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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi Aldo, I think that Le Mirage don't like me anymore…. Everything what can goes wrong, goes wrong Deadeyes are falling out of the shrouds. Lanyards are loosing them self. So I think it is the best to let her rest for a while. I'm happy that I have still the SI where I can work on. I'm going to finish her ,but not at this moment.
  2. Kevin, You are missing a few planks on the little boat….you know that? Nice thought to build those davits…..
  3. I don't want to but I have to agree with Mobbsie Great job on the lanyards and shrouds! Mobbsie is happy when he can do half of that……I think there is no measurement for which I'm happy when I can do that…..
  4. Hi David, I think when you remove the clamps everything stays at it was There is no movement anymore….
  5. Hi Andy, I don't know who it was saying but the length of the lanyard is 2 1/2 times the deadeye….. I think It's now to long . But you are doing a much better job then I do!
  6. Hi Adrieke, You are a little like Popeye…... Building at 3 ships and maybe number four in on his way. You spend more time to update your logs then you are building But I can say nothing, because I know when I have the Agnammenon, I also start with her…….. I hope I can finish the Le Mirage before that!
  7. Hi Adrieke, The San Ildefonso came in 8 boxes…... I have also A3 sheets for the rigging. It's not that difficult to follow them. Every shroud and rope tells you where it is and goes. My intention is to mark every rope that I have done with a yellow marker. Started at page 1 ( of course ) OcCre is not that difficult to send something afterwards when it is not provide in the kit. In my experience, there good with that! I hope that I can finish this weekend all the shrouds and can start the ratlines……. So make a beginning with how you can start at the CF.
  8. Hi Aldo, You went to the dark side and for me ,everything you showing me this far is dark side…... I try to follow everything but give me almost a ….. But never mind, I love those discussions and will follow you further.
  9. Morning Adrieke, Thanks for pointing out where the gap is. I didn't see it in the first place! Slowly but steady you are getting there
  10. Ferit, Unbelievable! Thanks for the macro pics, amazing job you are doing. Those kevels are real….. I enjoy every picture that you make. I'm looking forward to the next one
  11. Morning Sherry, In my opinion I also goes for number 3. It speaks a little . It jump out of the crowd The colour is warm and the grain is great!
  12. Wow piet, I have already problems with those small deadeyes and those lids are even smaller…. I have big hands! But it looks great. And only 64 of those….. By the time it is Christmas, you are finished with them
  13. Morning Danny, Thanks, so futtock staves it's gonna be. And thanks for the pictures how it's gonna be at the top of the mast . That was something I was looking for.
  14. Hi Mario, This is gonna be interesting! So let's start with a few questions. If I see it right, when you've done the planking you have to remove the top. By cutting or using a saw? When I look at the pictures, it's totally different. I think I just shut my mouth and see what's going on.
  15. Great planking job Mobbsie! It looks good. A few more planks on the top and then you can go to the coppering part 63 meters of planks is a lot! I think i ask Anja if she wants to help me
  16. Hi Patrick, I still have to do the fore mast shrouds and then…ratlines! But one question for who read this…. I have no futtocks stave's but I want to place them. Is that a wise decision or not?
  17. Thanks Yambo….. Stupid me I could figure that out by myself!
  18. Hi Per, If you like that colour,don't change it! I was just curious what was written there. Now I know it
  19. No hurry Ferit, The only thing I have to do today is some shopping…. So take your time!
  20. Morning Per, My mistake….. I see the date at 4 March…early in the morning maybe? And then an other thing ( If you don't mind) Under your name there is something written in bright green….. I can not read it, maybe you can change the colour?
  21. Hi Per , Welcome back! What took you so long? And your avatar is a question mark??????
  22. Can you make a close up picture Ferit? Maybe a macro? Then we can see it much better…..
  23. Very well done Popeye, Congrats on an other beauty! Maybe you can change your name into Master builder Popeye? Anja has popup the champagne so lets drink! cheers!!
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