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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Basic idea was to enable some plastic attribute to thin veneer slices for second layer of planking This is supprising side effect: Detailed technique is described there : http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2501-cutty-sark-by-nenad-m-tehnodidakta-19711983-campbell-plans/page-36#entry143251
  2. In my scale it is impossible ( for me) and not in real ship. Somewhere ( maybe in MSW ) I had seen very interesting technique, but if it fits to your scale Drill little holes for "nails", bye thinnest possible black plastic guitar string ( or black, also thinnest possible, fishing line), cut little pieces, glue them in holes, and when glue dry, sand deck. Effects are marvelous Do some tests. Also try BEFORE planking to make planks, drill holes, paint them ( not whole plank) with thin acrylic, and after drying, sand to clear wood. Painted holes stay In picture above you can see "weathering" effect of sanded acrylic paint on veneer. Try to imagine your holes painted and sanded
  3. Come home late and find Hothead in workshop making something for his music studio with my tools from 4mm plywood. Shock defender for microphone or something... Something like this by his own drawings ... all made by hand carving saw ( He burned my Einchell ) Proud daddy about his inexperienced but very precise hands... She sit still, silenced in her dry dock in Her cabinet above, with hope not to be seen ... I intend, but It was too late to remember him to some quotes from movies THIS WORKBENCH IS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR TWO OF US THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE Maybe ... he will be interested one day in wood ship works ... Very precise fingers until he was born. First time he use hand tools and cut ring from 4 mm plywood thick 5 mm with 20 cm in diameter from one piece with perfect rounded edges ... and whole thing is not broken ... Of course, daddy was happy to help him in most difficult little parts of his construction
  4. Pressure starts ... Words from Pink Floyd Dig that hole, forget the sun, And when at last the work is done Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.
  5. Veneer slices slices slices .... And Led Zeppelin in background ... with Hibiscus tea. Two working hours and moved only 10 cm on another inside bulwark ...
  6. Well done, Bob. I really like it. Much better than me Happy to see you again working
  7. Bob I have seen some tutorial and get ideas. In further experiment, I ll try with less diameterer In draft hand drawing, this is it PS, we are actually shipochollics. Sitting in office, we are on MSW , not on day jobs ...
  8. I join to follow Very interesting. Different parts of world and same thoughts how to resolve mistakes by over-detailing. BTW, I do not see any mistake in your photos Following you with great interest Nenad
  9. Open topic with traces and coments of your work See you around
  10. After "short" discussion with Hothead, that he can not drive his bike 30+30 km when outside temperature is 50C, and when he went to bus with grumble, just as I sat alone in the shipyard , sip some coffee , light a cigarette , said "hwosh" and began slicing veneer to continue, Admiral had his rare attack of wish to visit me in my kingdom when I'm working .... " Now that you 've got a new soldering iron , YOU SURE KNOW to fix my favourite broken silver necklace you gave me for *** birthday ." ( I dont remember when I bought this thing ) I was speechless , with a necklace on desktop ... It is not hard to make a fish in the water , so I put away shredding , took the iron and went to work . In addition to color changes a little at the place of repair ( fake silver - plated copper ! ) , I did it mostly successfully , and Admiral starts purring like a kitten .... Another law of ship modeling: If you want a new tool, first think about use of it for Admiral needs Of course , instead of returning back to veneer , I continued to play where I left off yesterday (pardon , to practice soldering ) And here are the results : 1:0 for me, and 1:0 for failure. Right stanchion has too big primary ring. I think it is what it have to be, almost in scale, with a little more future care and patience . The white color is placed only tentatively , and rails are improvisation from the scrapbox , for a total of visualization
  11. Nils, is there any, even minimal longitudinal and latitudinal deck curvature on your plans?
  12. Lattice of wire 0,5 mm with 2x2cm fields ... in Belgrade ? Dreams
  13. Bob, looking at the mess I made on main deck, I noticed that holes for masts I drilled long ago by TEHNODIDACTA plans are questionable by their position. So, when re-plankin time for main deck comes, I have to carefully check it out, and to eventually put holes on right place. So, I can not answer to your question.
