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Posts posted by CaptnBirdseye

  1. Hi David

    Thanks for the reply. Yes that was my thoughts too, but i didn't want to sand it down, only to find out later it should be like that"

    The more i think about it, the more i feel it should be 'notched' like the rear facia, to allow the plank to sit under it and give an edging to the bow planking above? Also, after a practice run with the planking, i may need more filler at the stern, under the counter, as the bend is quite severe 😟



  2. I've been lurking around this superb forum for a while now, and thought it was about time i contributed something back. I bought this kit many, many years ago - well before i even had an inkling of how to build the thing- i just liked the lines of her!

    So as you can see, i've made some progress, then got stumped, and shelved the whole project for a long while. I thought it was time to bring it out of mothballs, and attempt to finish her. For the most part, i've just been following the build instructions. I deviated a little by adding the balsa fillers at the stem and stern. I've got to the stage where i have faired the hull (as much as is possible with the bow piece, keel and stern piece fitted), and am about to start the first layer of planking.

    The instructions ( such as they are) tell you to first fit the deck facias. Both of these sit proud of the deck to where the planks would go. That seems ok for the rear one.

    My first question for those of you who have built this kit is: should the forward facia be sanded flush with the edge of the bulkhead to allow smooth flow of the planking? Beileive it or not, it doesn't even mention it in their instructions. I have measured the distances on the supplied plans for the position of the first run of planking, (last image) and got them just about right i think (unless someone can tell me differently).












  3. 12 minutes ago, ted99 said:

    Cornwell Model Boats in the UK took my report and forwarded it to Amati.  Just received word from Cornwall that the missing/damaged pieces are on their way to me.

    Tedd: I've used CMB for years and always find them first class, so glad they are sorting it for you.

    Rod: That hull looks nice and straight. I screwed mine down to a base board, just in case of warpage (bit overkill i admit- but it worked). Your build is progressing nicely 👍

  4. Great Idea Chris 👍

    Mind you, i suppose the grading is subjective. Having been following most (if not all) the Sphinx builds, a lot of people are saying that with a little patience it's buildable by all skill levels. That's a testament to your design skills. 

    Wishing you the best of luck with this new phase.



  5. Hi HOF

    Eventually i will. Got too many other builds on the go at the moment tho. Just bought the Half Hull Planking Project as that's an area in need of massive improvement from me 😔 Enjoying following others' builds to steal er i mean borrow their ideas and tips 😀 Following Ted99's new build too

  6. Good to se you back on your 'Bizzie'! I'm not sure if it would be classed as 'theraputic' though 😀

    I have this kit built up to the 'planking the hull' stage, and like yours it has been in storage for a while. 

    With all this renewed interest in this ship and re-launch from Amati only bodes well for these kits (just rankles that we payed all that when Amati version is less than half the price now).

    Looking forward to seeing your progress.


  7. Hi guys

    I hope you can help me and that i have posted this in the right area?

    I have a 10 year old (must be easily) Caldercraft Brig Supply that i started ages ago before i really knew what i was doing (not that i do now 😂) . It reamains in the same stae as i left it all those years ago, but would actually like to try to finish it. The problem i got to was where i had built up the false keel amd added the bulkheads, then the instructions said to add the stem. I did this and added some balsa to pad out the bow area to aid fairing. Now i can't easily fair the bow area and bulkheads with these in place. Realistically, i need to remove the stem and balsa. Would using Isoproponol remove the stem and balsa padding to strip it back to where i can continue?


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