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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Brilliant work Chris! 👏 I hope your friend has big shelves in his new house when he moves!
  2. The link in the post Gregory posted (#198) is a very good read, the binnacle houses the compass(s) and lamp to read by night.
  3. Oh heck guys, this sounds bad! 😥Snake is my next ‘big’ build once I finish a couple of project’s off that are close. Though I am going to ‘kit bash’ it into a different “Cruizer” class ship rigged of 1830s vintage, so probably will end up semi-scratch built anyway.
  4. I know that look, get that at home from my pooches! - “Will you stop what you are doing, we need to go sniff some lampposts and bums NOW!”
  5. Oh, how we suffer for our Art! 😆 That said, I bet you have to be careful separating some of the printed parts from the little "stalks" 🤯
  6. Sorry that does not compute for me Chris, now I have tried it, how the heck to you get the edges to line up! 🤔, you lured me into the ‘Dark Arts’ and then you show us card parts that look like moulded ones! Witchcraft I say! 🧙
  7. I know, Greg probably has enough ‘spares’ to equip an entire 1/350 fleet. 🤣 But I understand, once you know there is something more accurate out there, well, that is one awful scratch to not itch! If you are going to build a “Roma” you probably only doing it once, so might as well do it right! 👏
  8. Must admit, I left off the Binnacle securing rope on my Bounty, it was trapped between the belaying rails, so I chickened out. I may go back and redo that when I get back to my Bounty. I will see how you do it! 😁
  9. Those look stunning, I have in mind a few 1/350 RN subjects and had looked at this company, but wasn't sure, the quality you have there has made up my mind. Now I just need to plan what I would need for a few projects to make the postage work for me and get a few items/projects in together. Thanks for sharing a look at your goodies Greg. 👍
  10. Very good, how do you know the individual horses colours, did certain Regiments only use (in this case Grey horses)? Great research if so! 👍
  11. Very good, love the squabbling Seagulls in the foreground 😀and the light effects on the waves and sky. 👍
  12. Ha, well there is that old saying about something looking good enough for “a blind man on a galloping horse”, but you paint the actual horses as well! 🤣🐴 (and very well to boot 👍!)
  13. Thanks E Z, working at this scale does require a generous profanity count! - Nearly matching the part count on this Puffer at times 🤐 But slowly learning as I'm getting older that when this occurs just put it down (I'm supposed to be enjoying myself!) and go start something else; even something on the same build - I hardly ever stick to the instruction sequence on any kit and often hop to my "favourite" bits and come back to the profanity inducing parts as and when I am feeling Zen. 😇
  14. Thank you @richard44 , @Dave_E & @Old Collingwood for your kind words 😀 Viewed using my magnifying glass headset or even the macro on the mobile camera, things do not look to hot! 🤣 but as Chris said on post #15, we can all aim for an “artistic impression” from normal viewing distances. Looks even better if I don’t wear my reading glasses 😉
  15. Hi Jan, yes agreed, we need more models of beautiful ships like Varyag! (not more Victories, Bismarcks & Titanics, but your right, they sell....) This is an inspirational project. 😲
  16. What a fantastic build, image #9 (img_9) is just brilliant. 😲
  17. Good work on making your own ships' wheel, I cheated and bought an after market replacement for mine. So well done! 👍
  18. Hi all, I've made good progress this last few days, adding the Wheelhouse and the small rowing boat. I decided to go for the enclosed cabin rather than the earlier open Wheelhouse, just because I liked the look of it more. Also an added advantage that there were some tiny parts in the cabin that didn't need to be made in the enclosed cabin as you wouldn't see them! 😉 - I did however add some thin cellophane glazing. Then we started adding the little details that make the simple cabin look a bit more interesting, like navigation lights, wire hand rails, and air vents, doors and so on. I've still to add the wire ladder to access the wheel house and somehow fashion a couple of life-rings, as I don't have a punch set, these are going to be beyond me in card. Lastly I made up the fiddly little ship's boat, this was a bit of a challenge, but over a few sessions it came together okay.
  19. Moved back to the 'pointy end' this evening and added an anchor, chain and davit. None of them made from card! 😲 Wire, brass sheet and the smallest chain I have, though still too over scale really. Thread is elastic "Esi-line" I use for rigging model biplanes etc. Also good for ships antenna wires.
  20. Congratulations Dave on a very nice looking model. 👏 Btw - you can change the title yourself by editing the post, go to the three dots on the top right hand side.
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