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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Back to the build. No work yesterday, but this evening I`m gonna fix most recent blunder I made. Stanchions, ready for mount, must wait for a while (still tumbling inside head - can I do this better ?)
  2. Bob I did some re-search about members or potenrial members of CS fleet on MSW Active builds Lou van Wijhe, honorary respectable member, even without (still, we hardly wait) building log on MSW http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/5096-cutty-sark-picture-portfolio/#entry147214 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/5178-cutty-sark-constructional-details/#entry149283 Orcatkt, topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/5417-196-revell-cutty-sark-and-constitution/#entry155913 started 31 january 2014 last post 15 february 2014 Omarcs, topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4667-cutty-sark-by-omarcs-scientific-scale-1140-approx/#entry134274 Started 11 december 2013 Last post 24 januar 2014 Luca_B, topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/5250-cutty-sark-by-luca-b-al-scale-184/#entry151385 Started 22 january 2014 Last post today Parsifal, Topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/5722-cutty-sark-by-parsifal-178-kit-sergal/#entry164520 Started 20 february 2014 Last post yesterday Crooman, topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4778-cutty-sark/#entry137579 Started 20 decmber 2013 Last post 01 january 2014 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4933-lost-plans-moved-by-moderator/#entry142087 Started 01 january 2014 Last post 03 january 2014 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/5113-cutty-sark-by-crooman-scale-1115-constructo-kitlaunched-in-1869-in-dumbarton-scotland/#entry147662 Started 13 january 2014 Last post yesterday Rfolsom Nenad Builds in preparing / paused / stand by keelhauled, topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1000-cutty-sark-by-keelhauled-mantua-kit-bashed-first-wooden-ship-build/#entry15949 Started 06 martch 2013 Last post 04 february 2014 brian2_h, topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4353-cutty-sark-by-brian2-h-del-prado-190/#entry125174 Started 18 november 2013 Last post 28 januar 2014 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4381-cutty-sark-by-brian2-h-billing-boats/#entry125840 Started 20 november 2013 Last – same day Dognut, topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2842-cutty-sark-by-dognut-constructo-scale-1115-1869-first-build/#entry78161 Started 12 july 2013 Last post 05-12-2013 and 22-01-2014 (by me) Jerome L.Olivier, topics http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3081-cutty-sark-by-jerome-lolivier-del-prado-scale-190/#entry85060 Started 31 july 2013 Last post 09 november 2013 SpencerC, topics http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4087-cutty-sark-instructions/#entry116043 „Future“ members, without building log, who post about their build joeinva1937 Toshimoriguchi Coastie2005 fifthace And there are some people who mentioned they have done their built long ago, without or with pictures in Gallery Popeye KimatHm
  3. First soldering tip : Do not work without shoes clothes and safe glasses !!!!!! On photos I see you do not have shoes on legs !!!! Keep yourself !!! Second : will follow when I could be able to learn it one day Keep good work Nenad
  4. Harvey When I was young, almost do not know what fear of height is.I discovered my fear about 9 years ago in Bulgaria Aqua park Sunny Beach. I persuaded my daughter (she was 16 years then) to go together with Hothead (14) on highest and most "dangerous" waterslide in park ( 20m high 70 km/h speed), he slided down, then she slided down with screaming, and I ... I was suddenly afraid and didnt , so went bravely down by stairs .... She had strong will to kill me whole week, and can not forgive me until today ... We remember this today with big laughing Here is picture from this "monster" But, wishes, wishes ...
  5. Edwin, thx for kind words Truth, something pull me to climb up, but ... I have fear from highness ( not when was young). When I climbed this summer to Manasia Monastery walls, I was frightened to death, even path on the top of wall was almost 2m wide. Stairways are made of iron bars and TRANSPARENT !!! Today I`d rather be a miner than a mountclimber. One friend of mine is extreme mountclimber ( you know kind of people who hang on hands and foots from a horisontal stone as a spider) and extremly like to show me his spider pictures. Something like that Aaaaaaaa ... On the other side, I`d very like to visit some day Hua-Shan monastery in China, but I m not sure if I could have enough courage to go to the end. Travel around a world and do not climb ... who do that ? Here is way to HUA Enyou !
