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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. I have too seen that friesland for $1000 or so. I got mine for $645. Don't forget the Hms Agamennon. If you do????
  2. Yes the tube off goodness. When I received mine first thing I did when removed the lid was take a big wiff aahhhhhhhhh, Love that smell. Almost like the smell of a new book. I will also be interested to see how your caulked hull planks come out. Nice job.
  3. Main mast top crosstree more deadeyes placed and the futtock shrouds and ratlines complete.
  4. Could It mean this by any chance?
  5. Bit of an update. Things are going a little slower. Fore mast is receiving more shrouds and doing the futtock shrouds as I go with them. Things look a bit like a birds nest but still have to tension things up.
  6. No sails Anton. I can just never get them right. So I'll be doing without on this build.
  7. Soon i shall have all the standing rigging complete and I can move onto the yards and the running rigging with them. It might be a little bit exciting for you guys looking in. We have the holidays coming up so plenty of time to work on them. Cheers for all your likes so far.
  8. Ok, here's where I get confused. The previous photo shows the mizzen futtock shrouds looking way out of wack. But yet as I checked they are fine. See how photos draw your attention to possible errors.
  9. The mizzen mast now completely ratlined up. Will be starting the shrouds and ratlines on the top fore mast soon.
  10. Let's hope your Admiral doesn't catch you staring at that ships behind!!! Great job on her. Looking real slick.
  11. I tried fabric glue but that just didn't have the bond. So a very tacky white glue (PVA) dose the trick. I just hold the ratlines on the shroud until a bit if a bond gets underway and then I let it go and wait for it to set. Alternating each side.
  12. Welcome aboard from down under. At least you'll have no problems getting wind into your sails. Best of luck.
  13. Looks like you are off to a great start. It's looking good. Fairing, One of the most important partsof the job. Good luck.
  14. Cheers mate. Haha I wish. Some of these photos are back dated a few days. I build a bit. Take pics, And when I have a couple I post them. It's coming along nicely, I think. Thanks for peeking in.
  15. What a little gem. Your doing a beautiful job of her. Well done. Your cannons look spot on. Will these be fully rigged?
  16. It looks like the Port side futtock shrouds are not attached at the same height as the ones one the starboard side but they are. After taking this pic I had to check actually. Must be the way I took the photo.
  17. Thanks Sjors. No knots in my ratlines. I use a thickend diluted white glue. And the ratlines are simply glued into place. Dries clear and no staining. Here is a veiw of the fore mast. The futtock shrouds are not attached yet and are just dangling. I know you can't see knots with this method but I like the look.
  18. Your not wrong Anton. It takes the build on a completely different journey. It makes constructing the hull seem such an easy task.
  19. Ratlines continues. Very repetitive but progress is showing slowly.
  20. I do like it indeed. Very nice. I smell progress in the air, *Big Sniff*. Poor Sascha out side missing the action.
  21. Thanks Sjors. Yes I notice the too. I have been using beeswax but I'm sure I didn't put enough on.
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