the picture, but how did you tie the sails to the mast hoops? - They look neatly done.
  13. Well done Mike, looking very shipshape, as you say a significant milestone. 👏 Are you doing another model while you pause for breath on your Snake build?
  14. Welcome to MSW Dan 👋 I can only echo what the others have already said about initial models to have a go at, there a few of the Vanguard Trawlers being built on MSW at the moment, you can use the search facility to look them up in the kit build section of the forum.
  15. Hi James, Looking forward to seeing this one develop, enjoying building the "Nisha" at the moment so will be intrigued to see this one, as I have defacto approval from the Admiral to do a pair of trawlers! 😁 Also good to see little boats provided, I got an old CC resin one for the Nisha, but it doesn't look a patch on that one.
  16. Thanks Dave, I used an Airbrush for the painting of the hull. Used my Harder and Steenbeck Evolution CR plus and Sovereign Model paints. It will inevitably need touching up as I finish the hull then varnish when completed. (I’m a messy so and so when building! 😅)
  17. Hi Brian, I like that you have gone to the trouble of doing a mock-up first before committing to the deck of your Granado 👏 that rig and blocks look good to me, it is going to be a challenge at 1/64 to do blocks for smaller than larger cannons (18lbers plus I think imho) but then like you my eyes aren’t that good either! 🤣 Go on tell me that last picture is the view from your workshop as you build your Granado? Just to make us all envious 😃
  18. I haven’t used the dimensions for ‘Master hand’, just the detail sketches for little details, stuck to your dimensions for the masts etc. which of course tie in with March and the plans he based his work on. It is just the 20ft, outboard given in March on the bowsprit leaves the inboard portion over the fore hatch, which is not as James had it in the prototype build. Just a query, hoping not to lay down problems now for me later on.
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