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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. You mentioned canopy glue again. Did you say once you got from Hobby Lobby?
  2. I can’t get over the level of detail and small stuff! Those rudder pedals are amazing. So is that left hand side console! 👍😀
  3. Hi Sam, welcome aboard! 👍😀
  4. Unless you scratch built the control panel with all the levers… it’s easy to see the quality differences in kits available. The P-40 I’m working on has no where near the level of detail this kit has.
  5. So says the master “planker”. 😆I have seen builds that save planking for later, I too wondered why they would do that.
  6. Good Friday to All, It has begun! 😄 Wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Actually the hardest part was overthinking, looking at the drawings until my eyes hurt and looking at all the build logs to decide where to start. I almost went with the hull planking first, but I remembered how I manhandled the Lady Nelson and thought I’d surly snap the gun port framing over and over. I know it looks a little crude, but when I’m down to the wales, then I’ll break out the sandpaper and clean up the ports.
  7. That level of detail is just insane! Ah, I don't think my Rattlesnake is going to get this level of craftsmanship. I'm just not that good and dont have the tooling. I admire those that have the talent, tools and patience. 👍 You are not cluttering up my log. 😀 I'm not sure what I'll do. Save it for another day and press on.
  8. Hi Everyone, I’m thinking that model ship building is much like the industry I retired from, i.e. tons of research and development and lots of man hours to design, plan, buy etc., and then a couple of non skilled laborers put it together in 4 hours. I’m looking at the officers quarters bulkhead. Not one mention in the plans at all concerning the bulkhead, no supplied material for said bulkhead, only a view o the drawing. Did you Snake builders supply your own material and do your best scratch building the entire bulkhead?
  9. Hi All, Couple of serious rainy days here in the PNW, so I visited the shipyard. Completed the gun ports (all except the one way up at the bow 🫤) with a cannon fit. Now on to the Timber and Knightheads.
  10. Hi Ed, I sort of went the other way. I built the cannons and then decided to raise the gun ports 1 - 1.5 mm. Looking forward to some photos on you log brother! 👍😀
  11. Hi Vaidas, welcome to the forum! 👍😀
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