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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. The P-51 was my all time favorite war bird as a kid. I’ll watch. 🍿🥤
  2. Congratulations on the retirement. I’ve heard it said a few times “now that I'm retired I can’t find the time to do what needs doing”. 😆 The jet looks great! 👍
  3. Ha-ha, I was looking at your last ship post a couple days ago and thought “how long is he going to go on this ship thing, before he needs an airplane fix”? And here you are. 😆 I’m definitely in! 👍😀🥤🍿
  4. Kind of gives you a perspective on how crowded the ship was… hate to imagine below deck. 😳
  5. NICE Ed! Ah the contraptions and methods we come up with. 😆 You are the only one (besides these pictures) that will ever know the hard work you went through for those forward 2 cannons. I think I’ve already decided not to do all the rigging for those two. Really looking good! 👍😀
  6. Thanks for posting! I have a collection of 5 Metal Earth kits and have been hesitant to try one. 🫤
  7. Welcome! Political opinions aside, Washington state is one of Gods masterpieces of creation. You and I will be within 30 minutes of each other. Let me know when your settled. 👍😀
  8. Another masterpiece! Congratulations yet again. 👍😀
  9. Hi Jack, Is there another name than Jack you go by? There are several Rattlesnake builds going on, some Model Shipways and even a scratch build. I will definitely follow along with you! Welcome aboard. 👍😀
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