  6. It seems to me that the real masters outgrown this model, and for other mortals is too complex and demanding
  7. Spencer is no active in building from a while. Dognut had internet approach problem in work with intranet moderator, and also internet problem in home, and I do not know did he resolved it. From time to time I see them in list of active members, with rare posts in other topics. I am afraid that they abandon CS modeling. Pity. They are very frendly with lot of humor in their posts
  8. My vote Huh If waterway is accurate, then it is gray as a base deck color From my aesthetic standpoint, gray deck do not match with "teak" color of deck houses and teak rails. Also gray waterway do not match with something simillar to brown of deck colour ( as on deck photos taken after rain). In my opinion whole upside look of Her Majesty will be most beautiful and in visual shape if everything upside has "brown/teak" or light "brown/teak" light color gamut. On the other side, option for brown/teak colour gives, maybe to much, contrast to white parts ( inside bulwarks, life boats, base of mast ...) than gray deck color. But, if you decide to brown/teak option, other details on deck will be less visible. But this is aesthetic issue, and depends of your choice - accurate model or nice model This is real riddle, and for now I am close to "rust" colour of waterway ( as I did yesterday) with very slightly and light "brown/teak" colored deck planks. To keep "brown/teak" light color gamut and at the same time to keep contrasts When time to replank decks come ( I hope soon) I must do some testings
  9. I agree and intend to until MSW exist Drink a toast - I ll be very glad to, but ... In near/far future I do not see my way to USA. On the other side, if life gets you to the Europe, it will be just a coincidence to come to small and insignificant Serbia. Long distance, and target friendly match is more than expensive. But, I ll be very glad ... who knows what life bring with ... my children are near to their way to fly from nest, and intend to look for their happiness out from Serbia. Who knows, maybe just in Lakewood ???
  10. Colour of deck is intriguing question. I am near conclusion that colour is something similar to gray+light brown, and when rain fals and deck is wet, as on picture from opening above, it is something like brown-red warnished wood As Lou said, no varnish. If varnished, it will be slippery All pictures from Google I had seen lead to that conclusion Additional research is required
  11. Oh, not again ! Afterdeck space is colored WHITE !!!!!!!!!! I ll shoot my head I ll execute a suicide from ambush !!!
  12. Finaly can say that something is definitely done. Finished waterways and corrected mess under aft deck
  13. Heloooo Bob, I glad you saddled horse again Very nice work. You noticed and catch serious problem with deadeye stays, which also torture myself. Mount them before or after mounting deadeye rail ? And how ? I`d like to put them on way I experimented as them are mounted on Her Majesty, but, on some places on my bulwarks this is not possible ( consequences of my earlier mistakes) so, your idea can be solution for all of that to look much neater. When I mount stanchions first, then I could look at whole sight, and try to imagine whole thing with deadeye stays, is there place for such a approach. On some places there will be pretty much crowd ( stanchions + stays + ...) From the other point of look, under that position there will be so much things to add ... For instance - largest crowd is in section near deck house and life boats over it. Can anybody be able to see anything under rails ? BTW - believe or not, lurking on MSW and following/researching on some logs, I just recently became aware of the enormous work ahead of us. I think that we are now about 5-10% of whole work. For instance, look at the horizontal masts and ALL elements there !!! I want all of this !!! I want all chains !!! I want all running rigging !!! I want all sails, including ALL stunsails !!! This requires YEARS of work !!! With my approach (make a mess and clean it), rather YEARSYEARS Nenad
  14. Bindy I am born optimist, and a fighter by nature, I love laughing and having fun, and generally wide around positive vibes, and annoy myself when I catch myself in lamenting. But also I am a human, and burst from time to time, especially if the solution does not depend on me, and I can do anything if I do not want to despise my basic principles and statements ( dont lie, dont cheat, do not birbery, do not be mean evil and vicious, and that mean - do not practice politic !!!), and sometime feel like I am trapped in the wrong world. With my job and my age, there is no point to leave and to start over somewhere in the world Take a breath, and swim, when you are already in the water The point is that I have a solid formal education, a lot of reading, and years of work on myself knowledge and points of view. To add - my profession - by monitoring changes in regulations three decades, with all the experience I have, very nice I can see where the whole thing goes, or where the whole thing DO NOT GO, even must go. Add to this, have an excellent memory, and do not accept collective amnesia state... and life goes and goes and goes ... Blessed is he who knows nothing But Devil is never black as seems, and sun will always rise in the morning Some kind of sun ... On the other side, in human nature is to think that own problem is the biggest one. Honestly, when I am looking around how other people live and what problems they have, I am shamed of myself when I cry and bother with this Thx Nenad
  15. You terrorize me to try something like that, and you are guilty as charged for my "bad" thoughts about CS details WOW
  16. One general accidentally discovered tip: It happens to everybody to glue fingers with Superglue, and it seems impossible to clean Yesterday I had to fix some unglued piece for my Mother-in-law, and, I do not know how, whole little glue box was on my fingers ... fortunately not on carpet. Wait to dry, finish my work, and then - what ? Solution is easy: Give your Admiral some home support and help, and wash whole bathroom. Or just wash the dishes When you finish, there is no more superglue on your hand, and Admiral is happy. So do you
  17. I am afraid you can not find absolute truth ( just like colour of her deck and waterway). CS had been recovered many times, an on that details maybe is/was difference. Ask Lou, he did great research about CS What tool do you use for solder works ?
  18. Luca find in my topic post #620 where you can download part of Campbell plan with stanchions. Every second has ring
  19. I do not know size. Went to shop look and chose smallest one. Smaller is little trimed by me. Left one has plastic hair (?) and others has natural "hair" Sorry for my English. I m on the phone without Google translate
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