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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Licensed Renault service, Mark. They are really good, and as their customer for 10 years I have got discount. Adding some servo repairs, down engine holder, some major fittings, some details on wheel mechanism, new oil in motor and transmission, new liquids, new filters, all finished with 300€. Not much, but in Serbia this is full month income for someone ...
  2. You are right George ... My English again ... And stuppid google translate do not recognize serbian words "kvačilo" "korpa" and "lamela". Transmision ( in serbian " menjač" litteraly - changer) is still perfect, soft, precise, and considering I drive soft, do not force car over 3000-3500 rounds and not burn engine, it will last long
  3. Tomorrow at 9am, I reserved termin in service which takes care of my car all 10 years
  4. Ahh never boring in my life ... After 10 years without serious malfunction, my car suddenly needs immediate repairing after 200.000 km ... You know this feeling - easy driving aprox. speed 100 km/h on highway, starting accelerate to bypassing slower car in front of you, add some force on gas pedal, and ... engine start roaring but speed not following sound ... and you accelerate very very very slow even in regular way your car can jump to 120 km/h in a few seconds ... unpleasant happening with gooseflesh on neck and something unwanted in stomach ... I do not need this kind of entertainment Little mathematics regular periodical service + + some twittering under hood which appears in un-regular and unexpected time = 250-400€ Huh And about 4-6 hours, maybe whole day waiting in service to finish repairing What to do? Cash on sun light, boy !!! Money or death !!!! In my life circumstances and for a job purpose, I can not live/work without car, so ... And the winter is coming ...
  5. Little more over-doing, and with music of Enya, panels for front deckhouse are done Let's go to middle deck house!!!!
  6. Piet, even I like my new tool, still I think that 1/100 is ... Unnecessary. Maybe for Nils, Dan, Jim, Ed, Mark, Denis x 2 ... (to much to mention them all) or another MSW wizard 1/100 means something. For me, half of millimeter is quite enough, rest is my feeling. But, sweet add to my shipyard anyway First stage of trimming done. Next started Floor molding is thinner and more in scale, surfaces are smother, gasps and holes filled ... Why I have feeling that I make some over-do, even it is fun?
  7. Couple of days I was not master of my time. A lot office works, and hospitals and doctors for Old Lady Relative quite Friday afternoon, and considering a lot of office job I have to do at weekend, I decided to take free afternoon, and all panels on front deck house are done. Next stage - fine trimming begin First, putty and 280 sandpaper You can see that little gasps between 0,5mm strips are filled, and surface begin to have desired "one piece" look Oh yes, I have new toy ... ups ... tool Just left to find somewhere decent pin vise, and I'll have my tools completed. (Yes, I know I lie. Tool virus infected me long ago)
  8. This is your ship, Captain Here on MSW you can find "The Art of Rigging" in *.pdf if you are interested
  9. Front panel finished in rough works. Little "pillar" on the corner was challenge
  10. My "missed" jobs and opportunities, Denis ... with my mileage (56 years) some chances disappeared, when retirement come close ( 8 years left, if I do not decide to continue to work). Short period left eventually to think about to change 32 years of mainly successful and still lasting carrier, but at the same time, long enough for life to show me and bring me different unexpected and more or less significant events which can impact and eventually change my life in unknown direction. Will I marry again? Don't know and don't think about right now (only 4 months passed and I still met Her almost everywhere we were together, even it is dummy gas station on highway I visited today where we had a coffee break during travelling couple of years ago). On the other side, I wouldn't like to reach to my old ages and to stay alone. Kids are pretty near to make their most important life decissions, and who can imagine where at the earth and how they will live, and would it impact my life anyhow. Anyway, life goes on with all it's spices, and spice must flow So my work on Her. Returning from Novi Sad and visiting Hothead, bringing him autumn and winter clothes, I continued with works on another side of fore deck house Now it goes fast and easy
  11. It seems to be harder than working in wood. Errors can not be masked by putty and paint
  12. Thanks all of you for support and nice words Old Lady is feeling better last two days. I was on a business trip today driving 400 km to the central Serbia and back, just to find that I am a kind of idiot. Instead to drive on regular, but 30 km longer road, I turned to shortcut, finding myself in nowhere (as we said: where wolfs make little wolfs), slow drive with no restaurant no gas station to take a break, never to reach home. Serbia is small, GPS ans IGo leads me and there was no way to lost ... but ...no cars ... no houses ... no people ... Why I have to discover hot water again and again. Nice nature, but ... boooring ... 4 hours instead 2 hours ... Reached home deadly tired... 2 hours napping ... still so tired for office, but not for workshop And tonight, first stage of first side of first deck house is done. Still needs some putty, and fine and nice trimming, when all four sided will be finished. This time, every panel detail is on it's place, with error tolerance max 0,5 mm, which I can live with If somebody is interested, when enlarge, it can be seen technique and method I used ( very narrow strips of veneer cca 0,5 mm wide). Later, putty and paint will fill all little gasps , and I'll mark (cut) line between panel elements manually
  13. Hi Can I ask something? Why your photos refet to photobucket, with consequence - it can not be enlarged if you lurk by android cell or tablet? I am interested in some details, but can not enlarge them. Could you try with regular upload? Nenad
  14. Interesting method, so I watch very closely to get some idea for my CS, considering that I am close to that stage, and must resolve Her final standing. My two cents. When you intend to make model with sails, things get more complicated. Sails are famous dust collectors, and we do not want to damage Her cleaning dust from sails / or not ? / Second problem - Sails react to any kind of wind, including sneezing, coughing, even draft and other kinds of home wind ( from vacuum cleaner), particulary when you open windows to change air in room. They also collect cigarette smoke, and change color, which you can not clean in any way. Third - Reacting of sails and their even minor moving, transpose little forces to yards, ropes etc etc, and that do not seems to be healthy for your model during couple of years. That leads to covering issue ( e.g glass box) and then new actor runs on stage - wooden floor of Her glass prison, and question arises about matching your stand with that floor pedestal. If you make Her stand narrow, it is great posibity that yards overlap width of stand, and having in mind that glass box has to be wider than yards, it wont be good not to have wooden floor under glass box. Somebody can get bright idea to move glass box counting that model will move also, but this just wouldn`t happened if you do not have box floor, and if model do not move because it is not attached to floor, here is crash and damage. Also, as I remember well, you are planing to make, mount and spread studding sails, and then you will have 3-4 times wider Her profile than your present standing. So, I think you have to rethink this another point of view I am talking about whole Her look under glass, including all standing parts, including standing fixing to floor Hope you understand my poor English A lot to think about. Better now than late Keep on playing
  15. Looking good! Please, keep on playing Is that final color of sewing at the edges of sail? Maybe same as sails? And maybe thiner and semi transparent material for sails (satin, silk) Just maybe Maybe I think to much.
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