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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Few more updates on the planking phase on the little 'Nisha' that I have been doing in the last week or so. This is one of the areas I mentioned earlier where my copy of "Sailing Trawlers" by Edgar J. March has come in useful and led me down an uncertain path, resulting in a little bit of 'kit bashing'! 😮 Pages 325 - 327 of March provide elevations, plans and sections of the 'Nisha' and the section intriguingly showed thicker 'topside' and 'bilge' planking. So I have had a go at representing this on my build. The actual difference in thickness at 1/64 is very small, but I thought enough that it might add a bit of interest if I got it at least partially right, I'm not really going to know how it looks until I have a coat or two of primer on the hull, at which point it all might get sanded flat again 😆, but worth a go. I followed the level of the platform Chris provides in the kit for the bilge planking and the topside planking I simply started at the underside of the bulwark parts #43 & #44. I cut some strip I had into thinner widths to get as near I could to scale of the original 6" wide planks, then using Chuck's dry heat method bent them before gluing in place to avoid the edges turning over along the plank lengths. This batch of pictures show the process and the March cross section I referenced. I have just completed the second planking and initial results look okay I think, I will upload these next. Thanks for looking in.
  2. Hi Will, it does look different in daylight, you certainly have got me thinking about the colour scheme for these trawler’s. I think most of them would have been quite plain looking as they were hard worked and possibly a bit scruffy. From consulting Edgar March’s “Sailing Trawlers” I think my ‘Nisha’ might be finished in plain black sides with no white ‘booting topping’ at the waterline. I do have a build log, link on my signature, or look under the ‘1900 to now’ build log category. kind regards, Andrew
  3. Hi Will, lovely looking build! 👍 Have you stained the deck? It looks darker in the last few pictures and looks darker than the 'Nisha' deck I have, just asking as I like the look of it a bit darker. 😀
  4. And 'most' of the time for many of us! 😆 Keep plugging away Dave, I had similar issues with my first build (Caldercraft's HMS 'Sherbourne') a very similar Cutter to 'Lady Nelson' but what everyone is kindly saying is true, we've all done it, I have ripped planking up and copper plating before, very frustrating initially, but in the long run worth it. 👍
  5. Very nice looking boat there, love the contrast between the deck and inner bulwarks, gives me something to think on with my “Nisha” 👍
  6. Hello James, welcome to MSW from N. Yorks.
  7. Although I have not seen them in person I think the Amati and Vanguard copper plates have a far more refined appearance than the Caldercraft “dimples” which I have used and won’t be using again. Hopefully someone on MSW has samples of them to show compared to other makes mentioned.
  8. Oh, I wish I had known these were coming as I only last week got a 14ft. one from a company you know well where you need to use black card for ribs... yours look beautiful!
  9. Btw. sorry for the picture order, still getting "Error 200" on some pictures, so by time they upload, they are out of sync!
  10. Hello all, Hope you are all having a great Christmas holidays, I have been indulging in too much food and drink with family and friends to do much on the little Nisha, but a few updates below. Completed the first planking and added the keel/stem/stern rabbet patterns and also the stern counter, which I managed not to split this time! (Though I didn't soak it this time just glued and clamped for 24hrs.) Also completed a few little assemblies along the way (fish hatches, companionway and steam winch) These are very delicate parts and glad Chris includes some spares!
  11. I Don't know but I'm currently reading about the sailing trawlers out of Grimsby and other stations during the 1800's up to WW1, as background to my latest build. Interesting to learn how much the railways and Grimsby port authorities built the town to to service the fishing industry for getting fresh fish to London.
  12. Welcome to MSW Shane, from not that far in N Yorkshire 👋
  13. Hope no teeth marks! Could always be a talking point referencing Jaws, "I think we are going to need a bigger boat!"
  14. I've been getting that error just now with an update to my log. Sheer bloody mindedness and repeating the same procedure over and over (a sign of madness I believe?) and most of the pictures did go on. They were all resized and small, but the server was not having a couple of them? 🤔
  15. Moved onto the first layer of planking after finishing fairing the bulkheads more on advice of James H. Trying out pre-bending and shaping the planks before fitting to the hull, going okay so far taking it steady, but as the Nisha is small, an evening can see a few planks done in a sitting. While waiting for those to dry, I have cleaned and primed the PE ready for painting and also done a few of the later deck fitting sub-assemblies, I'll get some pictures of those uploaded soon. Also enjoying reading "Sailing Trawlers" by Edgar J. March, this has given me loads of ideas for adding little bits to my version of Nisha (many of these ideas beyond my abilities probably, but I can dream! 😆) Thanks for looking in.
  16. You should be okay if the underlying profile is good, all will be hidden by the second planking, thats what I’m hoping on my “Nisha” stern counter also.
  17. It shows, your pictures look like James H’s when he is doing Vanguards prototype builds, 👍 Great start, 😀
  18. Yes I did, they were thinned to a fine edge at the front. @James H thanks - yep looks like more sanding required, the same needs doing at the stern also I think, next job before starting the planking. I am also doing some of the sub assemblies later on in the instructions (like the fish hatches) while I wait patiently for bulwarks to dry. But yes the sanding blocks / paper come out to play next, keen to do best I can of the first planking, as I have never been happy with my first planking on builds before.
  19. Thank you, yes "Nisha" is diminutive, but I think there was a bit of distortion in that shot as it makes her look tiny. Picture below against a 12inch rule. Widest part of her beam will be just under 3 inches when finished. Her size and looks are a good thing.... firstly it opens up many more shelves and 'top' of book cases as "moorings" for model boats and the Admiral and my daughter likes these pretty little ones with red sails. So win - win! 😁
  20. Update on progress over last couple of evenings, attaching the parts 45 & 46 the bulwarks. Took a few dry fits to see how they would line up to the lower of the two markers provided on the inside edge of each part and the front part needed sanding to sit flush on the bow, all covered in the instructions. Pinned and glued up to the level of the deck pattern. Leaving that to dry before moving onto the first planking. Also arrived today is a reference book I got from fleabay, that I have seen mentioned on MSW in connection with Chris's Erycina & Nisha and other threads - "Sailing Trawlers" by Edgar J. March and indeed from first looks it is going to be very useful , with plenty of photographs, drawings and plans; including the Nisha! 😁
  21. Thanks Andy, I will look out for your log when you start. I think what might have happened was one of the clips slipped, putting a strain across the counter pattern, which as it was soft from soaking, slowly split during the night. I have just checked it this morning and all is fixed now, all I need to do is a bit of sanding and delete a few posts on this log and no one will know! 😆
  22. Thanks Craig, yes I:m hoping it will be okay once the covering part goes over it. Just need to make sure the underlying profile is correct with a bit of sanding. Onwards and upwards, 👍
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