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Posts posted by CaptnBirdseye

  1. Oooouch! Mia Culpa, Mia Culpa!
    I’d left the port side to dry for a good 24 hours, but when removing the clamps I clumsily caught the bulwark and split a piece off! Luckily it’s in an area that will be covered by planking on both sides, so after gluing it back in place, I will cover with watered-down adhesive. After a light sanding I’m hoping all will be good and no one can tell. Hopefully….



  2. Pressing on with the build, i left the damp bulwarks clamped in place overnight to form properly. The next job, which i found harder than expected was to glue these in place. The problem arose because here i could have done with two pairs of hands!

    Even tough the bulwarks have lines on them to aid horizontal placement, i just couldn't get them to align at every bulkhead. In the end, i decided i was overthinking this, as the bulwark tops are sanded level in a later stage. 

    Overall I am very pleased with the progress so far 👍






  3. Er...looks like i may need that help sooner rather than later!

    I've given the bulkheads another quick sanding to make sure the bulwarks sit flush, and marked the meridian on the middle post.

    As per the instructions, i'ver removed the front & rear right bulwark parts, soaked in hot water for 15 minutes, and clamped them to the hull to dry. But have I done it wrong? JamesH’s photo shows bulwarks fitted to port side, but right to me would be starboard?

    Does it even matter?





  4. I'm sure you're not wrong there, B.E. 👍

    Here's where i am up to at the moment. The Bulkhead patterns are fitted, but they don't sit flush with the edge of the deck. No worries, a bit of sanding when fairing the hull (which is the next stage) takes care of that.

    I think i've faired the bulkheads enough now. When i run a plank along it seems to fit ok?











  5. Hi everyone. I have been wanting to try one of Chris Watton's 'Vanguard Models' kits for a while now . As i have several ongoing builds, and not wanting to overspend, i finally decided to take the plunge with this one. Now i won't be doing the usual 'kit review' as i feel i cannot  extol the virtues better than have alreday been written on this site. I will say that i'm so impressed by the quality of what i have seen so far to be already eyeing up my next purchase from Vanguard!


    So, first job after checking over the parts, is to build up the hull skeleton. Once all the parts are removed from their frets, and given a very light sanding to remove any burrs, I prepared the bulkheads by bevelling their edges prior to fitting them (unglued) to the false keel. I just used sanding sticks as i didn't trust myself with the Dremel 😀 The bulkheads fitted perfectly, requiring no adjustments at all. Once fitted, the lower deck slid into place and i was then able to apply waterd-down glue to just the bulkheads, using the deck to line everything up. Once the bracing was glued in place under rhe lower deck, I glued the deck to the bulkheads. The filler patterns were added next, then the box created on the lower deck. 


    Once the sheer is sanded, we can fit the plain decking. This I just fitted dry, bending (😟) the ply into place. When i was happy with the positioning, i applied glue to the joints from below.
















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