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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Thank you Patrick and Cap. A lot of work done, a lot of time spent. And lot things and technics learned.I think I'm somewhere in front of the midlle of the road now Today I spent a bit of my free time studding mast and yard construction, and trying to understand anything in rigging lines. There will be a lot of time for me to analyze and learn rope logic, all rigging details, all rigging parts for ship like this with ALL sails spread-ed with all ropes (and chains) that belong there. Really a big mountine in front of me
  2. Just playing and testing ... for sailors for climbing to work with boats Made from veneer strips less than 1mm wide with lot of acrylic paint to harden and shape them Maybe no more tests, drops ok enough, it seems
  3. Facebook has just remained me where I was two years ago Time is passing slow or fast ?
  4. Thank you Nils, you and other folks are too much kind toward my messy work I do not say messy without reason. Today, while I was making white covering for entrances of aft deck house, and while making little windows on middle and fore house I suddenly had feeling that something is wrong. Really wrong. A lot wrong Looking carefully, and noticed DISASTER On middle house, I make and mount and glued and paint roof on the place for floor! House is rotated wrong !!! What I was thinking? Obviously - nothing. No brain here, only luck of patience and luck of focus Fortunately, I did not jet started to drill holes for windows on middle cabin. After a while, when I calm down, and cool myself, start thinking - is there anything I can do except to make whole new house? After a while, it seems to me as logical, to try to separate roof from walls. If something crack, let's go over. If don't - hip hip hurray. Nothing to lose. And just to mention that "smart" boy glued inside structure with CA !!!! Take my scalpel and started slow and easy. When scalpel first time entered between roof and wall first milimeter in deep, I knew it can be done Almost full hour of mm by mm cutting with scalpel, and I succed to divide roof from wals. No damage to panels, except a few scratches on paint Complete idiot !!! I fixed conecting surfaces, and glued roof on its place. I hope. Dare not to look at Yes, repainting and fine tuning is neccessary, and after that I'll decide can I live with this. Probably - yes. Three lifeboats with their standing construction go under middle house, and cover this house at all. Tomorrow is always smarter than evening
  5. Thank you Cap Thinking forward a bit ... for a change ... so many questions and thoughts opened ... Among other things, figurehead This is what I have got with old Tehnodidakta kit And I`d like to make something as one of the best Serbian modeler Savo Vranac ( on MSW known as Savo1) did for Royal William http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/12058-for-sale-figureheads-royal-william-1719-172/# As I wrote before, in Serbia, ship modeling is not wide spread ( or this is a small country with small number of shipmodelers ?). More people are dedicated to plane models, war vehicles, dioramas. But, among shipbuilders, here are real masters, and Savo is definitely among them. Just to mention his success on Russian Championship in St. Petersburg 2012 ( Kubok Len Expo) when he got Bronze medal for Ingermanland with 93,33 points, and 83,33 points for San Huan Nepomuceno Unfortunately, Savo Vranac, even he is on MSW, is not familiar with English, so, if somebody is interested to contact him, be free to send me a PM and I`ll translate with pleasure
  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! The greatest challenge was to match, even aproximately, color of deck planking, considering I was very "clever" looking for, and experimenting with Her deck color (see post http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2501-cutty-sark-by-nenad-m-started-on-tehnodidakta-19711983-plans-continued-on-campbell-plans/page-66#entry192295 and further posts) Archimedes modeling law again - if you hide your mistake under something, it will for sure raise up later in all it's weight and shine Thinking ... It seems that I'll reach masts/spars phase sooner than I thought. Still a lot of details to do on decks, but it comes closer and closer. And I think when finishing details on houses, first "next" thing to do has to be Her standing. If I delay with this, there is a great chance to broke something later
  7. Thanks David and Piet. Nothing without ants Rainy Saturday, winter comes slowly, and can not work in homeyard, but can work in shipyard Houses almost done. Temporary on place
  8. Hm hm hm, not exactly. Rather mix of C-plans and look from photos from internet. Her destiny is to look nice in glass cage in my living room, and considering I have not enough skill and knowlidge resources to make her exactly as She looked in exact period, I chose details I like Thanks for nice words
  9. Rough "roofing" works done. I used same method as on decks. In this stage, I'll move to another houses, to make equial planking pattern, with same final color on all of them
  10. Starting with "roofing" of aft deck house Surrounding molding was kind of testing of my skills. Not bad Planking with 2,5mm strips of veneer, already seen here, and done and re-done couple of times in my build. This time, much better and more precise 2,5 mm are a bit out of scale. Measuring and comparing with photos show planks width of 1-1,5 mm, which can be done, but in my opinion, it would not give proper "planking look" of roof planks. So I decided to shrink width to 2,5 mm, which is less than plank width on decks, just for contrast purpose Where was my today patience two years ago?
  11. Thanks George. Looking for a tiny part of molding under workbench, under old forgotten shoes, I found a little illuminating teleport gates, designed for working ants, so mystery is partially un-hidden. Gates are to small for me to check another side - who is their owner ( I suspect Piet) Mainly, I agree Dave, a loooot of time needed to do this, and at one moment patience simply disappear, when portholes and doors came to line. Then I saw Michael`s work ( http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/74-bristol-pilot-cutter-by-michael-mott-18-scale-pof/page-62#entry363039) and ... what to say ... Thanks Patrick. Mainly - yes, enough to keep it as final solution. That acrylic paint will get darker from time. Same level of simplification on all three decks, same look and feel, same making method . And if anybody will look at this details, I think attention will be on roofs where boats will be, where skylight will be. Look around Piet, you will also find a little teleport gates around your workbench. My ants are marked blue, and I suggest you to mark your red, not to stir workers Thanks Peter for nice comment. I am carefully watching and learning from your rigging. Do you need some ants or have some to send to us ?
  12. She looks nice Overscaling in some details just has to be, to point on some construction detail. In 1/96 or 1/100 all details just can not be presented in scale. For instance, dead eyes, the largest of them shoyld be 3mm dia. And smallest? Ropes should be as a hair. Dont worry about. If you plan sails and forest of ropes, that scale "mistakes" just will be hiden under Enjoy your work and keep on.
  13. Hey Jim, I like your work and thinking about About CA, several days ago I found somewhere on MSW discusion with conclusion - no CA for rigging. But I do not know nothing about rigging still Keep good work
  14. As I can see, CS fleet runs tonight and captains are busy, facing with problems here and there Same is in my shipyard, a lot of works finished tonight ( there were some unknown working ants appearing from nowhere helping me ) Roof and floor moldings added, also at corners etc etc I was satisfied with look and feel, apply thin layer of putty, and fine sanding with 280 paper granulation starts. After that, thin layer of acric as "putty" and another sanding turn, this time with granulation 360 After that, dust works done, and paint works started with two thin layers Finaly, aft deck house is done I can go to "roofs" and planking of roofs. Skylight for aft house will be make and on place after planking
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