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Gus M

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Everything posted by Gus M

  1. I have finally been able to do some work, I have prepared and glued the second deck hatch and I have also assembled and adjusted the ladder. The ladder is somewhat complicated, it is not well cut to assemble it but I think that in the end it turned out quite well
  2. Well, I confusión with this Is 1/24 or 1/48 this one? Model Expo - Model Shipways 18th Century Longboat 1/48 scale https://amzn.eu/d/iPH2Rk3 This other one is 1/24, but the price is 183.82 € Model Shipways 18th Century Barco Largo Armado Escala 1:24 – Cortado con láser Madera, Metal y fotograbado latón Kit https://amzn.eu/d/aGGM6EU Right now I'm confused and don't know which one to buy. PS I also found the SYREN...a beauty
  3. What is the scale on your boat? I found on Anazon one in s 1:48 scal, but I don't see any compilación in this scale
  4. on board on this one, thanks for sharing, impatient to see your great work, Kevin, seems to be progressing very well and fast in the first hours
  5. I only write here so as not to lose the thread as a reference for my construction. It is a pity that Osmosis does not continue its great work.
  6. Wellcome to MSW from Spain, I following your progress, I need to learn more
  7. I need to see more of this, next chapters, great and beauty work, I follow
  8. Wellcome to MSW, enjoy
  9. Wellcome to MSW, enjoy
  10. Hi Andy, It's a great work, I'll follow this thread, I need to learn. Thanks for sharing
  11. Beauty ship, and wonderfull work, looks great
  12. thank you @Chuck I imagine that for a beginner it is too difficult? or is it possible to try?
  13. I just found this thread right now, an impressive project, I'm liking it, I'm going to follow it of course, your work is really fantastic. Congratulations
  14. Hello I do not know where to put this, I think it is here, but if it is not please, that a moderator change it to its proper place. Searching on Amazon I have found this model of MODEL SHIPWAYS, the boat is very nice, but there is something that does not fit me on it....two sellers and the prices are very different. As I think this boat is a design and creation of @Chuck I would like to know if the sellers are legal or it is a pirate sale, I don't know if there are authorized sellers to sell MODEL SHIPWAYS boat KIts and I also don't understand the difference in prices. If someone can help me I would appreciate it, it is a very nice boat and the price seems to me very good, but I do not want to buy something that is not correct and its sale is not authorized. PS it could also be that it came to them second hand, I do not know. https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B0144YQR7W/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_4?smid=A24CJETPKP2FEK&psc=1 https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B07ZFJQXSR/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_5?smid=AC2L47LLG777B&psc=1 Thank you in advance for your attention and answers. Gus
  15. Looks great, is a beauty, admirable work, congrats, glad to see you work again in this beauty
  16. what a nice job and how well explained the progress, every day I like more and more these Vanguard fishing boats. Congratulations
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