  14. Popeye, that`s exactly point
  15. Little analyse about making and mounting stanchions In my scale, width of panel section ( pos b ) is 5mm Visualy, width of nail holder is max about 1,5-2 mm ( pos a ) Comparing width of position (a) and width of stanchions (2) max thickness of wire is 0,5 mm That means that position 3 - rings are about max 0,5 mm in outisde diameter. Just impossible to make for us mortails. On some positions, on photos, there is another movable ring throught the standing ring !!!!! But, rings are really nice touch and very nice detail, so they must be there in my opinion. So, they must be larger than a scale. I am not able to make smaller than 2-3 mm, and that will be only solution And I want rings badly ! It seems that there is some little space in corner (cca 1mm) ??? And it is visually hidden And position 1 !!!! It maltreat me roughly. I am able to solder this, but they are only 3-5 mm long, and I do not know to solder them without even a little parallel pieces of wire, and it reflects with double thickness of 1/3 stanchions lenght, and disgrace elegance of stanchions, so I gave up, and imagine they are not here on CS ...
  16. Bob Something is wrong, somebody`s measuring is not correct, or I do not know my actually scale In my C-plans, re-scaled to my CS, whole model seems to be bigger than your scale Here are results of measuring in Adobe acrobat (re-scaled plans) First - freeing port - result is 0,7 x 0,7 mm Second - to compare scale - some reference points On other side, I did not notice visual difference in My CS of freeing ports comparing to pictures of Her - look from outside - their position and size ????
  17. Enough playing ... Started another inside bulwark tonight. Must first apply some putty, than "hidden" strip, and then slow cutting and glueing with short veneer thined pieces 2+4 working hours = enough for today
  18. It is told: There are not little boys and little girls, and grown man and grown woman. There are only little woman and grown woman, and little boys and grown boys. Watching my daughter growing, and me and my son, there is so truth in that words... Even in middle ages, we still like to play. Particulary when we have a new tool (= toy) Waiting for a lunch, I played with new solder iron, talking myself that I am practicing and learning Make some experiments how to heat my fingers ... Lesson learned: NEVER get iron with fingers !!!! It hurts ! And some other experiments how to make stanchions After trying different materials and technics, it seem I find acceptable solution ( on right side of picture) And my pride, accidentaly soldered little ring. Evin if I know how to repeat this ... All made of cooper wire from thin telephone cable and one needle There have to be and will be more practice
  19. Bindy, just playing and learning. Yes, there is bright side - even he is almost enginieer, he like to do handworks with my tools. And he is learning too. And I was learning with somebody tools ... Of course, destroyed it .Not big dill - but - JUST TELL ME when you destroy something !!!!
  20. As a first aid I bought chinese solderig iron for €3
  21. I've just dropped Brave decision to start POF as a first build. I do not dare. Keep good work, I ll follow Nenad
  22. Marc, I see them, and here they are, zoomed, in their whole brightness ... Aft part of bulwark And the fore part of bulwark They have to be equial, but ..... And here is whole bulwark after painting. With white colour, they are less vissible, so there is hope in later masking I intend to do, and planking and stanchions and ........ Mark, it was impossible to resolve this with sanding without disrupt established geometry of fore and aft deck. So, let it be, we are going forward BTW Sometimes I wish I have two daughters My son discovered workshop and my tools for his needs result I found tonight that soldering iron IS DEAD digital multimeter IS DEAD who knows what else is dead with concelaed fact of death Boy is very happy he was not in home when I discovered his traces in workshop And what rest ? Little succesfull playing in trying to soldier something on flame of ciggarete lighter, in my way to stanchions, after reading some instructions for dummies . I can not believe that connections I made are strong !?!?! Cooper wire for telephone line, "soldered" and painted with acrylic white Not bad, there is hope for me to learn soldering And a hope for stanchions with rings and transversal connection to bulwark
  23. Boys, thanks for your support. Second day I was not in the shipyard . Yesterday had some office job for homework, today - scheduled lunch nap for half an hour somehow turned into hibernation for almost 4 hours ... Right now I'm awake for about 2 hours, but my head is still left on the couch and refuses to wake up, forcing me to stagger around like a zombie ... Admiral noticed that I am whole day stupid and out of myself ... The culprit is my nephew and his first epic fantasy novel written ... He kept me up to 03 am and I woke up at 06:15 am ... dragons, magic, knights, intrigue, action .... I just swallowed first 150 pages at once ....So, it seems to be better this evening to surf on net with one eye watching TV, than to expose Her Majesty to some dragon¨s fire or knight¨s sword ... And so, I am in love with epic fantasy ( Tolkien, Martin, Jordan, Zimmer, ....) and interesting night is in front me. And interesting tommorow ( I have court hearing with pleading in the morning ...) Normal people go to bed with husband or wife, unnormal with a book ...
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