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Gus M

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Everything posted by Gus M

  1. I can't help you with that, the most expert in the forum surely have good advice, it would be interesting to follow your adaptation of "Polaris" to that beautiful boat
  2. Hi @ubjs, No, it is not a "real" boat, it is a design of a boat as they say on their website, designed for beginners and learning the basics of construction. I don't know if there are similar ships in the Baltic Sea. The name "Polaris" only refers to the "North Star", guide for navigators
  3. Wellcome to MSW, enjoy
  4. I am a newbie, but the more I look at this thread, the photos, comments, the greater my admiration for such a magnificent work.My compliments and big congrats
  5. On board, , I want to learn, I will take the trip with you ... thanks for sharing
  6. Wellcome to MSW, enjoy
  7. Wellcome to MSW, enjoy
  8. Small update, while I have started the assembly of "The Providence" (I will open a build log in a few days with what I have done so far) I combine the works and continue the assembly of the small pieces of this section of the San Francisco, it has been The water pump is assembled and painted in matt black, I have also painted the guns in matt black, I don't like the gold color that the kit "suggests" in the instructions. In the same way, I have assembled and varnished (I do not have photos of this step) the supports for the guns. These works with such small elements are challenging, I never worked on small pieces and sometimes it is a bit complicated due to my lack of vision, but little by little they are being assembled.
  9. Looks great, congrats On board in this bulid log, the Shakleton expeditión is one of my favorites, the Antartica is one of the most misterious today, and I read and listening much podcast about it
  10. Wellcome to MSW, enjoy
  11. Wellcome to MSW, enjoy
  12. on board, it will be a great opportunity to light things up, for sure. and enjoy your " ride ".
  13. On board your buuild log, awasome... I think in the Beagle on a non far future
  14. Wellcome to MSW, enjoy
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