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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. I am not quite sure what you want to tell ? Google-translate sometimes hit out foolish thing
  2. Bob, in one moment of literary inspiration, just numbering some wishes ...
  3. Thx Bugra Next test - future colour of deck I have mahogany veneer (no space for something thicker without endangering narrow space bellow fore deck which deepness is already "streched" to proper thickness) Connected to earlier deliberation of deck colour, first I decide to try something between mahogany and grey colour - dark enough to contrast with it to keep the colour gamut of "teak", while at the same time be a little greyish. And not shiney. And caulking to be seen ( also to the North Pole to be settled by grasshoppers, and to have 25 years again, and to ... ) You folks have no idea how hard is to precise describe colour issues when english is not your born language Also tried different techniques of making and glueing slices, and caulking Pre-sanded and natural veneer, shaped edges and non shaped, blacked edges and non blacked edges with black marker, on one or on both sides, slices with space and without space between, grey and white transparent covering ... Hmmmmm Obviously more tests to follow For this evening it is hard to imagine this on deck, Maybe I ll be little smarter tomorrow Also must run some other tests, and WAIT FOR COLOUR TO DRY (Bindy, do you read ?) Because of bad light condition and weak camera, I am not sure what will be seen Here are results for you, and a cup of coffie and a peacefull evening with Admiral for me Not exactly. Elections in Serbia are next week, and Admiral watch some politic soap debate, which I listen with half of one ear (that amount of gibberish and lies makes me very nervous) , so I dive in armchair near Admiral, pull laptop on my knee, and .... INTERNET !!!!
  4. Yestreday I have got sample cooper tape foil, and inpatient to start testings, first trying "coopering" on some scrap material "rivets" are "made by needle - I do not like how it looks Upper slice is without sanding, down with light sanding ( light mehanicly cleaned oxidized layer) Many questions still exist. Oxidized sliece has colour more similar to real CS, but not enough (little more yellow is needed). Cleaned is so much bright and shiney, foil is thin enough to work with, but it seems just a little rough. And, of course, serious question of proper glue arise (any idea ?) More tests have to come before final decision, and in mean time trying to find Zync foil thin less than 0,1 mm ... still optimist ...
  5. Little lazy yesterday Little diligent today First finished stanchions Pretty happy, except one big discovered mistake (trick question). I am shamed, and do not want to write about. all will be covered with pin rails and dead eye rails, and think nobody will see And then painted fore deck bulwark. Not satisfied at all, but I think it will be good enough, and there also will come many details (catheads, little "bulkheads", ah, almost forget bowsprit ..... etc etc) on this thiny bulwarks And then moved to aft deck bulwark. Works still last, and waiting for putty to dry, going forward to planking, started some tests
  6. Thx, Bob Next are inside bulwarks of fore and aft deck (shapeing and correcting) Then replanking ALL decks (not jet clear thoughts about colour) For now I am not really sure to do rails or to do coopering first ( heart of this dilema is - (for now) not resolved question about method of making and mounting deadeyes and way of their fixing to bulwarks). So, in mean time, I am byuing some time in other works which have to be done before
  7. @David I use thin office clips. If you are pleased to rewind in log some pages before, you can read whole proces Thx for interest
  8. One side done. second to half
  9. No work yesterday, only some little research looking forward about inside main deck bulwark content Analyze is in attach Questions 1. comparing Lou`s pictures and pictures I have ( almost from Google) , I noticed that there is another one "change" of colour of some parts - Rail Winches on Lou`s pictures are white and on other - black - Bollards on Lou`s pictures are white, and on other - on some - black, on some - white 2. Accommodation Ladder - to be or not to be. excluding masts and rigging elements, this will be most sensitive part of model. Very nice detail, but ... They are on the right side of ship, and it could condition position of finished model in "golden cage" of glass Inside bulwark contents.pdf
  10. Fascinating work, indeed Do you allow me to share on FB your photos with shipmodeller group I am member ?
  11. Popeye On second picture you can clearly see un-proper and wrong change of wideness of bulwark we discussed earlier, consequence of lost hull lines. As you see, correcting of this was impossible by sanding, only by very deep surgery, what I'm really not in the mood. As Bob (Rfolsom) said, I must/can live with that. Because of that I intend to overload Her with "visual masking" details, in hope not to be seen from ordinary average people Great lesson learned for next building Thx for interesting and support Nenad
  12. Hard decision in front of you - nails or not, and how much and where
  13. All compliments to you and your fine work and details
  14. How I miss this topic ? Very nice work. flying maestro !!!!
  15. Thanks gentleman There is one secret about yesterday start of mounting stanchions I forgot to share On workbench is always small red container with clean water and some old rag, used to wash/clean/dry paintbrush from colour/glue. On the other side, all stanchions were in their similar small white container (cover of old spray bottles I kept for such a purpose). Laying down Her Majesty from dry dock, turned her on soft base of rag on table, and intend to spread stanchions on near white plate to see them all and can chose between. And then , somebody obviously salted my brain, I picked up white container, and instead to pour contents (stanchions) to plate, I pour all of them direct to red container with water ..... follow long angry hour of drying them ... happily, acrylic is resistant to water .... but ... Obviously there is sometime some kind of magic or spells in shipyard, and I must do something about ...
  16. Popeye, you made me laugh. Ha !!!. In some occasions I was "looking for my legs" too (problems with veins, I am not sure). Once/twice a year I used to go on roof to check if everything is OK and if all tiles are on their places after snow, wind rain etc. Also to clean chimney after heating season. Life learned me to do this.One time, about 15 years ago, I was forced to go on roof , fasten wit a rope to chimney, to urgently fix blown tiles, all during storm. Tiles were removed by hard snow earlier, and I didnt check this on time. Also, dirty chimney = smoke in the house. And with heating boiler 35KW power, you can only imagine how much smoke it produces. Very unpleasent expirience, believe me. I didnt go up in 2013 - there was no need, because we take a gas heating, and a winter was soft. This year, I wrote earlier about, we removed again to heat with dried coal, and must go up in april/may Bact to Her Majesty Mess under aft deck fixed (brown ==>> white) Mounting of stanchions started
  17. Not feel bad, David. Just make my frontiers. Untill some years ago,on-roof works on my house was my kingdom. Now, I am not sure, maybe Hothad ? As a father, I dare not send him up. On south side, only 3m high, on north side - 9m South North
  18. Maybe will be interesting photo of this model I take this summer in Maritime museum of Kotor, Montenegro Model is based on ships used in Venetia, by famous middle age traders of Venetian republic About details and eventualy contact, see link below http://www.museummaritimum.com/eng/eng.htm Also, if you are pleased, I suggest you to contact Croatian maritime museums in Split, Dubrovnik, Rijeka ... I suppose have data and documents about this kind of ship. In whole middle ages, Dubrovnik, as Venetia , was independent trade city, lot of trade ship trafic went there In Serbian/Croatian language, for this ship is used name "karaka" and you can google it for deeper research Nenad
  19. Cutty Sark as any other clipper sail ship look marvelous with all sails spreaded, even in natural wood colour. I was thinking about that solution when started, because I like very much natural colour of the wood, but when I was jamed with planking hull, I gave up, and decide to paint model, to cover my un-knowledge about planking. For natural wood colour, all planks must be ( or even to look on same way) on their right place I wish you not to damage sensitive outside parts you mounted on further works (Boomkin and chain) Keep on, my friend
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