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Posts posted by Oldsalt1950

  1. She looks good. I'll try to answer some of your questions.

    Deck - I'd put a clear coat finish on it not stain. Polyurethane is an option comes in satin and dead flat will not yellow.

    Copper Plates - I'd leave them as is, the plating looks like that of a ship with some age. 

    Ship's Boat - Do some research and see if you can find drawings of ships in this class that show the ship's boat stored. Over the capstan is do-able, but it will be sitting pretty high.

    Stand - the cradle the ship sits in right now is not that bad. A little stain and it would look real sharp with a nameplate on it.

    Cannons - here you can either go with the kit supplied or purchase after market it depends on your preference


    If the Admiral is going to New York, and you have some parts you really want to finish the build, I'd have them sent to your son's address there and she can bring them back when she returns.



  2. Progress on the Rattlesnake has been painfully slow, nothing of note to show, but I did make some new jigs to build gunports. I have one to glue up the ports themselves and keep everything square and another so i will have a consistent reveal around the open ports. Now to build the ports and mount them so I can get on with planking and get the semblance of a ship on the building ways. I'm getting tired of seeing a skeleton every time I look at the workbench. 

  3. She's looking real good John. You are way ahead of me now. I should be ready for planking by around November at the rate I'm working. I'm making more progress in reverse than forward. I need to remove the forecastle coverboard so I can fair the inside bulkheads. Good thing I only use a dot of glue to hold things together. I see you are going with red for the bulwarks, I'm bucking tradition and going with grey. Privateers were a thrifty lot so mixing black and white paint together rather than purchasing addition red paint just seems to make more sense.

  4. There is definitely some tricky work to getting the fairing right. I think I have the external okay, will see when I proceed to planking. I settled on a 4-pane window myself, took the frame and design from the plan set for the rigging but without the heavy top bar across the frame. Measurements are 10x10mm at 82 degrees of rake, frame with of 1mm for frame and stiles. Will make it 1/16 thick so it is barely proud of the planking. Will do it sandwich style by using some 1/32 sheet material. The knightheads took some work, lots of filing to get them through that tiny hole.


  5. While trying to work out the stern quarter windows, I looked at the gun ports again and didn't like what I saw. Tore out the ones already installed and started over. Now all the lower sills flow nicely along the deck line like they should. Once I have the gun ports completed will post pictures. Also finally managed to break one of the upper deck braces, knew it would happen eventually. Repair was a piece of cake as it broke off very clean. Have a Happy Easter everyone.



  6. I'm right there with you Dave. Cannot see investing in a lathe. I did purchase the book " The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War " by James Lee, from Discover Books. It gives very good detail on masts and rigging for ships from 1625 to 1860. There is also a good article on making masks from square stock here under the NRG articles. Combine the two and you should be good to go.



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