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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. The first deadeye with the lanyard are in place…. It took be about 1 hour to do it. But no pressure…..
  2. Thanks Grant and Popeye, @ Grant, When I cut every rope loose from the mast I see an other mistake that I make . At the book of rigging period ships you have to do 2 shrouds on one side and then 2 on the other side…..and so on. I did it not, just first all at one side and then to the other side. Learn something again @ Popeye, That was my mistake….the glue was already dry…... That's why a little damage!
  3. She can not wait Popeye….. She ask me all the time what it could be So for my peace, don't wait to long with posting it!
  4. Morning Theo, Thank you! I understand what you are saying….now I have to do it once! But that can take a while . First two other ships to finish. When the time is there I will come back to you!
  5. Thanks Sherry Today a little rigging and then the other side……... Then I can go on the jigsaw again…...
  6. Hi Mick, Great job you are doing. I don't say much but still following you! I see that you also get the "little" present from OcCre…. I have one myself when I was at the build of the Spirit and was also surprised when I see it. It's a great from them that they are doing this!
  7. Danny, I think you are right. It's easy to make a mistake and also easy to fix it ( sometimes) But i understand what you mean. It looks better!
  8. Hi Kevin, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has problems with those…..yes those
  9. You find it? It's something that I can not understand. Those stealers and drop planks…... I think I have to visit someone who can show me how it works…. Any volunteers?
  10. Thanks Adeline, I shall try to do that. But I try it once before and it turns out badly…... Thanks Mark, I can always say that Anja's Half Moon is angry on me……. Danny, A few weeks ago I had a few words for you that I don't put here….. Still a moderator in the house But now, THANKS! Sometimes you need the push to do something and you give it to me! It's still not perfect but I'm pleased with it. Mobbsie gave me the book Rigging period ship models and the first picture I see where the shrouds and lanyards……. Then there was the famous click……. Thanks teacher
  11. Hi Mick, To answer your question about the stealers ,take a look at the link. There you can find everything what concern the planking. http://modelshipworl...ng-articles.php
  12. Thanks Wayne, Maybe tomorrow i can do the other side ( If I want to ).
  13. Thanks Frank, Did you work on your ship today? As what you promised to Mobbsie yesterday…..
  14. This goes above my head…... Even google translation has lost his way! Next time please subtitles? Thank you!
  15. I'm carry on Augie, Is it ok when I'll do that tomorrow? I can replace the first strouds ( I hope ). And then I go to the other side…..
  16. Hi John, I'm glad that i have done the port side. Now I have to go to the starboard side ….. Thanks Popeye, I will see what I can do with it. I ask Anja for that kiss but she only wants to give me a kiss on the ……. Thanks Robbyn, I almost give it up but when you don't work on the ship for a few days, it goes better. But thanks for the head up
  17. Here are the promised pictures of the chainplates and chains. Maybe it is still not perfect but I keep it this way. So 4 more to go…..
  18. Looks very good Popeye, How long do you think before she is finished? When we are on the boat from Holland to England and back they had a lot of M&M stuff on board. We where thinking of Phyllis then. When she see that, I think you need another suitcase
  19. Great job Theo! With sanding you've got a nice and smooth surface. I'm experience in that Keep up the good work!
  20. Mark, You are telling me that I have to be careful with my new tools and now the master is hurting himself….. I'm glad to read that you still have your fingers! Skin can grow back but not fingers! Next time be more careful please! When we are coming to the States for vacation , i want to shake your hand with all the 5 fingers on it!
  21. Thanks Mark, I missed you guy's to! I want to take one of those buses at home but Anja not allowed me And about the Mirage……. I have rising the chainplates and attach a few chains….. Tomorrow I shall make a picture of it! Promised!!!!!!
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