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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Hope you don't mind, I have dug out some old Airfix Catalogues (all from my main model making years as kid) and looked up some of the original blurb on your B-26 kit. Released in 1973 - gosh, that mould will be 50 soon! It was heralded as being a kit with "new levels of detail"; in their 16th Edition catalogue (1979) they were inviting readers to spot the kit from the real thing! 😆 - Now there's bravado for you! Sorry for butting in, lets see how my Rose tinted glasses 👓 fair up against your 2022 build of her, pulling up a chair... 🍿
  2. I’m in, that’s a recent re-boxing of the old 1970s mould. Airfix’s new moulds are good but they still have the cheek to re-box the old stuff and call them Classic Vintage, or something like that! 🤣 From memory the B-26 was quite detailed for its time; with internal bomb bay details. But not sure how the “fit” will be. Plus it has “raised” surface details and may be covered in rivets big enough to grace an ironclad battleship! Looking forward to seeing how my memory matches to the reality nearly 40 years later! 🫣
  3. Now that would make a spectacular presentation for one of the Vanguard RN. models 😁
  4. Thanks Mark. Okay guys you have twisted my arm, but I might not get chance to start the log for a few days yet. It is Airfix's new mould (but not without some very well documented errors - more of that later!)
  5. Excellent progress Sam, what did you paint the bottom of your Endeavour with? See you have gone for the historically correct way rather than the more often seen pure white. Though I think the fresh tallow was a off/creamy colour when initially applied and darkened rapidly when exposed to the sea.
  6. And finally.... I'm also on with this, if anyone would be interested in a log of this and another trip down 'memory' lane?
  7. I thought some of you might like a few shots of the recently finished Beaufort compared to other Bristol types from the same stable I have made in recent years. A Blenheim (in French colours - Sacre bleu!) and a Beaufighter; probably the best of the three in terms of war record.
  8. Here we go folks. the final pictures of my Bristol Beaufort. Final notes, the matt coat varnish is from Mig Ammo, I like the flat coat, but it is very fragile, just look at it and it scuffs. Managed to avoid 'silvering' under the fuselage letter codes, which is big 'Win' for me. Some 'losses' as with every build; the canopy is mostly clear, with the odd mark here and there and a mysterious line/crack on the lower starboard side? But overall for a "glasshouse" not too shabby. But most importantly on the prop scale of movability they are a "2" - not blow round ones, but they do freely move by finger prods. 😆 A couple more posts to finish before I mark this one FINISHED. A fun little build and thank you all for following and hope you liked the trip down memory lane, courtesy of good old Airfix!
  9. Hi, glad to see you back in the saddle and hope your health issues don’t keep away further. Take care.
  10. Hey Brian, I've just checked and although @Timmo is still active, he does not appear to be following his own build log, so might not have spotted your questions, maybe try PMing him, be a shame for you to miss out on some valuable input from him. Beautiful build and great presentation!
  11. Nice save with making your own pewter parts! Good idea leaving them off until later, I wish I had done that with my Bounty! 😣
  12. Small update probably the last before the "reveal" - Added the undercarriage, which was a pig to get in and also added the Torpedo/bomb bay door and the Torpedo itself. I've also started a little bit of weathering, but not going mad as 1/72 scale models can look pretty "scruffy" if overdone. Remaining tasks are adding the small glazed nose turret, three little aerials, finish the matt varnish, props and lastly the nerve wracking job of peeling back all the glazing masks to hopefully find a clear cockpit! Thanks for the likes and comments guys! 😁
  13. Oh! Well on second thoughts, down the pub it is! 🍻
  14. Very nice indeed 👏, feeling a bit seasick already looking at that scene! 🤢 pass the bucket!
  15. I'll go fetch the Admiral's knitting needles! - Woolie jumper for Winter Anyone? 😆
  16. Many years ago I had the Tamiya 1/48 version which was pretty basic. The after market parts will lift your build to a different level, nicely painted engine! 👏
  17. Good to see you back working on the Tennessee Keith, really looking smart! 👍
  18. Great work Graham, the extra details you are adding are making all the difference. 👏
  19. Next batch of pictures are on the airbrushed painting done this weekend. I used "Colourcoats" by Sovereign Paints from here in the UK, I particularly like their Dark Earth / Dark Green, that to my eyes looks pretty close to the RAF camouflage colours. They are enamels, but I have learned to use lower pressures when painting and not blast high pressure aerosols all over the place and into my lungs, so it not that unpleasant and I have plenty of ventilation. A note on the masking, I tend to use paper cut outs that emulates how many (but not all) British aircraft were painted (using large fibre reinforced rubber mats). I have tried to use rolled blu-tack "snakes" to demark the camouflage patterns, but I found it hard to follow the patterns properly and the "feathering" too pronounced, particularly for 1/72 & 1/48 scale aircraft. Sources I have come across state that the ministry standard for even "freehand" spray painted aircraft was a 0.5 inch wide demarcations, so that at 1/72 that would look pretty much a hard line, not fuzzy. My paper masks are held down with little dots of blu-tack to stop the paper flapping about when using the airbrush; the trick with these little dots is patience and let the paint harden before plucking them off with a larger ball of blu-tack, they tend to leave no marks if clean. Thanks for looking in and the likes and stories/memories! 😁
  20. Bulk of the building side of thing about done now. I did buy a set of canopy paint masks for this model. If I'm doing an aircraft with a simple canopy, then I will make my own masks to save a few pennies, but with these "Glasshouse" type canopies with loads a frames it seems a bit of a false economy and usually the results are better also. There was a bit of sanding and filling to do once the first undercoat went on, mostly around the cockpit windows and the rear turret fairing, which I needed to be careful with. Then I pre-shaded the panel lines prior to painting proper.
  21. That's a nice looking Sabre, really coming together now with the Decals going on.! 👍
  22. Oh , that must have been epic! I am lucky that Knaresborough is on the flight path for the BBMF Lancaster when she goes north each flying display season. Seen her twice this year, once almost overhead! 😀
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