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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. @ Sherry, Thanks! @ Adrieke, Thanks, It still goes slow…and monday back to work @ Frank, hope it goes better with your feet. We need pictures! @ Robbyn, Thanks. @ Steve,Thanks for the tip. I'm not at the first ratline yet! first shrouds at the foremast.
  2. You can build them at large scale Popeye, Just take a trailer from your work, put some gears in it and voila….one machine
  3. Hi Ferit, Maybe I see the wrong pictures but I don't see any canon balls….. And watch out for some builders, they want /need canon balls…..
  4. Pictures….Very nice Andy! I have to keep that in mind for the next build….no complete mast before the shrouds are on it.
  5. Welcome back my friend. And tomorrow fishing?????? What time I have to be with you? Or are you thinking that you can go by your own….no way Jose! When those spiders are finished with you, please send them to me…..
  6. Thanks Frank, How is your Supply? Camera already back in the house?
  7. Thanks my friend. First the fore mast and then the horizontal things….a couple of a few hundred
  8. Hi Derek, Do you mean that Clown? I have another one with cotton canon balls in his hands…... When you come in Holland many times, you know that we are not normal You like the rigging part….. I know that the people from England are different…but that different I didn't know…….
  9. Thanks Andy, Now you can also follow the lessons of Master Danny…...
  10. Amazing work Piet, Sorry no pictures yet of Vlaardingen. It is raining and raining and raining again. I want to make sunny pictures for you.
  11. Hi Grant, It can go wrong………you are a optimist! At school when I was young and handsome….. my teacher has to tell me everything 100 times before I get the point what he is meaning or saying. And that was in Dutch! How do you think it goes now when all is in English?? The only thing what i can do is reading everything over and over again and make the best out of it! If it goes wrong it's not the way how Danny tells me, but if I understand it right I wish Danny was my teacher at school or Robbyn….. But then i know for sure that i was leaving school without a diploma More talk about modelling then schoolwork The deadeyes on the starboard side are also in place. Not the way Danny told me because the shrouds are already done when I've got my lesson…….I think it looks a little bit better then before I'am at modelling school….. I've got an other change at the foremast. Btw, I found something out….when you look at the last two pictures, from a distance it looks not so bad So when she is finished,and somebody is gonna take a look I'll show her from a far distance!
  12. Popeye, I have only good sides………. ( at least that is what Anja says….)
  13. Thanks Adrieke and Mark, No rush Adrieke but get your CF from under the bench No, I don't think so, next week back to work again The map with all the papers are gonna be thicker . No I have to see how the tips of Danny works out…... But no rush…..I want to finish her tomorrow
  14. Are you leaving me John? Ok then, for a while it's ok I hope you have better weather then we have the past 3 weeks... Have a save trip!
  15. Hi Jim, My I-Mac can talk to me and If I talk to other builders I know for sure that I'm not building anymore But thanks for dropping in.
  16. Thank you all for your nice comment…... I'm blushing here a little…. not to much! Danny, Wow, that's a tutorial you give me You know exactly what I mean! I printed this also out and put it in the" doing things better map " I get another change on the other side….. And of course the fore mast…. But that's for tomorrow! Thanks again everyone.
  17. Wow, here comes another picture! Main mast port side lanyards done Tomorrow the other side.
  18. When i do the mizzen mast shrouds, Grant told me about the jig and I don't listen to him! I can only blame myself. Thanks my friend
  19. It's not only with you Robbyn, It's to cold over here also. Normally I'm wearing short pants ( no pictures of that ) and now I'm still wearing a swather…….. The summer is not coming this year!
  20. Thanks John, I'm happy as it goes now. Still 24 to go ( or a bit more ) Good morning Robbyn, Our day is almost over…. Thanks for the coffee I wish I was listen earlier to Grant…. Now it goes faster and better….. I was just talking to Mobbsie on Skype and we where talking about the things to do. So first all the shrouds ,then the yards, then those lovely ratlines, then running rigging and then the backstays. Wow, still along way to go! And I forget the bowsprit…. That's for the last because that little thing is always in the way. Good to hear Patrick, I know how long it takes with the rigging. I'll wait patiently for the pictures
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