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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Well, we will see. For now, I'll make another side, and front and back, maybe roof (not forget mirror efect, Nenad) and see what I'll get. It is very possible to run on a redo highway, because house doors do not look like as doors Obviously, I like to play.
  2. Shadows are ok, exactly what I am looking for Relief structure also But In Adobe Ilustrator, I just forget to draw one narrow vertical panel with trench And noticed that when I was applying second layer of acrylic So ... here we go again
  3. What a masterpiece !!! How I missed his log? You are right, different structure. You can zoom pictures and notice this: narrow vertical panels are only 2mm wide each, so vertical strips on each side of each narrow panel are only 0,5-0,6mm wide, as the relief space between. I tried to "digg" this little "trench" between, but I was not happy with result ( too soft edges without desired shadow, less visual contrast, and I am not able to digg straight line, even with dremell leading by ruller) and whole look seems as blured picture. Considering that there will be more sanding, I think it will be OK at the end.
  4. Thanks all of you for being here. Old Lady is a bit better, she now can care about her basic hygiene needs, but still weak to live alone ( cooking, supply, cleaning house and similar). Situation is better generaly, but we are monitoring her 24/7, to realise in which direction all goes So, Hothead passes four exames this month, and enter to free schollarship system as a good student, crossing to next scholl year. He is home until octobar 5th when his lectures start More time for me and my needs. After cooking and cutting grass, works in shipyard continues with first layer of veneer strips, cutted to panel dimensions, glued, sanded with 280, filling gasps with acrylic as putty, and fine sanfed with 400 sandpaper Next layer needs to prepare veneer on the same way as I did earlier for second planking layer of hull to make it more elastic and to get possibility to thin it less than 0,5 mm, also to be able to cut correct strips thinner than 1mm. It works well, but slow Here is first stage Watching and analyzing photos from different periods, I concluded that the most changeable part of the CS are house pannels, position of doors and windows, also roof, and their color which has many variations through time. I decided to follow C-plans for general arrangement of panels, teak color for sides of houses, white strip arround top of houses at main deck, and same planking on roofs as on deck is. Lifeboats are white, and contrast will be more interesting if roof will be planked as deck (if I catch same color)
  5. "Bohemian Rhapsody" Queen Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality... If my Mom in law could understand english, I should play and sing Bridge over troubled water for Her. Text that really matches this situation. But, she don't I find some little time for workshop after laying her in bed, but there are no photos. Decided to make house sides from two thinned veneer layers one over another, first of them as a base, another as relief elements. Both glued on thicker veneer (2mm) as inside wall to harden whole structure. Depth of relief must be a bit overscaled, but not much. Just - to be there and not to be there at the same time, to be seen and not to be seen at the same time, if anybody can understand what I mean . Talking about 0,1-0,3 mm thickness of second layer
  6. I faced with similar problem at the very stage of my build, and resolved it adding extra ribs ( See post #7 in my building log on first page). Maybe, just maybe, thinning ribs and add some extra ribs is solution
  7. I did some additional tests yesterday, and think I found a way I am looking for. Ar this moment it is unlikely when I shall continue, because situation with Old Lady gets more complicated from day to day
