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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. Its shouldn't be too much of a repair. Just attack it bit by bit. As long as you are ok is the main thing
  2. Lots of fine detail here in this build. I do like the the decorative peices. Good job.
  3. Heyyy long time no hear! Good to see you are back. If I remember correctly I was building the king of the Mississippi when you were. Your build looks the part.
  4. Also from by georgous partner got me this kit for my birthday.This will be the next build once I finally finish the Friesland. Another build log will be up for this little ship.
  5. Hey guys. My partners parents had got me this old kit for my Birthday. And a date says 1972. It is 1:17 scale and all is there including plans and all in good condition. The barrel is of heavy turned brass in 3 sections Anyone out there know a value of a kit like this for this age? If any value at all. Cheers in advance.
  6. Hello again guys. Work will be put aside for the next couple of weeks as I have my father visiting me. I have taken time off my job to spend with him. It is also my 30th on the 14th so no doubt have a beer with him. I will still however be checking in on builds on here. Cheers
  7. Hello zappto. Thanks for checking in. Yes the Deadeyes are from the kit. Same as the blocks, Chain plates etc. The quality is not too bad. Just a little rub between some folded over sandpaper and they come you reasonably good.
  8. Hello Dennis. Those last 5 photos have shown me the best way to belay my rope coils. Initially I was going to have the coils laying on the inside of the crosstree but seeing what you have done by laying them on the outside looks better. Your rigging looks great. We'll done, she is a masterpiece.
  9. Hmmmmm. I do like an old tear er down and redo story. Look forward to its.
  10. Mizzen mast starting to get completed with one yard made up and attached. Have been rigging the others on the main and fore masts
  11. They look good. What scale can you get these down too?
  12. Thanks Ulises. The larger diameter rigging line is one length wrapt around the main mast and looped at either end and seized. Next I made up the two blocks attached to the fore mast and attached them to the large diameter rigging line using eyebolts. Lastly I attached the blocks and rigging that are attached to the deck next to the ships boats. Using that rigging I tensioned the whole assemble and belayed off. Ignore the large diameter rigging line that runs through the middle as this is one of the mainstays between the main mast and foremast. Hope this helps you get an idea of how I rigged mine.
  13. Working on the Mizzen mast yards. Worked late tonight so not much time spent on the ship tonight.
  14. Still have some tensioning to do but here is a closer pic.
  15. So here we go. This crane/hoist set up was i bit tricky. I like things to be symmetrical but this is probaly not done on real ships. I think I got it close enough. The hooks of this hoist are connected to eye bolts in the deck either side of where the ships boats is stored. It seems go look good to me.
  16. There is a crane rigging set up between the fore and main mast which is the last step on the plans sheet No.9. Have had a good look at it before work and will start when I get home. Trying to get everything symmetrical will be a challenge. Pics will closely followed hopefully.
  17. Cheers Ulises Victoria. Thank you. Can see the end now, just.
  18. Beautiful build and a very beautiful display cabnet. She looks stunning. I do particularly like the flags, well done, nice work.
  19. It took me alot of get go to carry on and finish my President. You have done a great job on her. Could be a good possible kit bash project later on down the line.
  20. Forgot to mention the blocks still need to receive the seizing.
  21. More and more blocks. And also some more rope coils. This time it's the fore mast. A similar pic is of the main mast Belaying pin racks. Not the most exciting part of the build but it all adds up.
  22. Very neat job. Makes me want to start all over again. Good work.
  23. You only build it once. Then it's on display forever. Best to fix up as you go. Looking great by the way. Nice deck planking you have going on.
  24. Those gunports will definitely keep you busy! She's looking great.
  25. This topic cane up handy as I have a plastic 1:24 Caterpillar bulldozer to make up for my father. The plastic is pretty colored yellow but I will be painting the whole thing. Cheers. I'm not used to plastics so it will be interesting.
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