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Gus M

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Everything posted by Gus M

  1. wow, this is imagination, the video looks like a great machine, thanks for sharing it. and great work, of course
  2. I will follow your work with attention, fantastic. thanks for sharing
  3. wow, looks great, congrats on your great work
  4. Sorry for the off-topic, but I do not understand about your store, can you tell me which one it is with a link? If it is not possible in the forum, could you put it in PM?
  5. a great work, it is a boat that I have in mind if my apprenticeship goes well, I will follow your progress with attention.
  6. very interesting, I will follow with attention how you place these candles. Fantastic work
  7. thank you for your response @michael mott it's not about making an investment, I already have almost everything, maybe, as I go along, some tools or wood, but little else. now it's about my confusion to start with one of the 5 models I have, the San Juan de OcCre is on its way (this has been really my only investment so far). my doubts were these: The Providence, after seeing threads in this forum where the project was abandoned and many complaints about the material, I decided to leave it and postpone it for when I have more experience, it seems to me that it is more complicated than what they say in Artesania Latina. now it's a matter of which one to start with of these two: Section of San Francisco (I have put above a photo of the one I have that a friend gave me) I have seen a thread in the forum of @Osmosis and it does not seem complicated to me to begin with o San Juan de OcCre which is on its way to arrive in a few days. However, in a Spanish forum, after many days without answer, today they tell me that better the San Francisco Section . So now I have the doubt of which is better to initiate me of the two, both I like and both seem to me that I could face them without giving up. The idea would be to be able to build at least the 5 kits that I have now. by the way, your work is impressive
  8. Thank you very much @Kevin, but I am not looking for anything else at the moment, if you look at my first post, I commented that I have been given these three already. Scotish Maid by Artesania Latina, started, hull only. New: One that is a section of the ship San Francisco of Artesania Latina. Another one is a Providence Whale Boat, small, from Artesania Latina. And another one, the HMS Terror of the Ochre brand that was bought at the end of last year and unopened it. Also, when I checked different compilation threads, I saw that La Providence was a bit complicated for me and I bought this one to start with, El San Juan de OcCre. https://www.occre.com/modelismo-naval/barcos/san-juan.html Now I doubt which one to start with because in a Spanish forum, after more than a week of asking, today they answered me that the easiest would be the San Francisco Section and after seeing the thread of @Osmosis it doesn't seem too complicated, at least until you get to the rigging. thank you for your advice
  9. t6hanks you @Keith Black, the San Juan has not arrived yet but is on its way, according to the Amazon register, I still have time to think about it, advice is much appreciated
  10. the Beagle is one of projects in my mind to the future. The history of this awasome ship is fantastic. Really amazing. Your work is fantastic, I follow this thread and your advances with attentioin, thanks for sharing
  11. hello, sorry to be so annoying with my questions After more than a week of introducing myself in a Spanish forum about naval modeling, today, finally, I have received some answer, two in particular. And they make me have doubts, even more. They tell me that the best option would be to start with the San Francisco section because the difficulty is less than the other two options for this, the Providence or the San Juan de Ocre. This is the one I have been given I have found this compilation of @Osmosis but he has not finished it, he seems to have left the project, and it really seems to me that it does not involve a great difficulty, but it is only my opinion without experience. Could you give me an opinion on this, @mtaylor @JJT @Keith Black @michael mott or @Jim Lad if it would be easier to start with this one and then do the other two before tackling a bigger project? right now, I'm a little confused about which one to start with and not give up, I really want to get it right. thanks in advance to all support Gus
  12. It's a pity, let's hope that the good work done so far continues, it's fantastic. I also have it and I do not want to take long to start it and all this information is magnificent. Hopefully it will be encouraged again to continue.
  13. This is a great boat and full of history, no doubt, if I ever get to learn this hobby well it will be one of the ones I will try. Thanks for sharing, I will follow your progress with attention,
  14. impressive work and a new thread to follow carefully to learn and enjoy. Congratulations @captain_hook and thanks for sharing
  15. @Chuck Thank you for the video tutorials and pdfs, really very instructive.
  16. Thanks @mtaylor, yes, I will open a build log when I start, for the moment I am still preparing the workspace. Thanks for the link to the videos and pdfs, I have already downloaded them all and translated them into Spanish to read them more easily. The video sfantasticos, also have subtitles which can be understood in Castilian, it's amazing how well this man works, @Chuck
  17. fantastic and interesting work, as well as a very nice section of a beautiful ship. congratulations and thanks for sharing
  18. thank you @mtaylor
  19. thank you @JJT today I decided to buy this San Juan de OcCre to start, from everything I have seen, I am more convinced to start, I hope it does not take long to arrive.
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