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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Andy, I can almost hear your words in Holland when it's happening….. You have to be more careful……otherwise you can start a repair shop. Heads up and go on with fresh courage,
  2. Hi Adam, From me also a welcome back. And next time don't stay away for that long! First planking looks good and up to the next one!
  3. Hi Aldo, The dark side is still away…. And the pictures are in general discussions by the topic: visit Mobbsie. There you see all the pictures!
  4. Hi John, I want to do it yesterday but I was to tired….. They were great days but a lot of traveling. So I have to catch up today before I have to go for shopping….no food in the house! Then maybe I can go back to the build…. No, first the pictures this afternoon!
  5. Translating but no building yet…... NO PRESSURE but when you going get started????
  6. Hi Andy, I see that your mast is broken? You blame me because I shoot the mast off on Frank his Supply. I think those cotton canon balls are strong……. Now I have from 3 ships shoot the masts off The Supply, Victory and Pegasus Yes, it makes my day!
  7. Wow Ferit, I'm away for a few days and you are going in a higher gear?????? Great job on the Berlin.Very ,very nice! And you are NOT a beginner anymore,when I see your work then I'm a beginner…...
  8. Yes Augie, That's the Cutty! You will see the same picture when I posted it.
  9. Morning Sherry, I'll be home Great start of the planking! When you've got back from your little trip, you also have a lot to read?
  10. Hi Popeye, I think you know that we where at Mobbsie's place for a few days….. We see the Warrior and have taken a lot of pictures from her. There are only two versions. Witch one do you want to build? The old one or the "new" one? By the new one I meant the one with the sails and the steam engine….. When we sorted out the pictures I will open a topic in the general discussions and post some….not all 380! So let us know what you want.
  11. Augie, What are you talking about. You tell me that you are on the rigging…... But look who I see in London. You high on the yard!
  12. Oh Dear, i'm not gone yet and the moderator (You know her ) is do an hostile take over! Can she not wait till I'm really gone?????? I was thinking a little about tomorrow…. Me, standing on the bridge….sailing into the sunset…to see that good old England, land of wind and rain. I look back and see the port of Rotterdam, slowly moving out of my view. My house a little further away…with my PC with the Internet. Thinking at that wonderful site called MSW. Where all my friends are in tears because I'm not there to cheer them up with al those difficult things like painting, rigging and spider training. How do they survive without me….. And then this…yippie he is away, I can call for pictures! Another dream in pieces! Thank you Robbyn!!!!!!!!
  13. He Captain! Congrats on your promotion! Now you can sit at the Captain's table with Augie and me
  14. Robbyn, I don't blame you that you keep the lanyards like this. I have see somewhere that you have pull the rope true the beeswax block. And that for several times…... Than for the board, I also use the Dremel workbench at the moment. I bought 6 brackets in a L shape, screw them at a board that is longer as the keel, and place them between the frames. For me it works perfect. When the hull is planked ,maybe you can found another solution ( like the Dremel workbench ) And I have to agree with Wayne, I also hear the little voice from the Syren…LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT!!!!
  15. You've got it John But man, that is not cheap…... I can now work till I'm 70 to pay this..
  16. Hello Girl and Boys….. Everybody thanks for dropping in. About the smoking…. It's the same as they told me I can not drinking coffee anymore, building on a ship. Those things are not happening! So I still light up a cigarette!
  17. After a morning of hard cleaning work, here is the result….. And because you guy's don't trust me with the new tools, see what i have placed next to the tools….
  18. I know what Kriek is Adrieke….. But I see you also have some Warsteiner….I'll take that. No Robbyn, not that beer…to heavy! He Adrieke , you see that? She drinks it if it's water….. I think we need a
  19. One beer only then Robbyn…. Common, let's go! I want to see the steering cabin and the engine room. Watch out where you walk, there is a lot of stuff on the deck! Do you see that big guy? He is still working on her……..en next to him …..BEER!!!!!!!
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