  8. First, more or less, nervous attempt ... just to detetmine what to (not to) do.
  9. Congratulations !!!! Kids are meaning of life. Model can wait ( mine waited almost 30 years) but kids and Admiral don't. Keep them safe, keep them happy All the best for all of you Nenad
  10. Five days fulfilled with business and family stuff, with Old Lady in hospital waiting for ERCP analyze tomorrow, and just when evening come, Princess ( what a surprise) spend all evenings this week at home (?!?) and want to talk about everything. I like to talk with Her, so ... At the same time, as they make a deal, Hothead started with his usual unlimited sms/mms/Messinger/Viber correspondence ( third week he returned to Novi Sad for his exams - 4 passed with good ratting) , so until today I just have no time for myself. Evening with sleeping time comes with incredible speed. I do not complain, I like it, but CS miss to me) Just to mention, the first tour 2 tons of coal for winter arrived in front yard, right in front of garage, and ques who will take it to the basement ? And today, the day comes. Returning from visiting Old Lady, little nap ( outside is 36 Celsius, much more than average temperature for this part of year), and come back to Adobe Illustrator to finish one last drawing of fore cabin on main deck Job done, and here is result Curvature of deck must be adjusted during making process, considering my quirky lines of deck Tomorrow I have to re-check drawings of aft deck house, to compare my drawings with photos I have, just to check if I miss something, then to print work papers and finally, after long time to move to the shipyard to make some dust And then challenge starts with micro works Here are real dimensions of whole front deck house, and try to imagine this little relief works
  11. Anybody use this program ? To me, it is very useful, considering I do not have technical education, and do not know to work with any type of CAD programs I have bit mapped Campbell`s *.pdf plans which I was forced to rescale, and then - lines get thicker, so plans in details become ... hmm ... dingy for use in workshop In AI I put cropped bitmap from original plans rescaled to 100% as a first layer, and then draw over it, in separate layers, and get really clean "technical" drawing which can be used in workshop, with possibility to print every layer separately MSW don`t allow to upload *.ai files, so here are two screenshots what I have got with AI When you learn basic commands of AI, all process comes pretty fast
  12. Hello Bob, very glad to see you with Her Majesty again To me, it seems as there were drops of something, which leave invisible trace, but that trace obviously speed up corrosion. ( Piggy traces ? Beer ? Tears ? Blood ?) Maybe is solution to turn sequence of moves, and as a first next step to finish coopering with patina. I mean - clean those taps with soft sandpaper or something similar, then softly sand/clean all cooper plates ( just to equalize look and feel, then apply some/any kind of patina or weathering which you like, and after that, apply transparent acrylic mat (frosted) varnish in 1 or several thin layers as final coat of protection. I did something similar when finished with my "coopering", just to prevent from similar accidents See you soon Nenad
  13. Good question Patrick. Tehnodidakta was name of Croatian company which was making ship model kits 40 years ago ( as Revel, BB etc etc now). Tehnodidakta as company still exists, but more than 30 years don't make or sell kits. As I am informed, drawings still exist, but them are bad, poor eith many mistakes and wrong reductions of details and many miss scaled parts.
  14. Thanks Cap. Music, considering playing and listening, investigating and collecting, was, and still is a great and important part of my life, and my soul, necessary for my inner peace, focus and forethought, relaxing and enjoyment, often as motivation for thinking about different issues which were associated by music listened at that moment I was raised with domestic pop music, accidentally listening classic music my father loved, at teen age (Communism time) I discovered Radio Luxembourg and foreign pop/rock/country music, including hard rock, at my study time discovered Pink Floyd, Tangerine dream, Mike Olfield, Jean Michele Jar, etc etc, and started to listen classical music more seriously. In time of LP, I had great collection of near 500 LP with solid HF equipment (Marantz, later Sony). Later in life, my interests grows in different music directions, and when digital time comes, I continued with collecting music, this time mostly Mp3, some Flac for most important pieces , and have more than 60 GB of different music on PC disks. Now there is no HF hardware but with Winamp+ software EQ and 2.1 Altec Lansing, I can get solid sound As I wrote earlier, every time I do my modeling, I listen music, which changed by style, depending with inspiration or interest at that moment Right now I am listening mix of Enya and Vangelis, Yesterday when I was making my drawings, there was mix of Pink Floyd + Led Zeppelin + Deep Purple+Black Sabbath. Day before, mix of requiems by Verdi+Mozart. One more day before, Balashevic - Serbian cant author and Odjila - Serbian folk group specialized for Russian Gypsy traditional, One day before - Red Army Choir + El Divo ..... Who know what I shall listen during drawing front cabin ? Any suggestions ?
  15. Generally George, I like Pink Floyd at all, and have their collection ( almost all works). Also often listen their music
  16. Good, how I like Adobe Ilustrator !!! When you learn, it goes easy and fast During listening Pink Floyd`s "Meddle", I finished middle deck house The best thing: I can print any layer separately Only one left to sawdust !!!
  17. Looking very good, but ... those wheels on deck ? I dont think so. Not real. Still looking very good
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