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Gus M

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Everything posted by Gus M

  1. @glennard2523 We will be there to follow the evolution of HMS Indefatigable, of course. I'm still starting, catching up with my Croos section San Francisco, more than anything else to learn, and learn for my mistakes, but I hope in a short time to acquire the Zulu 'Lady Isabella' or the Fifie 'Lady Eleanor', I think they will be ideal to get me started in something more advanced, and this thread teaches many things for it.
  2. Hi Glenn.... I really like this ship, it's beautiful, as you explain its evolution in such a detailed way, I think it's a great thread to see how to make a nice model and learn thanks for sharing. I following this thread, of course
  3. Impressive work, ia a beauty, congrats, I follow this thread, of course, I need see all progress
  4. love this thread, and I am really impressed with the work and the final result, it is a marvel, congrats or your amazing work @Chuck
  5. @James H and @Blue Ensign Thank you both very much, if I have to choose one for my personal taste, I prefer Zulu. I have to find out how much it will cost me to import it to Spain from the UK and do the maths, but I think it will be possible this month or next to buy one of them, to make in the future, for the moment I will continue with the one I am building (San Francisco section of Artsania Latina) to learn and this will be the next on the list, I have the Providence Kit but I have seen some threads that say that the materials are very bad and it is very hard to make it, so I was looking for a Vanguard kit that I would like to continue, and this will be the Zulu. Thanks for your advice, it has been very helpful, very kind. I hope I am not wrong in my decision
  6. ok, @James H and @Blue Ensign you mean one of these two, is that right? https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/fifie-lady-eleanor/ https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/zulu-lady-isabella/ in that case I will have to choose "Lady Eleanor", Zulu is out of stock. I'm going to check the shipping costs and taxes (IVA) to Spain to be able to do the maths and not spend too much, but they are beautiful.
  7. Hi, thank you for your reply you mean this one? https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/clinker-hull-boats-full-kit/ because of the shipping cost, I think it is better to bring me two of them, this one and one like the one you have built to have it, and I would do it when the time comes, these small boats are very nice and I did not think it was complicated to assemble as you describe, we will try little by little, then....
  8. Thank you @mtaylor
  9. thank you @Knocklouder and @Dave_E
  10. Is terrible..thank you for your comnent
  11. a beautiful and fantastic work I have seen these Vanguard models and they are really nice Do you think they would be good for a beginner to start in it? I would appreciate an opinion on this
  12. Hello again everyone, first of all, apologies for my absence, or not giving news, but my spirits and health did not help me. After a long time in which I have had many serious health problems and some personal ones, it has been a long and hard time that has kept me away from many of the things that I liked and wanted the most. Now they have retired me due to my health pathologies, although I am still young (52 years old) I hope that now, after finishing treatments and achieving stability, a very tough judicial process with the SPANISH STATE to achieve retirement, now I am retired and with time for me, my family and my hobbys, with my health is good, of course, as I said, I hope to have more time to dedicate to the things that I feel like doing, take care of my health, logically, reading, watching movies, and learning to make ship models is something that I always wanted to do, I have a lot to read and see to catch up, I will do it little by little. I reiterate my apologies, but really, this has been a very difficult path for me and my spirits were very low and I didn't want to do anything other than think about being able to recover. PS I'm replying again in this thread because I don't think it's necessary to open a new one.
  13. Hello again everyone, after a long time in which I have had many health problems and some personal ones, I can resume the construction work of this model
  14. hello everyone, a little update, or not.... first, thanks for the likes @Keith Black and @Ryland Craze a few weeks ago I suffered a domestic accident in the palm of my right hand, the wound became infected and I had many problems and pains, reaching the point of not being able to close the hand or do anything with it, fortunately, this is passing, although it is a place that still hurts me a lot, I think that in a few days I can return to work on the model. I have not lost myself, nor have I given up, I simply have not been able to do anything. the model for the moment is like this, I was preparing the grids of the covers and there I had to stop ... I will continue, in a few days I hope to return to put progress. all my best
  15. Hello, thanks for your support @Keith Black I continue advancing, I have already finished the lower deck, just need to place the additions, barrels, ropes etc. I have continued to adjust the middle deck, I made a small mistake when cutting a board and I have to fix it, it is too evident. I have also marked the nails and the boards and prepared the hole for the hatch once adjusted, I decided to make the hatch as @Osmosis today I will prepare it and also mark the hole for the cannon hole before placing the second lining. then I will line this deck on the inside, pictures in a few days. thank you for stopping by and looking and, if you wish, giving advice.
  16. maybe in a couple of years or three...I don't have the capacity to build something as beautiful. Although I confess to have been tempted to buy the Syren at ModelShpways and follow its construction.
  17. every update amazes me more and more with your great work, it's fantastic. PS also, every day I wonder how this boat would be in natural color of the wood and not painted in red, it is a question of my personal taste for these things, nothing else.
  18. Hi @Keith Black, sorry for my delay answer thank you for your interest, I don't give up and I continue a small update... I'm still building, I've decided to paint and fit all the "ornaments", barrels, buckets, etc.., I've been doing it all week, little by little, this week is school holidays in the Balearic Islands and I've had my 4 year old daughter almost all day, I've been doing it little by little. then I have refined them a bit and they suitable, now I have my doubts about giving them a bit of stain, usually the barrels for transporting liquids in Spain are made of oak wood, I have to test them. I have also made the "bundles" of goods. also finish with the ropes in various sizes, thanks for the link to learn the board packs are also finished you can see everything in this picture, what I've been doing so far, well, they are more finished and better finished than they look like there. now I am finishing with the boxes, this is giving me a lot of work because of the small size of the pieces and my little experience, but little by little I will learn. I also hope to start tomorrow the second hull plating up to the second deck at least, then I will complete the lower deck and continue with the first floor deck. thanks for stopping by and for your support
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